Alert! Approaching a New Enemy

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Izuku came out of the staff room wearing new and big school clothes . Everyone in the classroom couldn't believe that is the same scrawny little Izuku. Now with a tall muscular body . It's as if miracle has happened . Izuku was checking out If his shoes are still in a good condition. And they weren't. Those shoes are on their last threads barely holding onto their life.

Izuku was walking towards his class. He was also very confused and amazed. By his own growth but couldn't figure out as how did it happen in few moments. When suddenly strikes him.

Izuku: Is it because of my growth and leveling with the help of my quirk? It already explained that my body will start becoming stronger but this way beyond my imagination! (As he looks at his hands. He feels them and also sees that they have become rough and his forearms looks like he has gone through some intense training or maybe war)

After a few moments Izuku was standing infront of his classroom door. He opens the door to see his homeroom teacher and his classmates including his sister and Bakugo.

Izuku:May I come in?

Teacher: Yes... yes! Take ur seat Mr.Yagi.
(As he comes out of his mind)

Izuku:Thank you sir.

As he sits on his seat which was beside Bakugo.

Teacher: Alr... alright class we should the lesson. (Still being baffled as how did Izuku grow so much after one day)

As Teacher continues the lesson. After lesson there was 5 mins break before the next teacher comes in the class.

Katsuki: Alright nerd! How did you get so tall and bulky after some few minutes?! (As he slams his hand with explosion on his desk to threaten Izuku)

Izuku kept his posture the same.

Izuku:I do not know.

Katsuki:Huhhhh!( as he makes a gorilla like expression) I don't believe you! Is it because of your quirk?

As he says that Izumi comes behind Izuku and puts her hand on Izuku's shoulder.

Izumi:Ohhh Katsuki are you trying to insult Izuku because of his lame quirk? How can his Sytem type quirk which should only help him keep data stored for him will be able to help him? It's probably some other quirk effect. Probably some one accidentally hit him with some kind of growth quirk. He will transform back to his normal after some time.

As she finishes her sentence Izuku swiped her hand of his shoulder.

Izumi:( I am sorry Izuku but I can't let my little bro get hurt by villains. It hurts me to put you down so much but if it sures that you will go to heroism then I am not letting go of it. After thing normalizes and you give up on that stupid dream we will become the same old brother and sister. I don't want my brother to get killed by villains) Ouch! Why did you do that?! I was just stating facts! You always were weak! And you still will be the same old weak kid! ( I am sorry Izuku but I will not let you become a hero)

Katsuki:Yeah! She was just stating facts!!

As he was about to his Izuku when of his minions called him.

As he looks behind to see his minion.

Katsuki's Minion: Bakugo-san some delinquents arrived at our school and are threatening our school's students and classmates . We need your help!

Katsuki:Huh! Some other school's delinquents who dares to threaten our school's students! Who dares to Bully those losers only I am allowed to threaten them! Show me where they are! (As he leaves Izuku behind and starts following the Minion all of his classmates also follow them to see the fight leaving behind Izuku all alone)

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