Chapter 19

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"Huh, Alpha king." George bows immediately and Xavier turns to him, confused. Why was the Alpha king here? Imprisoned.

"You..." Alien said immediately, when he noticed Xavier's appearance. He runs at him and bruised him with his fist, hard. Alien climbs on his body and starts punching him constantly.

"I'll kill you" he cries as he continuously marked Xavier's face. They both rolled along on each other, both exchanging hard punches. George shifted back to evade their rift.

"Stop you two!!"George yells, trying to separate them with his words. It was not enough for him to stop them both as they fought with their might. Alien wanted to end this Duce between them. He hated the fact that Xavier ran away with Silvia. His maid that he cherished the most.

"It's not time for fighting. Why don't you guys use that strength of yours to free Silvia." George urged them both as they both kept exchanging punches and scratching each other with their claws.

"What do you mean free Silvia? What's wrong with my maid?" Alien stops as he sat on top of Xavier who also paused. He is confused as he looks at George, perplexed at what he said. Why did she need to be freed? He thought. Thinking about it now, he never asked why they were both brought her to a prison.

"Angela and your father are going to kill her soon. Why don't you both try to find a way out of here." George explains, pulling his hands to a position that was not going to make him feel more uncomfortable.

" how did this happen?" Siting away from Xavier's body, he pulls his hands to his head, turning his heads due to how pained he was. How was she captured, when he was still in prison. Who knew they were going to end up like this, both held without their own will.

"We were captured."Xavier sits up as George keeps explaining how it all happened. At this moment, they were meant to be preparing on how they were going to escape at the moment.

Spilling details, now, was frustrating Xavier. He needed to save Silvia also.

"I have an idea" Xavier said and they both turned to look at him. "I mean to get out of here." He explains coming closer to them, covering the gaps the left. They looked at him, expecting what he had to say.

"Okay? What is it?" Alien asked,

"We call a guard and secretly knocks him out. We take out the keys and boom we are out." When he spoke, they both seemed disappointed. That plan wasn't going to work. Instead, they would end up getting caught.

"What if he's not with the key?" Alien asking, because he knew this wasn't a movie and since Xavier was from the human world, then his whole thinking would have been focused on how the humans thought.

"Really? Now..." Xavier said angry. He stands and walks to the gates, looking at each sides to see if anyone was coming.

"We have to be sure and not fuck this up." Making clear of the fact that failure wasn't an option, Alien stands to the gates also. "Hey guards!" He calls out to one of the guards who was standing post from a near distance. The demon wolf comes closer as they started their play.

"My uncle is not breathing." Alien lies whimpering awkwardly. His brows frowning, the demon wolf looked dazed. Who knew their Alpha king was this weak when it came to caring for his uncle? The wolf starts opening the gates.

"What?!" Xavier whispered. That wasn't the initial plan but somehow it turned out to be moving smooth.

"Play cool." Alien whispers as he noticed that Xavier was about to blow their cover.

"What happened to him?"the demon wolf walked inside the cell, holding a spear on his hands. He looked at George who was rolling on the floor and crouched to his level.

"He just collapsed. Come help me carry him. He needs treatment." Alien said as he stood slowly to behind the wolf. With the chain having long length, he hooked it around the wolfs neck, tightening its pressure, he kept chocking the wolf until he gave up its ghost.

"We've got to go immediately. Uncle, leave him."Alien said releasing himself and his uncle. Leaving Xavier behind. It was his intention from the start as he was very angry with Xavier for taking her away and back to his father, who he never wanted her to be around.

"You go on." George said to Alien. He didn't want to leave Xavier to satisfy Aliens emotions. Now wasn't the time to leave each other.

Alien runs along heading for the outside of the Prison. As he got to the top of the underground prison, the bright light of the sun touched his skin he covers his muscles immediately with his cloth.

He runs for the outskirt, to find Silvia.

"How did you escape?" When he got outside, he hears her voice before he turns to he r direction. It was Angela.

"Let her go." Ignoring her, he urged that they let Siliva go. She was already hunched to the stake, leaving her brutally beaten and lifeless. What remain was to annihilated into the air.

"Can't do that." Angela said, pulling Alien by the wrist. "Alien you don't have to be here. Well end it here for you and we can be together once again."Assuring him, but he escaped her grip, immediately.

"Angela, this is not the right way. Drop the fire." He turned to her.

"Okay." Angela walking to beside Silvia who was still hanged to the pole. She dropped the fire on the shafts filled with fuel all the way up to her body. She smiles.

"Nooo. Silvia." Alien screaming, he runs for her.

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