Trial by Tale

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The teachers starting arguing with each other discussing the events that had just occurred. From what I could gather from mid shouts and taunts, apparently Sophie and Tedros are in love which caused a commotion between Evers and Nevers resulting in a fight. "Please! Please! Please!" Dovey shouted all eyes now on her, "Dating between Evers and Nevers is strictly against the rules". "Thank you." Lesso replied agreeing for once with Clarissa "Evil and good do not belong together. It's rep...repulsive" Lesso continued. I merely listened as I had little say in matter. "Sir if I may. I'm responsible for choosing  Camelot's next Queen. I do not take that decision lightly. I chose Sophie because she is good. She's just in the wrong school" Tedros interrupted trying to sound manly, I scoffed and opened my mouth to say something, he was by close friend after all but Sophie interrupted before I had the chance. "If he believes it, why can't you" she pleaded, "Beside, nothing can keep true love apart." Agatha chimed in "isn't that like the first rule of fairy tales?".

The school master finally spoke "If it is true love, such a thing would certainly be momentous" Dovey chuckled in response "It seems to me there is only one way to be sure" I added earning looks from everyone surprised I was talking. "A Trail by Tale!" I announced with a slight grin, a nod in agreement from the school master received several gasps from mainly teachers "What!" "NO" "School master please".

"School master, y/n I accept" Tedros announced over the ramble which resulted in pure silence. "Uh.. sorry. What is a trail by tale?" Sophie stupidly question, I simply rolled my eyes and stood up. "Sophie my dear" i replied with a fake smile "a trial by tale is where each of you have to enter the blue forest on opposite sides, you have to defeat what ever danger is presented and you must find each other before dawn."

"Help, strictly forbidden" Lesso exclaimed. "Sophie, we can do this" Tedros said with hope in his voice as he faced his 'true love' "you love me and I love you, all we have to do is find each other and then you can be my queen at my side forever and always." with a slight pause Sophie finally spoke "We can do this.". 

"The trail shall begin....." a long paused followed as the school master was trying to build the suspense, with a bang on the table he finished the pause "at sundown". 

As sundown came I stood on the edge of the blue forest with the Nevers on my left and the Evers on my right, Tedros and Sophie stood together infront of me. I was worried about Tedros but he would come to his senses when Sophie lets him down. "Sophie of Gavaldon and Tedros of Camelot. A trial by tale is not to be taken lightly, do you wish to proceed?" I announced. Tedros immediately said I do where as Sophie seemed a bit hesitant before saying yes. "If either of you wish to stop the trail drop the red handkerchief on the ground and you shall be transported to safety." I proceeded. With that Dovey escorted Tedros to his side of the blue forest and Lesso walked Sophie to hers. With a loud bang of a drum "Let the Trial begin" I shouted. 

After about an hour of silence Sophie could be heard screaming in panic shouting for Tedros. "Do you think she's alright?" Dovey asked, "Hopefully she gets taught a lesson and Tedros opens his eyes" I replied earning a shocked look from with deans. During the trail of a mixture of silence, screaming, name calling and what sounded like fighting could be heard. When dawn was almost upon us Tedros finally reappeared in front of me looking slightly bloody, bruised and very defeated. "I'm sorry Tedros, I truly am" I whispered to him. "With that the Trail by Tale is at an end, please return to your dorms" I shouted so that all the students could hear. Once the area was cleared and only the select few teachers remained Sophie finally reappeared with which I simply look disapprovingly but also happily at her and walked away happy with the result of the trial by tale.

I walked to the library with Lesso by my side I felt some alone time with my wife was needed, when there was no one in sight she slipped her hand into mine intertwining her fingers with mine. "That went well" I stated "I suppose so" she replied. We both smiled at each other as we walked in silence enjoying the company of the other. When we arrived Lesso picked the big comfy chair next to fire which she lit with her powers "Perfect" she stated with a soft smile gazing at me. She watched as I ran my fingers over the books decided which one would reveal its secrets, I went for the book of the school's history as I really should know more as the school masters apprentice. Lesso stretched her arm out indicated for the book earning a questioning look from me, as she read the cover she looked confused "Really? isn't that a bit boring", "I need to know about it. It might be interesting you never know." I replied with a loving gaze. I curled up on Lesso lap cuddling into her, my head resting on her shoulder listening to her steady heartbeat as she softly began to read. 

A few hours had past and I could tell Lesso was getting very bored with the history book. I gently placed my lips on her neck and slowly moved my kisses up her neck leaving a few subtle marks as I moved my kisses towards her plump red lips. I repositioned myself so that I could get better access, my legs were now either side of hers trapping her in place. The kiss quickly got more passionate and Lesso started moaning causing my lips to vibrate earning a grin from me, Lesso began to undo my shirt leaving my chest exposed. I tilted my head back as my wife began moving her kisses down my neck and towards my chest to give her better access when the door was slammed opened. Me and Lesso quickly spun our heads round to reveal the shocked and quite embarrassed face's of Dovey, Agatha and Anemone the beauty teacher.

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