Chapter Six

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If you had asked Obito what he wanted when he was younger, he would have answered saying he wanted to be Hokage. If you would asked him after he saw his friend murder his first love, he would have said that he would want to creat a world where he could live with her. If you asked him now, he would say he didm't know.

Just like how I wrote the same thing for Kakashi.

Obito was born to see his first love die at the hands of the person he trusted the most. If I could change this world I would but since I'm not someone with that power, so I can't. If Kami wanted to play a cruel joke it would be one of Obito or Kakashi being reborn into the same world but with a few changes. And what might those changes be? Well, that would simply be that this world would have secondary genders.

Now don't go jumping to conclusions! I wouldn't reveal all my plans for this story just yet.




Obito watched has Kakashi woke all of a sudden. He was panting, panic all over his face. Kakashi had a small pup in his nest, he looked so much like his dead Sensei. He was just staring think of a plan. He was thinking to show himself to Kakashi, but he had plans to achieve and in no way will he let his feelings get in his way.


Over the years he had watched Kakashi, he had noticed that he would wake up less and less in the middle of the night. Which lead him to this moment where he see a very angry omega. He finds it very amusing.

He had seen the pup being hurt by the villagers. He was about to step in, but a very angry alpha with a scar over his nose walked over. The pup had run after seeing the alpha walk over and started yelling at the villagers.

By the time the pup made it home, Obito was already inside. The pup saw him and cried "Tobi-Nee!" Running towards the alpha wrapping his arms around him. The alpha chuckled at the young pup's expression but he didn't come to tease him right now. Getting the pup off him and setting him in his lap. He started to clean his wounds and dressing them with bandages. He told the young pup that he couldn't stay long.

After Kakashi scoped the pup and started walking out the house fuming. The alpha just watched as Kakashi stomped his way to the villagers that dared hurt his pup. The omega was stopped by another alpha and he told him exactly how he saved Naruto from the villagers. Kakashi had been to dense not to notice how the other alpha was looking at him and that angered Obito. 'How dare a no name alpha try to go after my omega' Obito had thought but he stopped his thought from going any further.

The alpha watched as Kakashi cradled the pup, whispering sweet words as the pup snuggled into the warmth. It brought a warm feeling towards his chest, but he left before those feelings made him do something stupid.




The lurking figure had vanished in a blink of an eye. "Obito, you seem to be in a foul mood" said Zetsu said with a bored tone. The alpha grunted in response walking away from the annoying parasite.

After seeing Kakashi comfort the pup, had made his chest feel tight. But he isn't one to admit that. It had been fourteen years since he 'died' and seeing the omega through the years awaked feelings he thought had died along with Rin. Seeing the omega around those brown-haired alphas made his blood boil. But in order to be with the omega he had to destroy this reality. Madara had drilled that until he was sick of it.

The plan to get the Kyuubi had failed and the in processes it had killed his old Sensei along with his wife. But it did create the opportunity to try again later with a different plan.

He had befriended the pup along ago...


Kakashi was off on another of his missions and he had left a pup at home bored out of his mind. The pup had read every scroll in his house THREE TIMES! He was told to stay inside, but hey his Nee-san isn't home so who is going to stop him. Naruto decided to explore the forest that was close by his home. The young pup was quick to put his shoes on and yelled, "Kurama want to come with me?" The fox just looked at him and looked away. Naruto just grunted and opened the door.

He walked outside and started to wander around. He didn't noticed he had wandered a little too far. By the time he noticed he didn't know where he was. He didn't know he was followed by a certain alpha. The pup started crying, Obito was quick to walk out the bushes where he was hiding. The pup was cautious towards the stranger, but they introduced themselves to each other. "Tobi-Nee, why are you here?" Asked a sniffling pup. The alpha looked at the pups sapphire eyes and answered saying he saw a little fox wandering around in a very scary place. After the Naruto started to talk Obito's ear off.

After reminiscing on the fun memory, he went off to control Mizukage.


By the time he went to go check on Kakashi and Naruto. He saw Kakashi get ready for a mission. Guess he'll have some time to spare to hang out with Naruto but he had a bad feeling.

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