Chapter Two

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Today is very sunny day, but I have work to do. I have to go to my parents' house and help them with TV. Oh God, that damn old TV. I hate it so much! They bought it about 20 years ago and I think that it was the cheapest TV that was ever made. I'm gonna buy them a new one for Christmas, which is in two months. I don't know how will they react, but honestly, I don't even care, because this old thing is broken for a long time. I was thinking I could buy it today or even go to the shop and choose one at least. I don't care about the price, come on, they're my parents.

After I ran some errands, I finally went to that shop. When I walked through the door, God damn, I've never seen so many televisions together at one place! This is gonna be very hard. Let's see. I wanna give them some big modern TV, but not that modern, because they wouldn't know what to do with it. Maybe neither would I. Well I see it! I'm looking at one of the televisions at the moment. It kinda big, but not that big. It has a controller near it, let's try it. Wow, this is not that hard as i thought. This might be the one. I think I should buy it right now, because I feel like this TV is perfect, so anybody could buy it before me and then I'd have to pick a new one. I see some worker standing near me and smiling, so I smile at him too. He is kinda good looking. My type - brown hair, big brown eyes. He has so pretty eyes. I think I should talk to him. ,,Hello, I would like to buy this TV." I started pointing to it. ,,Hey, I see. Alright then, let's get you a new TV." he says and smiles again. ,,Umm, this TV is not actually for me. It's for my parents as a gift for Christmas." ,,I see, you're very kind." he looks at me and I look at him back. We headed to a counter and he is looking into a computer right now. Oh wow, he has that hands. You know, veiny hands but not that old veiny, I find this very hot. ,,Well we seem having a little problem here. We don't have this TV here right now and it will arrive on Tuesday. Is that okay?" he looks worried and embarrassed, cute. ,,Sure it's okay! I actually wasn't even planning to buy it today. I thought I'll just go there and choose some, not buy it yet. This one seems perfect though, so why shouldn't I buy it today? Yeah, so, it's completely fine." he looks at me the whole time. Okay, now I'm the one who feels a little embarrassed. ,,Haha, okay. So, I..uh I mean we will need your name with phone number or email adress, so we can let you know when it's here. Don't worry, you can be sure that one of new arrivals is yours and will be waiting for you." he hands me a little yellow paper and a pen. I take it, write my name, phone number and email adress. ,,Sophie, such a pretty name. My name is Adam by the way." ,,Oh, thank you, I like your name too." Adam. Adam and Eve. Adam and Sophie, haha, sounds better.

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