May comes over

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Cussing and violence and mentions of drug dealing. 

I woke up to an alarm so I looked at the time 5:30 am. I then got ready for the day woke Jake up and then I made food. After making food for both me and Jake. After that, I ate and walked out. I saw Matt and greeted him " Hey Matt." He greeted me saying " Hey sweetheart." I smiled and asked " Do you know if the verdict will be reached?" Matt answered " Not sure." I said " Okay." I said " I got to go." Matt said " Okay, see you later." I said " Yeah." I then walked to my car and I went to my office. 

When I got there I said " Hey May." She got up and she followed. She asked me as we walked " Are we still on for tonight?" I turned around and asked " That's tonight?" I answered " Sure." May said " Good." I said " I can't wait for you to meet Jake." I said " I can't wait for you to meet him." I said " I got to go if I want to be early." May said " Okay, have fun." I went over to her and hugged her. She hugged back and I left. I then went to my car and drove to the court. 

When I got there I went inside and went through the security and went to the courtroom when I got there I just started by making an intro in my notes for telling the verdict. Then I heard doors open and I looked up Matt, Foggy, and Karen, with the prosecutors all came in then the murderer was brought in.  Then an officer called out " All please rise for the great Judge Paul." I stood up and Judge Paul entered sitting down and he said " All please sit." I sat down and the Judge said " Well it took the jury almost all night and they found the defendant not guilty." I heard people cry out no's and boos. The judge left and Matt, Foggy, and Karen were so happy. Matt turned around and smiled. I smiled too and then Matt turned and left. 

I went outside and I saw Foggy, Karen, and Matt they were super happy the client was there too and he said "Thank you so much." I smiled and he said " Oh god." Matt said " Don't worry she isn't here to talk to you." I said " Yeah no I don't need to talk to you." He said " Okay." He then said " I will have your check ready in three days."Matt said " Amazing and if you need help ever again please don't be afraid to call us." The guy said " I will." The guy left and Matt said " Hey Y/n." I said " Hey." We then walked out and I offered " I can drive you guys to where you want." Foggy asked " Could you drop us off at the office?" I answered " Sure." As we drove you could tell that Foggy was very happy along with Karen, and Matt. I could feel the happiness and excitement in the car. Then I dropped them off at their office and left for my own office. 

When I arrived May asked " How did it go?" I answered " Well Nelson, Murdock, and Page won so I think it went well." May looked a little surprised that I said what I said but she brushed it off. I said " I got to go finish this article so I will see you later." May then stopped me and said " Mr.Sable is also giving you three days off." I said " Sweet thanks for letting me know." I smiled and she smiled back after that I waved later to her and then I went to my office. I took my notes out and started writing the rest of the article telling about the verdict for today. 

After a few hours, of editing and setting the article up, I sent it to Mr. Sable. After that, I looked at the time 6:00 pm. I went over to Mr. Sable's office and he said " If you want to you can leave early." I said " Thank you sir."  I smiled then packed my stuff up and then left. I walked to my car and drove home. I said " Okay make sure Jake is ready then I need to make my dinner." I drove home and then I changed into a long black shirt and jeans. Jake was ready for tonight because he remembered. I made breakfast for dinner and then after thirty minutes of making food heard a knock on the door. It was May. I said " Come in please." She said "  I like the house." Jake was on the couch and he turned around and May went over to him. She introduced herself and Jake introduced himself. And once he got comfortable with her. I heard them talking about what Jake likes to do.   Then I said " Hey guy breakfast for dinner is ready." Jake smiled and May said " Good, I am starving." I handed May a plate and she looked at my gloved hands she walked over to the table and she asked " Why do you still have your gloves on?" I answered " Oh um my hands are freezing so I kept them on." May nodded not pressing any further. Jake took his plate and he sat down then I sat down with them. Jake asked May about what she liked to do, and what it was like working with me. Then after another hour, May said " I got to go if I want to get some decent sleep." I nodded and walked May out. I said " Okay well see you in a few days." May said "Yeah see you in  a few days." 

I went back inside when I heard my phone go off and I opened it. 

Matt:  Where are you?

Me: I am going to be there in 20 minutes. sorry I forgot a friend is coming over tonight. 

Matt:  It's fine. 

I changed into sweatpants and a hoodie with my Shadow outfit underneath. I grabbed my backpack and went to the alley I took off my sweatshirt and sweatpants then put my mask on then went to the rooftops of Hell's kitchen. Matt said teasingly  " You know it's rude to stand someone up."  I said "I know and I am sorry." He said " It's fine." Then we went around and watched out for something. 

After about 2 hours Matt said " I hear something come on." I said " Okay lead the way." When Matt put his hand out to stop me I stopped. He asked " What's going on?" I answered " Um there are four guys who have guns and they are shouting." Matt said " Okay let's go then." As we jumped down I turned invisible and I was that there were two cars. Oh, they are dealing drugs cute. I then went to join the fight. I poked one of the guys and he turned around but he saw nothing. I smiled then I went to his back and poked him again. He turned around I went to his back and made myself visible and I asked him " Looking for something or one?" I punched him and he went to the ground I then got on top of him and I punched him some more. After a few punches he was knocked out so I took his gun and unloaded it. I then went to another guy and I went for him by going to his back and choking him out. I laided him down gently knowing he would be out for a few minutes. I unloaded his gun too. Two down,  two more to go. I then went for another guy but before I could get to him I heard a gunshot. I looked around and Matt was hunched over heaving. Oh my god, he was just shot. Matt then got his breathing in check and then went back to fighting. I looked surprised but then I went back to the guy I was going after. I kicked him in the back of his leg making him take a knee and I choked him out. I took his gun and unloaded that too. I then went over to Matt and I asked " How are you okay?" He answered " This suit protects me from being shot so all that happens is I can't breathe for a few minutes." I said " Okay but are you okay?" Matt answered " I will be." I looked at my phone and saw that it was 1:30 am. I said " Let's see what these guys were doing?" I opened the car and I saw a bag. I opened it and I saw drugs. I said " They were making a deal, it went south though." Matt said " Okay." I call the police and then we left. I changed and meet up with Matt after he changed and we went back to our apartment. 

I said " Night Matt, see you tomorrow." Matt said "Yeah see you tomorrow." Matt peaked my lips and he went to his apartment. I went to my apartment and I got ready for bed and I went to sleep as soon as my head hit my pillow.                   

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