Chapter Three

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Tuesday. Finally. Wait, what? How can I be so excited for a person I've seen only once?! It's literally so crazy how a person can change your life. Adam. I couldn't stop thinking about him since Friday. I'm waiting for Adam's call whole day. It's 12:34pm and my phone finally rings! ,,Hello?" ,,Hello Sophie" oh gosh I'm smiling like a 13 year old girl even though I'm 21 ,,it's Adam. Your TV just got in here. Are you able to pick it up today?" Yes the hell I am!!! ,,Oh, hi! Of course, I'll just put my shoes on and go. Thank you!" ,,No problem, see ya!" Yay! Well I don't think it'll be just shoes. It might be a make-up, dress and nice shoes. After half an hour I was finally ready. I got into my car and drove to the shop, listening to love songs and honestly I don't even know why. When I got there and got through the door, I saw him. Adam. He smiles at me and he has glasses on. Black ones. He looks so handsome! Oh my God I missed that smile so much. He waves at me and I wave at him back. ,,Hey Adam!" ,,Hi Sophie, how are you doing today?" Did he really just ask me about my day? He is so sweet. ,,I'm great, thank you for asking. How are you?" ,,I'm fine, but bored, because of work, you know." ,,Yeah I do." We both laugh. ,,So, where's my TV?" ,,Oh right, wait right there, I'll bring it here." Damn, it's big and Adam is strong. He has pretty strong arms and the muscles oh my God hello?! Excuse me sir, I gotta arrest you for being the sexiest man in the world. ,,Here it is young lady." Please marry me. I wasn't talking for about 3 seconds and just staring at him, because he is perfect. ,,Thank you sir." We smiled at each other. I payed and then I was putting my purse to my bag, but suddenly something happened. ,,Sophie?" I looked at him. ,,Adam?" ,,Would you like to go out sometime?" I tried to be normal and hide my happiness, so I just smiled. ,,Yes of course, well, you have my phone number already, so, let me know??" I was unsure and nervous, but I knew that I'm very happy. He smiled at me and extended his hand to me. I gave him my hand and we shook hands. Suddenly something went through my whole body and I had so many butterflies in my stomach. I felt something I've never felt before. Love. You know, not that love, but the real love. The one that you just don't randomly feel when some guy smiles at your on the street. The one when you just know. And this was the moment when I knew.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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