Part 2

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The next morning, Jisung awoke in Minho's arms when sunlight from the late morning sun streamed through the windows. He turned around to face still-sleeping Minho, burying himself beneath Minho's arms, and surrounded himself with his scent of fresh raindrops, the spray of the ocean, and warm cinnamon. He snuggled there for a moment until Minho stirred, turning over and blinking slowly. He sat up, stretching his arms and rotating his wrists as he yawned. He noticed Jisung sprawled on the bed next to him, pouting. "You were such a good pillow," said Jisung. Minho laughed at Jisung's pouty face.

"You look like a squirrel," he said.

"Well you look like a cat."

"You're also nutty like a squirrel."

When Jisung glared at Minho, he added, "A very, very cute squirrel." At that, Jisung curled his hands up like paws and put them next to his face, grinning.

"Thank you," he giggled. Jisung pecked Minho's cheek, then hopped out of bed, bringing Minho along with him to the bathroom. They brushed their teeth and washed their faces together, playfully teasing each other. Jisung and Minho also applied scent blockers. While he was deciding what clothes to wear, Jisung asked Minho what they were going to do today.

"We're going to meet with some friends today," said Minho. "So you can wear something comfortable." Jisung nodded, then donned a black and white oversized sweater and jeans. Minho put on black pants and a cloud-gray turtleneck sweater, paired with a black overcoat. He slipped on a few gold necklaces as well. Jisung carefully styled his hair while Minho just combed out his bedhead.

When they were finished, they looked at each other in the mirror. "Cute," Minho smiled, squeezing Jisung's waist. Jisung jokingly pushed him away, then they headed downstairs. Jisung slipped on a pair of platform converse sneakers while Minho wore smart gray sneakers. Jisung shrugged on a jacket as well. Minho checked his watch. It was already almost noon. They headed to the car.

Minho drove, while Jisung sat in the passenger's seat, listening to a song that he and two of his friends, and coworkers, were working on. "One, four, three... I love you!" he sang along. Minho bopped his head to the beat.

"That's a good song," he said. Jisung beamed.

"Thank you," he responded, pausing the song. "This isn't the final version, though." Jisung started thinking of lyrics to the rap parts, typing everything on his laptop. They drove for another few minutes, until Minho parked on the side of the road. He and Jisung pulled on masks before getting out of the car, then walked around the corner to see a cute cafe, decorated with pink and beige colors. In the window displays, charming little cakes and pastries sat.

Outside, there were small, white, circular tables with umbrellas in the middle, although because it was winter, none of the umbrellas were open. A couple sat at one of the tables in the corner, whispering to each other and laughing softly. The taller man's arms were wrapped around the smaller male omega, who wore a soft pink-and-white cardigan and a pearl earring on his left ear. Freckles dusted his nose and cheeks. The taller one had matching earrings and wore a white button down shirt with a black jacket. He kissed the omega's cheek softly.

"Felix! Hyunjin!" hollered Jisung excitedly. He hadn't seen them in months. Felix looked up, grinning as always. He waved, and so did Hyunjin. Jisung and Minho hurried to them, Jisung hugging Felix tightly. Minho and Hyunjin clapped each other's backs; neither like skinship much, unless it was with their mate.

"Wow, it's been such a long time since I last saw you guys!" Felix exclaimed, hugging Minho quickly. Minho allowed it, but just once. "I think I last saw you at our mating ceremony," he said to them. Minho and Jisung nodded.

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