His 'disappearance'

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[third person POV]

Hours after the news reach the Cookie milk tribe leader and Caramel Arrow, it spread around the entire Kingdom, but only in the kingdom, the outside world hasn't known about the King's disappearance yet.

The three Cookies are now discussing on what should They do to solve the task and find the King

"So what should We do now?"
The milk tribe leader asked

"I think We should ask other Cookies to help us.., but Who?"
Caramel Arrow said

"I... Didn't know..."
Crunchy Chip mumbled

[A/N: don't ask about the fish, He got banned by the King because Carrow and Crunchy convinced Him to do so]

"I think We should ask the ruler of Vanilla kingdom to join Us"
Milk tribe leader suggested

"I guess We don't have an option for now.."
Caramel Arrow agreed

"Alright, but We can't tell Him about this yet until He's here, Cream Milk Cookie"
Crunchy Chip replied

"I do aware, but please, don't call Me with My real name, I'd like to go with just Milk Cookie, now Excuse Me, I'm gonna write a letter to the Vanillian Kingdom"
Milk Cookie said before He went out of the dinner hall room to do what He have to do

Caramel Arrow and Crunchy chip just left with empty room with the clock chimes echoing around the hall

"... I wonder where did His Majesty gone to?..."
Caramel Arrow mumbled, breaking the intense silence that fill in the already quiet room

"I.. do not know.., Carrow.., but I'm sure We'll find Him in no time.."
Crunchy Chip replied with a low tone that enough for only Caramel Arrow could hear

"I just... Hope He's okay.. and not in any danger..."
Caramel Arrow replied back

"Cheer up Caramel Arrow, Father are the the strongest man I have ever met., I'm sure if He's in danger, He'll be able to get out of it in any time!"
Crunchy Chip said to cheering Carrow up

"You're right, but We must not sit here and do nothing while waiting for Vanilla leader to come, We must do something"
Caramel Arrow states

"That's right, let's prepared what We need to do until Tomorrow when His Highness Pure Vanilla come here"
Crunchy Chip said

Caramel Arrow

~short time skip until Pure Vanilla has arrived~

[At the dinner table]

"So, may I ask what's the emergency?, And where's Cacao?, I.. I wanted to talk to Him.."
Pure Vanilla said but end up muttering in the last sentence

The three young Cookies are just looking at eachother as if They wanted one of Them to explain it and making the whole situation silent

Caramel Arrow then suddenly clear Her Throat

"The tribe milk leader, Milk Cookie will explain it to You, because this problem will have His highness Dark Cacao in it"
Caramel Arrow states and look at Milk Cookie who is anxious

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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