.Chapter Three.

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She was beautiful, exactly how I had imagine she would look
She had my button nose that everyone used to adore when I was younger, I was surprised to see her with so much hair but the dark tone of it heightens her skin tone
Now I might be biased but she is perfect 
So so perfect

"Hi Baby" I cooed smiling at her as she made her own happy content noises playing with my finger that she was attempting to grasp in her hand 
"Arden" Alexander's voice called but I couldn't look up at him 

He was going to take her away from me and I couldn't let him, he made it known I didn't belong in his world and neither does she
She's innocent
I need to protect her especially if he won't

"She looks like you" I muttered stroking our daughters cheek as I felt Alexander move closer
He wasn't going to be leaving anytime soon, I just hope he agrees to leave empty handed

"Please don't take her from me Alexander. Please" I said looking up at him, meeting those same green eyes I had once found comfort in, now he was the enemy. Someone who wanted to take her from me
"I'm not going to tesoro" He whispered placing his hand on my arm that held our daughter
"But you said-" I started before he shook his head
"Does she have a name yet?" He asked making me smile down at the sleeping beauty
"Aria" I whispered making Alexander chuckle gently smiling over at me
"Treasure?" He asked and I nodded

Every since I first met Alexander, he would always call me treasure. At first I didn't understand the word he used but Bella told me what it meant 
Then after finding out about the pregnancy, I knew I had to link the two together some how 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Alexander asked after I put Aria down, she was sleeping and did not need to be disturbed by where ever this exchange goes
"I thought you knew? You started sending me those letter about a month into me knowing about her" I said slightly confused at the entire situation

"Tesoro, that wasn't me. I didn't send you any letters, the only thing I did do wa-" He started 
"Leo?" I asked and he nodded
"Tell your friend that if he doesn't want to be caught stalking someone he should be less obvious. He was literally everywhere I was" I said making Alexander close his eyes before letting out a small huff
"If it wasn't you Alexander, then who was it?" I asked 

"You were never supposed to be apart of this Arden. I should have never crossed this line with you" He said taking his hands in mine
"It's a little late for that now Alexander. Who wants our daughter" I growled pulling my hands away

"I don't know but my brothers are looking into it as we speak. For the time being, I want you and Aria to move into ours" He said but I shook my head
"No" Was all I said turning to look at Aria
"you said it wasn't safe for me to be in your world. I am not subjecting her to that Alexander" I said but he narrowed his eyes slightly as if challenging me
"This wasn't up for discussion Tesoro. You and Aria will be coming with me the minute you are discharged. I didn't want you in this world because I knew that you were too innocent for it but now, now I need to protect you" He said before looking over at Aria
"Both of you" He added 

"We can't all of her things are at my flat and they aren't cheap Alexander" I warned him
"Tesoro. do you really think I care about the money? Anything either of you need will be taken care of. All you need to do is agree" He said making me scoff

"I thought you said it wasn't up for discussion?" I asked
"It isn't" He smirked
"but I figured getting to you agree would be better then dragging you kicking and screaming after you've just had a baby" He warned me 

"But make no mistake Tesoro, I will if I need to" He said leaning in close, close enough I could feel his breath against my neck sending shivers straight down my spine 

This is temporary, the moment they figure out who sent me those letters, Aria and I are leaving. We don't belong in his world, in his life. And I'll do everything I can to protect my daughter.


We were in the hospital for 2 days, but it felt a hell of a lot longer then that. I won't lie and say I'm not glad to be seeing the back of that place. But not knowing with Aria and I are about to walk into is enough to send myself into hives
"Everything is set up in our room. I read somewhere that Aria can't sleep alone for the first 6 months" Alexander said as we pulled into his gated house
Of course his house is gated
"What do you mean, our room?" I asked seeing a small smirk on his lips through the mirror
"I can't protect you if you aren't by my side Tesoro" He warned me 

Alexander had the pleasure of taking Aria's car seat with her still inside it. He told me I wasn't allowed to lift a finger and with how rough I still feel I was not going to fight him on this one 
He wrapped an arm around my waist allowing me to sink into his touch slightly as we walked through the big wooden door. 
The moment we entered the foyer, the noise through out the house was obvious. All of his brothers were here somewhere
"They are here!" Damon practically yelled
"Let's gooooo!" Callan screamed alerting Aria to her surroundings startling her from her sleep

"Well done you idiots" Bradley said as he joined us hearing Aria's screeches
"Twats" Alexander said as I picked up Aria calming her down
"Language" I glared making the brothers snigger

"Nice to see you again darlin and nice to meet you little darlin" Damon said getting a little close to take a look at his niece
This is strange, so freaking strange.
When I first met the four of them they were these big bad bulldozers that I was scared of and now here they are smitten over a newborn baby 

"Oh god, she looks like Alex" Callan teased getting a closer look
I looked up to see Bradley keeping his distance slightly, he looked over at me offering me a small smile before he shifted his footing looking anywhere else

"Is it done?" Alexander asked him allowing Bradley to answer with a simple nod
"Is what done?" I asked earning a smirk from the twins while Alexander froze
"Nothing you need to worry about Arden" He said making me glare at him
"I'm not sitting here in the dark Alexander" I warned him
"Oh I've missed her" Callan said pointing at me
"You knew of her for one night brother" Alexander argued
"And clearly that was long enough for a lot of impressions" I muttered to myself but it was evident that they had all heard me 

"Arden" Alexander warned but I shook my head
"Don't mind me Alexander. I'll just take your daughter and put her down for a nap. You go handle your big boy business, after all that's the only reason I'm here. Because of your freaking business" I said picking up the blanket in Aria's carseat before attempting to move through the house 

I didn't have a clue where I was going but I refused to turn around to ask for help

"Last door on the left!" Callan called making me smile. He was definitely Team Arden right now

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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