🥀🌸 despair

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based off of the song by 'leo.', obviously called despair
idk its not really angsty tbh i just dk what else to call it


"hongjoong-ah, the move is arms first, then legs." seonghwa explained, a calm smile on his face and an even calmer tone in his voice. hongjoong didnt need him to teach him that, he would have gotten it eventually. "okay? i didnt need help. i was fine." the way seonghwa responded annoyed hongjoong even more,

"okay then, if you do need help dont hesitate to just wave me over."

his face still held that sickeningly sweet smile. hongjoong wanted to throw up. hes never been a fan of sweet things, anyway.


"do you know why hongjoongs been cold to me recently?" seonghwa flopped onto the lounge and turned the tv on, waiting for yunho to respond. "well... do you think maybe he-"

"hates me?? yeah! i do! but how do i make him not..?"

yunho sighed, long and deep. he looked at seonghwa with an expression that read 'are you serious?'. then he put his cup down and sat across from seonghwa.

"you know how hongjoong-hyung struggles with showing how he feels?"

seonghwa nodded. yunho sat there and stared at him, expecting him to connect the dots.

"i.. i think you can figure it out on your own from here."

"wait yunho i cant- tell me?? please???"

yunho laughed and shook his head, going to change into comfier clothing. the other members would be there any minute now. seonghwa still had zero idea as to what yunho meant. he shrugged it off as just hongjoong being tired recently, and started to scroll mindlessly through tiktok. what broke him out of his trance at the funny cat videos was the sound he adored most,


even though sometimes the second oldest acted like the youngest, he loved him. he was his best friend, how could he not? but lately he felt like hongjoong didnt see him like that, he felt neglected and hated by him. it was killing him.

"welcome hone guys! hi hongjoong-ah."

seonghwa wasnt even spared a glance from hongjoong, while wooyoung and san waved enthusiastically in response. the pair looked at hongjoong confused for a second before dropping it, and eventually everyone departed into their dorms.

the air was tense, both seonghwa and hongjoong were silent. seonghwa spoke up first.

he bit his lip anxiously, looking at hongjoong.
"hey, joong?"

"my names hongjoong.. not joong. but what?"

"um.. i dont know why youre being like this towards me recently, but i want you to know that ill always be here for you whenever youre ready to talk again."

hongjoong felt bad, for only a second, but it was evident on his face before he covered it up with an annoyed expression. he rolled his eyes before talking,
"im not 'being like' anything. what are you talking about?"

seonghwa just softly smiled at hongjoong, he was willing to wait as long as he needed. this response annoyed hongjoong to no end, he just wanted seonghwa to stop being so nice to him, he didnt want to ruin their friendship, but it seems one way or another its screwed.

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