PROLOGUE) His Messenger Freak

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Scribble. Think. Scribble. Hesitate. Erase. Groan.

As Amaterasu Kamiya shoved her head into her sore, fragile hands, she dropped the pencil she was using to write with and yawned. The volume inside the mess hall seemed to increase every time she scratched out a mistake on her ten-paged report.

Amaterasu was probably on her second one so far, and she was determined to finish up all five reports based on all the campuses she needed to deliver letters to. Three of them were due today, so the pressure was on, no time to even eat.

Amaterasu slowly composed her tired body. She took a deep breath, then picked up her pencil again and let it fly on the freshly printed packet, making the people around her gawk at the quickness and also laugh at the strange vibe that was produced from her.

Amaterasu smiled. Of course Amaterasu didn't care. She didn't bother with the looks of disgrace and disappointment. Of course she didn't mind the wretched grumble that exploded from her stomach every time one of her fellow comrades chowed down on their prepared lunches. Amaterasu just didn't have the time to worry.

When your job is to hand out papers, letters, maps of future expeditions, diagrams of titan's insides, it's not necessary to think, or in this case, care.

Amaterasu was a drone; she was a freak. She never fitted comfortably with any of the cliques inside her squad. In fact, she wasn't even in a squad. If Amaterasu was supposed to process, think, or even speak, she might have been like one of the cool girls with a lot of friends at her side. She could of had the chance to be a decent titan-shredder, or at least a fair trainee. Too bad that opportunity never even once glanced her way.

"Hey, you're Heichou's little bitch, right?"

The room quieted down, the chattering dissolving into thin air. Some stopped mid-chew from their meal, eyeing the scene that was about to go down between two completely different people. All the attention was shifted towards Amaterasu, waiting for a response to be shot back at the speaker.

Tired, exhausted, and starving, Amaterasu suddenly felt her blood run cold. She gently placed down her pencil and twisted around in her seat, scared of what might happen next. A small glance is all it took to feel the wrath of embarrassment reign down upon Amaterasu's dignity.

"I'm waiting for an answer!" The impatient witch bellowed, hitting her fist on a nearby table.

Amaterasu slowly looked up. A girl with silky dark hair, a slim figure, and pretty brown eyes had a tormented glare on her face. Behind her were three other look-alikes, all abnormally pretty, giggling at the poor child with stacks of papers that lay at her side.

Amaterasu tried to gulp down her fear. But sadly, her bravery was left in her cramped office, along with her other unfinished reports, "W-Well, I-I-"

The girl held up a hand in protest, "You know what? Forget it. I don't even want to know. A poor little peasant girl like yourself probably can't even speak up to a real member of the Survey Corps!"

Amaterasu shuttered at the rude statement. In all of her years of receiving unnecessary comments, this was the first one that really stung her like a knife; making a huge wound in her heart. The crowd around the girls seemed to close in on her, some sneering and others rolling their eyes in annoyance.


The random girl narrowed her eyes and put her hands on her hips, "Are you deaf? I said don't speak! Don't tell me Heichou is working with a disabled scumbag!"

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