I'm half vampire

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Still Lily's P.O.V

"I know your half vampire" the alpha said

"What are you gonna do KILL ME" I screamed the last part

"IF I COULD" he yelled back

"Get out of my face" I told him

"You have no right to command me" the alpha said

"NOW!" I screamed

The alpha shuttered in fear. He walked off. I walked to where my mom was and told her "I'm gonna be gone for a couple days. Don't look for me." I then walked off

"What happened" my mom yelled

"Ask the alpha" I said pissed and got the keys to my bike with a couple hundred dollars.

Brandy's P.O.V

( Lily's mom)

I walked straight in the alphas office and said " what did you do to my daughter she hasn't been that mad since her father moved" I said partly mad

"I told her to stay away from my son" the alpha said

"You idiot"..." She could be gone for years!" I yelled

"She can't be away from her mate for long" he said

"You mean Alexander"..." He will follow her" I said

"He won't he has to meet the blood packs alphas daughter" he said

" HE WILL FOLLOW HER" I yelled and walked out

Alexander's P.O.V.

I was walking past my mates door when I heard her and my dad talking

"I know your half vampire" my dad said

"What are you gonna do KILL ME" lily yelled the last part

"IF I COULD" my dad yelled back to lily

"Get out of my face" lily said pissed and trying to control herself

"You have no right to command me" my father said

"NOW!" Lily screamed to him

My dad smelt really scared. I quickly walked off. I felt like I had to leave do I walked outside and saw lily walking out. "Let me come with you?" I asked lily

"Did you overhear me and your dad" lily asked

"Yea I did. Can I please come with you" I asked lily again

"Yea you can" she said and

Gave me keys for a car" third are the keys for my bike" lily told me

"Wait you have a motorcycle?" I asked

"Yea I just had it brought here this morning" lily said and brought me to a midnight black bike with two matching midnight black helmets

I got on and lily cane behind me and held on to my wast. I felt sparks and then drove off. 'This fells right' I said

'Yea were finally with our mate' my wolf said

'Did you know she is half vampire?' I asked my wolf

'Yea her wolf talked to me and I accepted that she was different' my wolf told me

'Do you know where me and lily should go?' I asked my wolf

'Yea let me in control and I'll go to the place' my wolf told me

'Ok' I said

Lily's P.O.V

I noticed that we were going on a familiar path " Where are we going?" I asked

" your friends house" Alexander answered

" but you have never meet her before" I said then realized his wolf was in control "ok" I said and the rest of the ride was quiet

Helen's house....

I heard a familiar sound and looked outside. I saw Lily's midnight black motorcycle but is there two people on her bike?

I ram outside and yelled " lily OMG what are you doing here?" I asked

" The alpha pissed me off" lily said

"OMG what did that thing do?" " who's that with you?" I asked and said

"My mate Alexander, and his father said I couldent be with him and told me I was the scum of the earth." Lily said

" Has he claimed you yet" I asked in a dirty way

" Wait what?" lily asked

" You know what I mean" I said winking my eye

Lily blushed and said " no but I want to be with him"

"Your in love" I said teasing lily a little

Then somebody cleared their throat behind lily." Here mateos right behind her you know" the guy said. He put his arms around her wast and lily smiled " You guys are so cut together you know that" I said as Lily looked down and blushed"we'll lets get in the house" I said

"And you two will be sharing a room and I still have your clothes from last time" I said lily just looks down embraced

"Please don't make too much noise" I said and gave lily the don't wake me up while your playing around look

..................................................................................................................................looks like Helen wants something to happen you'll find out in the next chapter ..................................................................................................................................sorry I haven't updated quick but my sinous infection is starting to go away and I can now constrat on my book ..................................................................................................................................

Please keep reading and please like this chapter


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