fuse. [001]

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   The boy angled his bow, aiming it at his moving prey. He breathed in slowly as he listened to the waves crash against the shore. The sun was setting on Awa'atlu, creating a beautiful glare on the village. Breathing out, the boy released his arrow, perfectly impaling the squirming fish. "Was that all we needed, Lo'ak?" He asked his brother, who was obviously not helping. "Yeah, bro." He replied, hopping to his feet, relieved from boredom.

    The boy only sighed at his brother's laziness as he placed the fish inside of the woven basket. "Come on, Neteyam. I'm hungry." Lo'ak complained, already walking back to their hut. "Well you try carrying this heavy ass basket." He snapped back. "I'm good, but thanks." He responded sarcastically. The two bounced their way back to the hut on the elastic pathways made of stretched sea bark.

    "No, Kiri, I want to go ride ilu's now." The two heard a voice whine outside the hut, knowing who it belonged to. "But, Tuk, it's dinner time." Kiri said. "Well I'm not hungry." She huffed, crossing her small arms. "You will eat." A woman said, crouching down to her level, raising her eyebrows. "Ok, mom..." She replied.

    "Guess who brought back dinner?" Lo'ak exclaimed as he threw his hands up with a large smile. "Me." Neteyam muttered lowly, only he could hear himself. "Good job, boys." Neytiri said with a soft smile, grabbing the basket from Neteyam. "Let me guess, Neteyam did all the work? Again?" Kiri asked nonchalantly. Lo'ak only hissed at the girl, with her returning the gesture.

    "Stop hissing and sit down." Neytiri said, over it already. Lo'ak sighed, obeying his mother's orders and Neteyam doing the same. "Hey, Netty?" Tuk asked. "Yes, Tuk?" He said, giving her a warm smile. "Can you please take me to ride my ilu tomorrow?" She begged. As many things he had going on, Neteyam could never refuse his little sister, especially not with that twinkle in her eyes. "Sure, Tuk, but only if you eat your dinner." He replied with raised eyebrows, waiting for her to agree. "Alright fine." She sighed.

There was a loud creak at the entrance of the hut, there stood a tall man with locs. "Sorry, I'm late." He said, clearing his throat. "Ma Jake." Neytiri said as she glared at him. She peered at his body, littered with bruises. "We were just having a little fun with hunting, that's all." He responded sheepishly. The woman only sighed as she went back to preparing their meal.

    "Dad!" Tuk exclaimed, jumping in her father's arm. "Hi, Tuk." He said giving the young girl a warm smile, embracing her in his arms. "I see your brother's have finally proved themselves useful." He joked, making the girl's laugh. Lo'ak subtly rolled his eyes, annoyed. Tuk's laugh faded as she looked outside the entrance of the hut.

    "Dad, what's that?" Tuk questioned, pointing towards the sky. Jake's head whipped around towards the entrance of the hut, scanning the skies. A dark silhouette could be seen approaching in the distance. Jake's eyes squinted, trying to make sense of the air-born object. His eyes widened as he watched the object get closer. It was a helicopter. Two appearing from behind the first one.

    All three launched missiles, "Get down!" Jake yelled loudly, grabbing his nearby children, attempting to shield them. Neteyam acted quickly, diving for his mother, shielding her as well. The ground violently shook, sending gusts of wind and debris through the entrance, making vision impossible.


   The boy groaned, feeling pain all over. "Tuk?" He whispered, finally regaining consciousness slowly, blinking slowly. He gulped harshly, examining his surroundings. "She's ok, Neteyam. You just have to get up. We have to go." He watched his father approach him quickly, checking for injury. "Where's mom? Kiri? Lo'ak?" He questioned with a rasp in his voice. "They're alright. You just need to get up alright." He said reassuring the boy, lugging him off his back and to his feet.

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