3. On my mind

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Everyone got off the train. Draco couldn't talk to Harry because Cedric was Making sure he was no wher near him.

When they reached the hall, there was one more table.

The 8th years were sitting there, in their colourful house colours.

MC gonagal came and welcomed all the first years and the people who showed up for school.

Throughout the sorting, Draco had only one person on his mind. And that was Harry.

Harry looked so uncomfortable with All the states being shot at him, and with Cedric calling Potter loudly which didn't seem to be natural, extra attention was being shot at the small boy.

It was that small moment when Harry and Dracos eyes had met, that one second that left like forever before Harry winced.

Cedric came close and whispered in his ear making Harry shiver.

Harry nodded slowly and didn't look at Draco again.

When the sorting was done, Harry had slowly gotten up, but Mcgonagal requested the 8th year to follow her out.

Not many had returned.
Hermonie had successfully started the petition for S. P. E. W.
And was busy working on it.
Ron and Harry had gotten job offers as aurors. They didn't even have to complete school, they could start right away.
Ron joined, Harry didnt.

The reason is no secret. He didn't want to have anymore blood on his hands.

Neville had started working for the ministry.
Luna had opened a local healing center and decided to not come back.

Others were too scared to come.

The only 8th years there were Draco, Harry, Cedric ,Pansy, semus, Dean, Millicent, theadore nott.

No one else returned.

So it was just them.

All of them followed headmistress outside, she immediately started speaking, "It's nice to see such lovely faces. I was scared that no one would return. I am glad you all did atleast. As you all know I am starting a house unity theme this year.
So you all will be given new uniform. But as you all are adults, you may also wear whatever you see fit, but that too in a limit or the leniency will be revoked.
You all will be living in separate dorms. Though you will be allowed to visit your previous house common rooms, it is mandatory that you all sleep in your own Dorms. No cerfew. No parties after 12.
Your form mates have been pre chosen. You may not chahe them.
Your luggage and new uniform is already there.
Enjoy and make this year worth it.
You may leave. Professor sprouts will show you to your tower."

The professor from there took us to our dorms.

The room was filled with mixture of silver, yellow, green, red and blue.
It unexpectedly looked good.

A list was stuck on the door.

Everything was going smooth until Draco noticed Harry being pulled away and outside by no one other than Diggory.

Draco wondere gat happened, that was until he read that Harry was roomed with Draco.
And Diggory was roomed with semus.

Draco speed walked to the painting, until he stopped dead on his way.

What the hell was he doing? It's not his business. What if they are making out or having.. sex?
Draco couldn't put himself through that so he turned on his he eels and went inside his room.

He changed, brushed, took a bath and wearing a towel came out, only to notice Harry sitting on the edge of his bed, sniffing.
Harry was crying.

Draco stopped his clothes which were on his hands on the spot and within a second he was crouching between Harry's legs, holding the boy's face in his hands.
"Hey. What happened? Are you okay?"

"Yes." Harry answered as his voice broke,Harry looked at Draco and spoke, "No."
Draco noticed a black bruse on Harry's cheek and blood dripping from the side of his head.

"Who did this? Who the fuck was it?" Draco asked lowly and murderously

"I- i can't.."
After a minute, Draco guessed, "it wasn't Diggory ... Was it?"
Harry started sobbing loudly as Draco hugged him.
In that moment, no matter how much in rage Draco was, all he seemed to want was Harry in his arms.

I shouldnt take advantage of him..

Draco's mind went racing to conclusions and thoughts like no other.
"Harry. You listen and you hear and pin every word i say inside your brain and lock it in." He spoke, "one, leave that jackass. No reason big enough makes it ever okay for a boyfriend to hit his significant other.  If he hits you, he doesn't love you. Because if he did, he would never hurt you.  call me immideatly if he tries anything else. Ever. Because it will be your fault if i go to azkaban for killing that fucking piece of
A broken cock. Okay?"
"Okay." Harry gasped as he hugged Draco.

I won't let him hurt you scarhead.
Even if i have to kill him myself.


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