The chip

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(Italic) Is what happens

Morro wakes up and finds himself in a cell. He looks around until he sees Jasmine.

Jasmine looks up seeing that Morro was awake now.

Morro; "Oh, great.."

"And what's that supposed to mean." Morro gets up a little too fast. She looks at him.

Morro moves his hand to his head. "Nothing. Dang it! What hitted me?!"

"Something made with deepstone."

"How do you know..?" Morro tries to shake off the headache.

"Because I know"

"That's not an answer." Morro said and suddenly became tense.

Jasmine noticed he suddenly was tense. "Morro? Are you ok?" Morro hums scared.

She frowns a bit. "Hey you know you can talk to me."

"No, I can't."

"Yes you can"

Brings his legs to his chest. "She'll kill me if I do."

Jasmine frowns. "Who will..." she asked worried and concerned about her best friend.

Realises. "No one. And stop pretending."

Jasmine sighs softly. "What are you talking about. I'm not pretending Morro."

"If you did care, you wouldn't have thrown deepstone in my face! And certainly not lock me up here!"

"In my defense my aim was off, I wasn't trying to hit you and I most certainly didn't want to lock you up here"

"Then who did? Wu?!" Slightly relieved they're away from the old subject.

Jasmine frowns a bit.

Morro let out a little laugh. "I'm just messing with you, Jass."

Kai walks in.

Kai; "Did he try anything, Jasmine?"

Morro silently glares at the Fire Ninja.

"No he didn't" she said.

Kai; "Great, we honestly wanted to ask him some questions."

Morro; "Not gonna happen!"

Kai; "You have nothing to say about that, Shorty!"

Morro stands up and tries to grab Kai by his color through bars. Morro; "I'm not short!"

clearly pissed. "I curse these bars!"

Morro suddenly becomes tense again and backs away from the bars until his back touches the wall.

Jasmine looks at Kai. "Kai what questions are you asking him. Because he trust me more than you guys so I might get answers from him." She whispered to Kai before glancing at Morro seeing him tense again.

She frowns a bit. "Morro, you ok?"

Clearly having a panic attack. Whispers. Morro; "I'm sorry, don't do it, please. I'm sorry....."

Jasmine looks at Morro getting worried about him.

Kai; "Did he do this earlier?"

"He tensed up early but didn't do this"

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