Still the next day

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Are pov
I was walking down the hallway till I finally made it to my room so I went in and got dressed after that I left to the main corried I wonder where my roommates are mmmm I don't care well anyway I need to get to the real reason I'm here to sign up for wait for it wait for it 🎊cheerleading 🎊 haha probs not worth waiting for but hay whatever
🍀 Niall's pov 🍀
I was going through the corried when I saw Ariana signing up for cheerleading talking to her self but I'm not going to (insert word) that so I went up to her signing up for cheerleading huh I said huh what oh hay Niall what are u doing here she said.nothin just saw a beautiful girl I wanted to talk to I said with a wink oh well you better go find her she said . You do realize it's you right I Said . Then she blushed aww
Alexa's pov 🙀
I was walking down the hall when I saw Niall yay but talking to that chick Adana or what ever I need something to do something that will catch his attention and I no just the way to do it haaaaaa I said then I noticed a boy looking at me . What have a problem then I walked the other way while flipping him off.

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