Chapter 13

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I've had about six glasses of the same boring wine now. I think it's time to spice things up a bit. I turn to Six, who is pretty damn tipsy sitting next to me. He's had eight glasses. Since us alternates don't get drunk as quickly as humans, we have to have a lot more alcohol in our system to make us feel loopy. And with something as weak as wine, that may mean downing a couple bottles.
"Hey, Six?"
"Hmmmm?" He turns to look at me. His eyes definently look like they're on the brink of drunken.
"Can you try somethin' for me?"
"Sure..? What do you want me to try?" I hold out a bottle of wine that I haven't tried yet.
"Drink some of this for me. Just take a swig."
"Alright." Six grabs the bottle from my hand and pours some into his empty glass. He takes a giant gulp of it and places it back down on the table.
"Now what?"
I look at him for a moment. I was going to just drink some if he said it was good, but I think I have some other plans.
"Hold still."
I gently grab Six's face and hold the side of his head in my hand. I then bring his lips to mine and try to see if I can taste the wine he just drank. After a couple seconds of slowly frenching him, I remove myself from him. The stunned look on Six's face says it all. I smack my lips together so I can better sense the taste.
"Ooh. That ones not too bad."
I grab the bottle that Six just drank and pour some into my empty glass. I take a drink and set the glass down. Six's expression never changes.
"Uh.. Six? The moments over. You're good now."
His facial features don't budge. I giggle a little as Six turns to the front and lays his head down on the table between his arms.
Six is so drunk now that he's calling me 'boss' instead of 'babe'.
"No, no. Not boss."
"Ugh.. babe. WHAT. THE. FUCK."
Six lifts his head and looks at me with the most sour face I've ever seen on a man.
Six is shouting at me now. It doesn't really affect me, but I am still slightly annoyed that he has that kind of tone with me. I haven't even done anything wrong. I thought he was personally going to enjoy the little kiss we had.
"Whatever do you mean? Of course not."
Six heavily sighs and jumps off the barstool. He falls to the floor after a couple seconds of trying to maintain his balance. I hop off as well and hold out my hand for him to take.
"Fuck off."
He swats my hand away and stands up on his own. After a couple wobbles, Six grabs an unopened bottle of wine and walks towards the living room. He turns to look over his shoulder and mutters.
"I'm gonna hang out with Alt. Cesar and N. Don't you dare fucking follow me, you prick. I fucking hate you."
Six jabs his finger at me, double flips me off, and then turns and walks away. I am left standing at the counter alone. The only sounds are my breathing and the liquid pouring into my glass. And, for the first time in a long time, I let a couple tears of sadness streak down my face. I'm not one to lie, so Six's words genuinely hurt me. I didn't think he felt that way to me. I gulp down what's left of the wine in my bottle and throw the empty bottle in the trash. Maybe Six is just being a drunk bastard. Yeah. That's what this is. Just Six being a little bitch because he's drunk. Yeah.. yeah.. I let myself cry a little more before wiping my tears and beginning to clean up the mess N made with the wine bottle earlier. I can't help myself and more tears start silently rolling down my face. Once I'm done picking all the shards up and discarding them, I allow myself to sit in the corner of the kitchen and weep in agony. One after another, the tears keep coming. It's like they're neverending. Thousands of them pour from my eyes as I continuously wipe them away with my sleeve. I ball myself up, grabbing my knees and tucking them against my chest, and start to mutter things even I know aren't true.
"I shouldn't exist... I'm n-not good enough... s-someone please.. k-kill me..."
I bury my head deeper into my knees and start to cry harder. That's when I hear footsteps.
Before I can comprehend it, Six is standing in front of me with his hands on his hips and a disgusted look on his face.
"Why are you crying, dipshit?"
I collect myself and slowly lift my head to see Six towering over me. I wipe the straggling tears off my face and stand up. Since I have my more tame form on, I'm roughly the same height as Six, so our eyes meet.
"Did you.. r-really mean it?" I ask. Six cocks his head in curiosity.
"Mean what, idiot?"
His jagged insults stab me repeatedly in the heart.
"W-when you.. said you hated m-me."
Six's eyes soften the smallest amount they can, but I still manage to notice.
"N-no. I MEAN YES- I mean.. ugh. Why the fuck do you have to make things so difficult?"
I slightly chuckle and cup my hand around Six's face. He doesn't take very kindly to this, and immediately slaps my hand away.


"But you love when I do that!"

"WELL NOW I DON'T OKAY!? *sigh* ... I'll be better in the morning.. I'm just really drunk right now. I'm sorry."

"Oh. Okay. Hey, I love you!"

"I uh.. I love you too."
Six turns his head to prevent me from seeing him blushing and quickly exits the room. Even if he is drunk, he deserves a fucking punishment for ever speaking to me in the manner he did. But, I'll save it for tomorrow, considering Six is so drunk right now he doesn't wanna be touched. And if he doesn't even wanna be touched, he definitely would NOT enjoy being fucked. I let a sigh escape me as I walk down the hallway (I pass Six while doing this, and he kind of just glares at me) and into my room. I take off my shirt and pants, deciding to just sleep in my boxers because I'm just lazy like that. After a couple moments of steadying my breathing, I drift off into deep sleep..


(Sorry for such a short chapter. I've just been EXTREMELY low on motivation to write recently. Again, I'm sorry and I hope you enjoyed this one despite it not being that long :D)

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