#2: -𝚃𝚞𝚝𝚘𝚛-

532 6 18

Warnings: Some kisses, Masturbation and Madeleine's perverted thoughts, you guys please dont say he is a creep huhu

Also no smut because Madeleine is 16 and Espresso is 15, basically theyre minors in this AU , but as i said in the warning, theres kissing scenes. Also for the masturbation i dont know-

Madeleine Pov.

Mom hired a tutor for me today because she said that im focusing more on my swordsmanship than my studies, well its kinda true but that doesn't mean that she has to hire me a tutor. Worst part is... Its the smartest kid in my class! I just hope that he wont make fun of me or despise me.

Its Friday and 12:56 PM. Knight left to see Princess in their usual hiding spot, im kinda glad that i helped Knight to be with princess because now... He looks so happy.

I heard knocking at my door and i opened it to see Mr. Espresso, we dont usually talk much so i dont know much about him.

He looked at me and asked, "You good?" I nodded and he stepped in. He placed the book on the bed and sat down.

I gulped for a moment and sat on the floor.

At first he got confused but immediately snapped out of it and sat down next to me and took our Physics book and opened it to page 156 and sighed.

He kept on and on teaching me of our previous lesson and our past lesson because our exam is also coming. He took out a paper and asked me some questions which i got 8/10 and he said he was proud. It made me blush because thats my first time hearing someone say theyre proud of me.

He took the books and stood up. I didnt notice this before but every time he walks... He sways his hips slightly and that made something come out of my nose, i touched it and it was blood, i blushed hardly and looked back at Espresso, but he was gone.

I went into my bathroom and wiped the blood and looked up while theres a tissue on my nose. After a while it stopped flowing out so i went back into the room. (Its a dorm by the way) I sat on my bed and tried to fall asleep but Espresso keeps entering my head. I actually noticed him before aand thought he was cute but he barely talks to me and only talks when someone talks to him about important stuff. Its my first time hearing him call my name and that made something inside me snap.

I felt something on the bottom of my pants, it was hard and it hurts so i checked it, my dick was up.

I gulped again and slowly put my hand on my dick and starts to stroke it, Espresso's hips kept flashing inside my head and i tried to snap out of it because its weird to think of people like that.

But the way he held my arms when we were studying... the way he screamed my name makes me feel something i shouldnt feel.

I couldnt help it anymore, im sure some of my friends probably did this with their crushes right?... I cant just be a weirdo but in this situation... it will be hard.

I took my laptop and just typed porn to make me forget about Espresso which kind of worked so i finally stopped my boner. I took my hands off my shorts and went to the bathroom to wash my hands and face. I quickly changed the sheets and slept for the rest of the night.


I woke up into my phone ringing. I opened my phone and it was my mom telling me that she told Espresso to tutor me into the whole weekend!

I chatted Ess and he said, "only if you want."

I dropped my phone into my bed and i sighed, i think im starting to like ess. I imagined what its like to date him and have sex with him.

I think im going to ask him out later.

I picked up my phone and chatted Espresso, "Yeah please come over" he replied with a thumbs up react and it made my eyes water sarcastically.

After a few minutes Espresso came with the same books as tomorrow. He was wearing a tight shirt and shorts which made me fluster.

He asked whats wrong and i said nothing, he looked at me confused and sat down next to me. He looked at me more and made a "i dont know but okay" gesture and took the math book.

I stared at him while he keeps teaching me.

On the end of the tutor session he patted my shoulders and said goodbye. Now, this is my chance. I grabbed him by the arms and he dropped the books, i backed away still holding his arms and looked at the books for a few seconds, i then look at him and he was confused.

I took a deep breath and pulled him closer. Now, he is blushing. I pulled him closer until are lips touch, i closed my eyes and pulled away.

He was so confused and his face is so cute. He was shocked ofcourse and i totally understand.

I then explained to him how much i liked him and he just stood there, "You... like me?" He said.

I nodded slowly and asked, "WIll you please be my girlfriend?" I asked while smiling, he replied with an innocent stuttering tone, "I dont have a vagina i have a penis" he said innocently, i laughed for a bit and he asked whats funny, i said, "I dont care about your gender as long as its you." he looked at me flustered. "Also i said girlfriend because you look and act like a person who would get dominated." I added, he started at me fully flustered and i spoke once again, "B-but you dont need to be the one to act like a girl or wife you know..." I said stuttering again, it was an awkward scene so i finally sighed, "Okay im sorry its my first time asking a guy out so yeah i dont know how to do it... Im sorry if i make you uncomfortable i understand if you think im weird." I said, eh looked at me for a moment blankly and smiled, "i dont think youre weird, its just the first time someone asked me to go out with them, and its a boy too." He said, my eyes lit up and i went closer to him "Does this mean you will be my lover?" I said in a high tone, "Yes.." he said. I hugged him and kissed him again and almost screamed, "Espresso is my girlfriend!!!" I looked at him and said, "I mean.. my boyfriend."

He chuckled quietly and went into my bed, he tapped the space next to him and i layed down next to him, i kissed him and he kissed back to me too. "Wanna watch a movie?" i asked, "sure" he replied. I chuckled and took my laptop and porn hub suddenly opened, i chuckled nervously and said, "I thought its weird to think of those kind stuff with you so..." i said, he started at me blankly and laughed quietly, i laughed kind of embarrassed and he said, "Its alright maddie, i love you." I blushed and gave him a peck on the cheek, "I love you too."


This one sucks im sorry if i made Madeleine weird.

Word count (Including this outro) - 1281 words

ꨄ︎: 𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘖𝘯𝘭𝘺 , 𝘌𝘴𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘦 ; 𝘊𝘙𝘒 ✅Where stories live. Discover now