Chapter 10 : Aftermath {Part 2}

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Disclaimer: This was a year ago before the fox episode aired, so this part is much from my imagination.

Still Chris POV

"So today my amigos, are going to be inspecting one of my favorite canines, the fox!" Aviva announced with her usual excitement.

"At least there's still some good luck in here." I mumbled while I was munching some boiled corn.

"What?" Asked Jimmy, swiveling beside me and giving me a shock.

He was dressed in his usual clothes, no pain, no worries, and definitely no nightmare.

"N-nothing, I just *crunch* said that the *gulp* -the corn was delicious!" I stammered.

My eyes were closed all that time, and when I opened them, I saw Jimmy shrugging and going back to the Crew as if he didn't have a care in the world.

All of them were talking about foxes, and I am good on my own. Right?

I shook that spine-chilling thought off my head, and nervously avoided them.

"Hey Chris! You coming?" Called out Martin, noticing me before I was able to sneak away.

"Yeah! Sure!" I said with fake enthusiasm.

"Come on then!  I know you don't wanna miss the fun." He responded happily as I feebly went over to him, and outside.

Outside. The big, giant cursed place. I could die any minute out here.

I started, quite not ready to hear my thoughts so loud and rich.

"Yeah," I muttered to myself.


We spent the rest of the day readying ourselves to the appearance of foxes.

We placed cameras, made some info for our prepared/not made CPDs (they are Creature Power Discs, if you were wondering) and had a light nap in the Tortuga till night came.

I tried so hard to take my mind off the troubling things, and it did work.

Soon, the unavoidable time came.

Third person POV

"Guys! It's night-time! You don't want to miss out the foxes, do you?" Aviva called out impatiently.

Chris and Martin groggily proceeded to go with the others to check on the cams near the foxes' dens. And just with pajamas too.

It was dark, and the camera did not show anything.

"Neh, maybe those foxes didn't live there anyway, so bye. I'm off to-" Jimmy impatiently said, while staring at the large screen intensely.

Before he finish his sentence or zoom away with his transportable chair with wheels, Aviva hushed him and pointed at the screen. A fox had finally appeared. And that made him quiet.

The cam must've had night vision, because the lenses became more clear, and they could see the young critter clearly.

"Oh, ooh! Look!" Koki squealed. The Crew all looked at where she was pointing and saw many more foxes.

"The fox's cubs!!! Hey Chris, what shall we name them?" Martin asked Chris while staring at the screen .

No answer came.

Chris was watching proudly all this time at the screen. He was excited about the fine, fluffy, suit that he – and his big brother and friends – would wear.

But then all of a sudden he saw something on the screen.

Chris POV

My eyes twitched uncomfortably as I saw a figure a few miles away from the camera.

It was him.

I blinked a few times and scanned the screen again.


I started to get creeped out, my mind becoming blank every time I stare into the screen.

I didn't understand anything I had just thought about, because I had none.

"Chris, CHRIS! Listen to me when I'm talking to you!" Pleaded Martin impatiently as he shook me all over. He was grinning with exasperation, because I wouldn't answer, and the Crew were looking at us in curiosity.

Anger and shame rose up from me and I tensed up, breathing in shakily and screaming with all my might, "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU-" Rude and unfriendly words came out of my mouth that was not suitable to write.

Martin was taken aback. All he wanted was attention to his face and he deserved it.
My face contorted into malevolent pride, though my heart was bursting into painful shards. Though some would think never did mean any of them, I meant them.

The Crew stared at me in confusion.

"P-perhaps... Chris needs to go to sleep. Like me!" Jimmy nervously commented.

"Yes, perhaps." Martin said. "Come." He pointed to me.

Wild Kratts AU: The World Inside Your MindWhere stories live. Discover now