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At Chan's fifth birthday party, he ran around the backyard with his friends, ice cream covering his face. 

"Channie," called Jisung, holding a wipe. "Come here so I can clean your face." Chan pouted, but still went over to Jisung.

"Mommy, I can do that myself now. I'm foive. Right, daddy?" he said as he held out his hand to display his age with his fingers. Jisung smiled and handed him the wipe. 

"Fine, then you can do it," he said. Minho, who stood next to him, smiled as well. Channie had picked up an Australian accent from Felix, who often babysat him.

"That's right," Minho said. He watched as Chan wiped his face and ran back to his friends by the swings. The grass was a vibrant green and the sky was baby blue, perfect weather for Chan's birthday.

"I'm foive!" sang Chan from the swings.

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