52. The time happily ever after Began

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Feeling like you're on cloud nine—is such a bizarre saying. To compare extreme happiness or even to go as far as using the word euphoria—that's where I am, what I feel.

Overwhelming happiness.

It's an all-consuming sensation to connect the way I have with the Alpha from the North. Who would have thought someone so formidable yet unparallel could be so normal? It's not a word I typically keep or use in my vocabulary – normal. What is that? Who is normal, really? But it's the closest term I could fathom with the behaviour I've been so incredibly blessed with over these past several weeks, months, really.

There is no doubt the alcohol and ambience surrounding us have played a part in Silas opening up, but it's way more than that. He's genuine and has told me things I know he's never told another living soul. I, in return, without hesitation, replicated. It's easy, and although most of our time was spent laughing, eating and rating the food, poking fun and teasing one another with silly questions, there were moments of downright weightiness.

Sorrow dosed heavily with agony while he or I reflected—only to be offered a word or two of understanding or empathetic recourse.

It is an experience that will live within my top memories of all time. How a humble, meek human crossed paths with an almighty Alpha. "Jane?" Since breaking the seal hours ago, I turn from leaving the ladies' room for the umpteenth time. Shortly after Yanick arrived at our table, Sarah and Lannister made their appearance too. My mate and I were left alone for most of the night, as the newly wedded couple had their duties to mingle while Yanick was cutting it up on the dancefloor with his newest love interest.

With Silas and I fully stuffed and still somewhat tipsy—although we did slow down on our boozing—we decided to ditch the reception with my friends to head out to cause a ruckus—his words, not mine. It was always the plan, the five of us, to spend a bit of quality time together before we went off in different directions until we could meet again one day—hopefully not too far in the future.

"Darrel?" my eyes drift over his soiled white busboy uniform. His grin grows as he takes a step forward to hug me. Shaking my head, I lift my hand to stop him. His grin falters slightly, but he hangs back as I eye him.

"It is you." His eyes drift over my body, which is fully covered in my woollen three-quarter length navy coat, and brown heeled boots, which I swapped out from my heels—finishing with a modest-looking scarf, and tam. Nothing is revealing about my assemble, but his expression makes me squirm. "You look different, in a good way." Humming, I nod with a tight smile before moving toward where my friends will be waiting... 

"There was a buzz about a horrifically unsightly, freckled human with an Alpha at one of the receptions held here tonight." My back stiffens as I try to remain calm. "I never imagined in a million years it could be you."

"And why is that?" The silky-smooth velveteen tone of the shifter himself comes from behind both of us. Turning, my eyes meet silvery blues. His impressive form towering over Darrel's as the guy I once thought was my boyfriend pales to a colour reminiscent of his uniform. Tugging on my leather gloves and adjusting my purse on my arm, Silas and I wait for Darrel to answer. "I asked you a question, human." The tenacity and bite to his tone have the hair creeping up the back of my neck.

"It doesn't matter, my Alpha," I smooth the scene over. Darrel is petrified to turn around. I can see him physically shaking. "He's nobody." I slap his shoulder as I walk by. "Catch you around, Darrel."

"Darrel?" The growl of anger has the Alpha moving and with agility. "Darrel from the diner?" My confusion outweighs Silas's absolute cunning grin as he spins the petrified man around. "Fuck. Well, look at who we have here."

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