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I quickly put on my make up after dyeing my hair (pic up above) and race for the door grabbing my heels and jumping in Ashton's car. Me and the 5sos boys are now besties after Luke invited me to his house. Luke saves me a spot in the back. "Thanks." I say sitting beside him. " Where to next Ashton?" Luke asks as we start moving." Michaels!" He answers and cranks the music. We all start dancing when eventually we end up in Michaels drive way. He sit in the front and Calum is with him and he sits with me and Luke. I'm dressed up like a skeleton and Luke is a penguin, Michael is normal except he has eyeliner on, Calum is also normal, and Ashton is a drummer as usual. "Do you guys want to go for pizza before we go to that haunted house?" Ashton asks as we all yell a duh and laugh. "Ok!" We pull into Pizza Hut and order pepperoni and eat in the car. The car is a mess after but we don't care it's Ashton's problem. We get to the haunted house after driving around. "Emma you probably could be part of the haunted house!" Calum jokes as I slap him. "Wow Canadian don't have to freak I was only joking." When we enter I grab Luke's hand. "Wow to I have to carry you?" He asks as I nod. He bends down so I can jump on his back."You weigh a ton." He laughs but I don't, so he stops.
"Ashton stop screaming" Luke says as I fall asleep on his back. "Sorry mate , but it's fucking scary!" He says shaking.when we make it out Luke wakes me up. "Emma?" Luke says when we get in the car. "Yes Luke?" I look at him and my phone beeps.
LUKEY- will you be my girlfriend?
"OH MY GOD LUKE YES!!!" I scream and hug him.

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