Chapter 1

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                   《GABRIEL'S POV》
"Oh, Six~!" I call for one of my many servants. Unlike all the others, this one tends to pick fights with me more often than the rest. I guess he sees himself as a higher power. Unfortunately for him, nothing will ever exceed the power that I currently have obtained. I glance over my right shoulder and watch as a hooded man in all black enters. That hooded man is my servant, Six. He prefers to be called 'Intruder' by his victims. "What." His flat tone disheartens me. "I need a favor." I announce. I watch as Six rolls his eyes in disgust. I can hear him mumbling a snarky comment under his breath. I carry on. "I need you to.. fetch me a glass of your newest victims blood." I give him an exceptionally difficult task. "You don't even like blood! What's the point of me 'fEtChinG' you anything if you're not gonna drink it!?" He protests. "Go." I raise a finger towards the door. He stifles a sigh and leaves the room. I droop in my throne. Sometimes, being a God is difficult on your joints. "Ugh.." I sigh. I ponder what is to become of my spare time. I droop further into my throne. The newly installed padding feels a little more comfortable, but not much. "Feeling bad, my Lord?" My other servant, N, takes a break from fanning me to check how I'm doing. I slowly nod. "Are you sure you don't want anything?" N asks. "No, I'm perfectly content. Thank you for questioning, though." N goes back to fanning me. I let out yet another sigh. It's.. boring having to await Sixs' arrival. He claims to be quick at his job, but I can only seem to ponder how reliable he is. I hear a knock on the door. Six has returned. N pauses once again from fanning me to go and answer the door for him. Six walks in and hands me a glass. He actually achieved it. I stare at his offer for a moment. It is filled to the brim with a red liquid. I gaze back at Six. "Well, are you gonna take it or what?" "No, actually. This task was merely to test you capabilities." I giggle. Six does not look happy with me in the least. "Fuck you." He then proceeds to drink the entire glass of blood. I stare at him in amazement. When he is finished, he wipes his mouth with the back of his sleeve. "Wow. I'm quite impressed." I say. Suddenly, Six turns to leave. "No, wait." I grab his shoulder. He spins around and faces me. "What do you want? Also, that tasted disgusting." I let go of him. "I think I might want you.. as my right hand man."

                      《SIX'S POV》

Is this guy fucking kidding me right now?! Gabriel really wants me, a low-lifed alternate that only got this job because he wanted a little more dough for his killings, to be his right hand man? This dude must not be right in the head. "Are you being for real?" I ask. I'm not too harsh about it, because I know that if I'm his right hand man, then that means I'll get a raise. "Yes. I'm completely serious, Six." "Uh.. I mean." I'm fumbling with my words. I still can't believe he really asked me this. "Come along, Six." He seems impatient. "Uhm, sure." I say. "It is settled, then." Gabriel always has to be a hint fancy with everything he says. He can NEVER say anything bland. He always has to spice it up with his big ass vocabulary words. I'm sorry, but not all of us have enough intelligence to even know what you're saying. You're gonna have to dumb it down to our level for once, Mr Smartypants. "Uh, what now?" I ask. His head swivels towards me. "Come with me." He rises from his little throne and walks down the stairs leading up to it. I follow. "Where are we going?" "You'll see, Six. Patience is key. But don't fret, it is not very distant." He angers me with his big words. I assume he means we don't have to go very far, but I'm not so sure anymore with him. "We have arrived."
It looks like some kind of shrine, I guess. It's a big shrine, I'll give Gabe that. He points to the middle of it. "Stand in the center." Do we really have to go this far just so I can get some lousy paycheck upgrade? Whatever. This could mean big things for my future. I walk to the middle of the shrine and stand there. "Now, close your eyes." Oh, hell no. If something happens, I at least wanna know what it is. "But--" "Close them, Six. Have faith in my processes." "Ugh! Fine, damnit. But I'm not happy." I slowly close my eyes. "This better not take long." I mumble. I suddenly hear footsteps. "Can I... open my eyes now?" No response. The footsteps stop. "Gabriel?" Still nothing. "I'm nervous. Don't make it worse. Just SAY SOMETHING!!" Silence responds back. Oh, shit. What have I gotten myself into?..

              《END OF PART ONE》

"Servants Can't Feel Love.." Gabriel X Six Fanfiction (NSFW + CUSSING)Where stories live. Discover now