The roomates

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As I walk down the hall I still think about that Niall guy he was really my cup of tea so anyway as I made my way down the hall I found my room here goes nothing thump thump.
(A/N sorry I keep changing up povs but here goes ) perri pov
Me and el were talking to our friends Daniella and Alexa any way as we were talking about shoes we herd thump thump. I wonder who it I'll get it I said as I opened the door a girl was there um hello I said more like a question . Hi, I'm Ariana but before I could say something back me ,el,dani, oh and Alexa new friends came jade ,jesy,and Leghiann (a/n I do not how to spell so thir gonna call her Anna )
So I Said hi to ariana and went to my friends.
Ari pov
Wow that was very rude but hay we'll become friends sooner or later so after that I went to my side of the room and decorated (room at the top) and let me tell you it looked good I can tell by the shocked faces on the girls but hay what can I say I love flower and pink hmm. And then when I finished unpacking my large closet. I saw that it was night wow I really have it stop dozeing off. Anyway took my shower and went to sleep.
Updated uup dated .

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