2) His Messenger Foe

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2) His Messenger Foe

Fucking hell...

I moaned in pain as I felt around with my agonizing hands. My eyes were shut tight, letting me ignore some of the stinging sensation. I let my fingers slide up and done my sides briskly to feel for any abnormal pain.


I then laced my fingers together and pressed them against my face carefully, seeing as my cheekbone was where all of the pain was being produced from, and felt a huge swelling thump. I bit my lip at the thought of having a volcano across my whole face.

"You awake, princess?"

I jolted upwards in shock, surprised someone else was in the room with me, "H-Huh?"

I felt a flick at the back of my head and twisted around, but instantly winced at the discomfort forming down the spine of my neck. It was like every time I moved one muscle it would puncture every other in my body.

"Careful," I heard a quiet chuckle.

I recognize that annoying laugh, I thought quietly to myself.

Once most of the pain in my spine calmed down I was successful at twisting my hips to meet my visitor. I let my eyes adjust to the sight, but then quickly wished I was completely blind at the glimpse of the infamous Eric Hansen.

I groaned obnoxiously loud.

"What do you want now?" I whimpered while shoving a frustrated hand through my thick locks.

I earned a sly smile from Eric. His whole pretty boy act made me want to jump off a cliff and dive right into the mouth of a titan. The obnoxious boy looked into my eyes, shuffled my hair, and then got up from his chair. He then started to walk impatiently around my bed, "Tell me what happened with Ackerman."

My eyes suddenly grew wide.

Eric wasn't here to check up on me, was he? Eric Hansen, a handsome but halfhearted prune, was here to drain me of all the information I held. He acted as if I didn't know his motive-like I was completely oblivious of the fact that he wanted to overpower Levi.

And you know what? It truly sickens me, considering the only man on this hopeless planet that can save the human population was forced to work with Eric.


Images of yelling and screaming suddenly filled my insides. There was one of a man's fist, preferably Levi's, slammed on a desk with full force. Another one projected a big, demolishing balled up hand slamming me right in my face. The anger plastered all over Levi's face as he literally ripped my soul out of my body scared the living shit out of me.

Sweat dripped down my forehead as my vision caught a glance of the young lieutenant staring into my scared orbs.

I gulped down my fear and ignored the bizarre behavior from Eric, "Levi didn't tell you what happened?"

Eric turned from me and to the glorious view from my window, "Ackerman said it didn't matter. He mumbled something about dealing with amateurs and walked away with his hands thrown in the air."

"How nice," I murmured to myself.

A long pause of silence hung over the whole entire room. My eyes were glued to my sweaty hands, and I was absolutely positive that Eric returned to creepily staring at the back of my head. Heck, I could even feel his eyes burning holes near my shoulder blades.

Eric sighed and started to make some noise, kind of like big footsteps. They grew even louder as they slowly made their way to my bedpost. I was still laying down, snuggled up in my sheets, with my head sticking up from against my cushiony pillow. My arms were rested by my side and my legs were securely balled up by my chest.

His Messenger Girl || AoT / SnK FanFiction || Levi x OC ( I'm back! )Where stories live. Discover now