Chapter 11 - River of Dreams

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Chapter Description: Neal and Peter return to St. Louis to collect Ellen's evidence.

St. Louis. July 28, 2006. Friday afternoon.

"This is the same hotel," Peter said when the rental car's GPS told him they had arrived. "The one where I recruited you."

"It seemed appropriate," Neal said.

It barely squeaked by the Bureau's expense guidelines if they shared a room. Peter assumed that was the plan, since it seemed Neal was feeling nostalgic. They'd shared the first time they'd stayed here.

A few minutes later, when Peter looked at the Gateway Arch through the window, he wondered if Neal had managed to reserve the same room they'd had before. He turned around to ask and saw Neal knocking on the door to the adjoining suite. Definitely not the same room — the one last time didn't have that door.

The door on the other side opened, and Henry walked in.

"I didn't see you on the flight," Peter said. "I thought you'd decided you didn't have time to join us."

"And miss the action? Neal said I'm the ace up your sleeve. That means I stay hidden, so I took an earlier flight. It gave me a chance to sweep the rooms before you arrived, with a handy device Mozzie let me borrow. No bugs." Henry sat on the end of one of the beds. "We always avoided St. Louis when Neal and I were on the road together, so this is my first chance to see where Neal grew up."

Neal rolled his suitcase through the door to the other room.

"Are you trading places?" Peter asked.

"Sharing a room," Henry said. "Neal said he'd let you have privacy this time, and I'm sure he plans to spend our time together dropping hints about my bachelor party."

"Still a surprise?" Peter smiled, because he'd been invited and knew what was in store for Henry and Eric.

"Only because I haven't had time to focus on figuring it out."

"This might be an occasion when you're better off enjoying the surprise instead of figuring it out ahead of time," Peter cautioned.

"Speaking of surprises, did Neal tell you where the evidence box is hidden?" Henry asked.

"You're both in the dark," Neal called from the other room, where he was unpacking. "It's going to be a big reveal tonight."

"He said I'd be happy I came along," Henry said, bouncing slightly on the bed. He reminded Peter of an excited kid.

"He told me to pack something black to wear," Peter added. "I made him promise we're not going to be cat burglars."

Neal returned to their room. "We've got a few hours before we retrieve the box. It's time for the grand tour of local sites from my childhood." He held up a set of car keys. "I'll drive this time."

Both Peter and Henry reached for their pockets, and Henry was the one who came up empty. "Nice," he said. "I didn't notice you taking the keys."

"It was tempting to take Peter's, but I knew you'd have the more luxurious rental. The FBI likes to go economy class on cars."

Neal started by driving through the neighborhood where he grew up, pointing out the house he'd lived in and the one where Ellen lived. Next was a series of schools — the college where he'd taken art classes, high school, middle school, and elementary. Then he parked near a wooded area to show them the place where he'd loved to play until it had become the site of his abduction by his mom's ex-boyfriend.

Peter and Henry had been present when Neal's memories of that event returned, and Peter was glad to see that Neal expressed only sadness instead of terror at the memories. As they walked back to the car, Neal stopped and took one last look around.

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