Chapter One

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[Your POV]

It sucks living out on the streets, always having to worry about finding food and a warm place to stay in order to survive. But today, I was fortunate enough to find a wallet in an alley that happened to have enough money for me to buy myself some food. I had happened to walk to a hot dog stand that I saw that looked like it had reasonable prices, this is definitely something I will enjoy.

[3rd POV]

Y/N had walked up to the stand, seeing a rather large old man cooking up hotdogs.

"Excuse me, sir! I would like to have one hotdog please!" He greeted the man, holding the money in his hands.

The man had turned around and looked down at Y/n with a rather distasteful look in his eyes, almost as if he viewed him as some kind of scavenger. As he began to fix his hotdog, Y/N had grabbed the money out of his pockets as he was eagerly waiting to have a decent meal he's had in a while. Usually, it takes a lot of side hustles just for him to buy a loaf of bread or even a bottle of water. Once the old man had completed the hotdog, he turned around and looked at Y/N.

"That'll be 640 yen." The sound of his voice was light and scratchy, like a reptile.

Y/N handed him the money and received his hotdog. The buns were warm and soft and the hot steam brushed up against Y/N's face, making him take a bite out of it as he was walking down the street. One of his issues was solved, now it was time to find a place for him to rest for a little while.

He had spotted a mattress in another alleyway, which didn't awfully dirty but would be enough for him to get decent rest. Before he could even move a foot, the sound of a click was heard as something hard was pressed up against his back of his head. That's when he realized that it was a gun being pointed at him as three men ended up surrounding him. His mind began to race and his heart was pounding like drums.

"Alright kid, let's make this fast and simple. Give us the money that's in your pockets. We know you got some since your walking around with a hotdog in your hands." The man as Y/N took a rather deep breath.

"Okay, what the hell do I do? Do I run? Do I fight? Fuck, this isn't good! I don't want this to be how I die! Maybe I should-"


Before he could even react, his thoughts were cut off and fell face first to the ground as one of the men managed to punch his jaw. Blood was dripping from his mouth, struggling to get back up and regain his balance.

"You deaf or something? If you want to live, you'll do what's right."

It had left Y/N no choice but to surrender and let them take what they want.

"Go on and take it already." Y/N muttered, giving them a slight glare.

Y/N then slowly put his hands in the air as the man with the gun walks towards him and began to reach into Y/N's pockets, digging out all the money that Y/N had. Once they got what they wanted, they all smirked and laughed as they walked off away from the scene. The hotdog Y/N had was now laying on the ground as the rats had already began to feast on it.

Knowing that this alley seemed like it would be unsafe for him to rest now, Y/N had started to walk to find another place for him to rest. The only option Y/N could think of was to go into the woods and hopefully find some kind of tree to climb or possibly a soft rock he could lay on.

"Honestly, I don't know how much longer I'm gonna last out here. I've been close to death so many times, yet I still act as if nothing." He kicks some pebbles that were on the ground as he found a tree to lay against.

"I wonder if there's someone out there that would understand. Someone that's in my shoes and knows what it's like to be homeless, knows how it feels when everyone looks at you like a slop and avoids you. Maybe someday, I can get out of this mess." Y/N thought to himself as he slowly began to fall asleep against the tree.


3 hours had passed, the night was cold and a small breeze was in the air. Y/N had woken up and began to have this strange feeling, feeling as if he was being watched. Soon, an unsettling growl could be heard in the distance, which didn't sound like any creature Y/N heard before.

He scanned the area, looking side to side as the sound of footsteps began to appear, getting louder and louder as chills ran down his spine, showing a frightened expression on his face.

"W-who's there?!" He tried to sound intimidating but fear had taken over his voice.

As he looked over in the distance, he noticed a red pair of eyes staring at him. The figure began to walk closer and closer, but the shape of it wasn't human at all. It was rather more like an animal walking on four legs and had a long tail flicking back and forth. Once it had finally got close enough, it was easier to tell what it was.

It was a large black panther, standing well over 6 feet tall as it menacingly looks down at a terrified Y/N. It had sat down, still flicking it's tail back and forth as it was still staring down Y/N while making a low growl.

"Y-you''re the Panther Devil... aren't you?"

There was no response from the Panther Devil. Rather, it had lifted up it's paw, in which it had seemed be injured as blood was dripping from it.

"Oh...I're injured, looking for help."

The Panther nodded as it moved closer towards Y/N, still sticking his paw out in front of him.

"Human..." The Panther Devil started to speak.

"Grab my paw." His voice sounded intimidating and dark, yet it was also calm and soothing.

A confused and concerned Y/N looked down, wondering if he should do what the devil said or if he should refuse. Though, trying to run from it or refusing to help it out might potentially get him killed on the spot, it is a devil after all.

"I don't know what this thing's intention is, or why it's even here, but I might as well do it. It's not like I have anything better to do with my life anyways, would've loved to experience some dreams, but I guess this is the finish line if this ends up being my ticket to meeting death..."

Y/N had proceeded to grab The Panther's paw as he looked right into his crimson eyes. All of sudden, Y/N began to feel dizzy, slowly collapsing on the ground and soon, everything went completely black.

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