Chapter 4

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Andy's 31 Weeks and 1 Day/ Date of Birth... Today, Robert's on shift, so Lucas is with Andy for most of the day.

Andy was laying down when she got a sharp pain and gush of water. When she felt that, she was terrified, but called her nurse. When she called her nurse, she told them the reason, and they all came running.

The gush of water meant her water broke and that the babies were coming now. So, they paged the doctor and NICU teams, got Andy ready for the OR, and moved her to pre-op. When they started preparing her for surgery, she started crying, which made Lucas scared for Andy.

So, Lucas came over to her and hugged her. Conversation... Lucas: Andy, everything will be okay. Andy: You don't know that. I'm having them nine weeks early. They still need to be inside me growing and safe. Lucas: I know. Call Bobby, he needs to know. (Andy calls Robert crying.) Robert: Andy, what's wrong? Andy: They're coming. My water broke, so, they're preparing me for surgery. Please, get here. I need you. Robert: Everything will be okay. I'll be there as soon as possible. Andy: Luke is here and will go in there with me if needed. Robert: I'm leaving now.

Robert grabs everything he will need, informs the team that Jack is captain, runs out of the station, and leaves. He heads to the hospital as fast as he can. After she calls Robert, she gets taken to pre-op, but before she gets taken to pre-op she gets her last belly pictures. While Andy's waiting to go into surgery, two NICU nurses come into the room. The NICU nurse's names are Cassie and Maggie. They come and talk to Andy.

Maggie: Hello, Andrea. Andy: Please, call me Andy. Maggie: My name is Maggie and this is Cassie. How are you doing? Andy: I'm pretty scared to have the babies. They still need to be in me growing and safe. Maggie: I know. However, they're ready to come out. You may not be ready but they are. They're in good hands with us. Andy: I know. Maggie: Dr. Jones and Dr. Lynch told me to come in here and talk to you about what's going to happen during the c-section and right after for you and the babies. Andy: Okay. They came to me and talked to me the other day. Maggie: Okay. I have a couple of questions. What is the father's name? Andy: Robert, he's also my husband. Maggie: What are the genders of the babies? Andy: I'm having two little girls. Maggie: What are their names? Andy: Twin A is Amanda Ayah and Twin B is Diana Eve. Maggie: Okay. The nurse's shifts vary, but I'll try to be their nurse most of the time. There are a variety of shifts. I'm their nurse today, but I have Cassie helping me since it's a delivery. Andy: Okay.

Maggie: Since they're nine weeks early, they will probably have a weak cry, and may need help with their oxygen. They'll be tiny and under three pounds. They'll be delivered, and taken into a side room off the OR. We're going to have a team of around six people per baby. The team will include a nurse aka me, a neonatologist, a respiratory therapist, a resident, and a nurse practitioner. I'll be with twin A who is Amanda and Cassie is with Twin B who is Diana. We'll be with them the whole time. When we get them stabilized, the father will be welcome to come over. You won't see them until after recovery. However, we'll be with them the whole time. Have you met a NICU team yet?

Andy: I met some of them last week. Including Dr. Lynch. Maggie: Do you want anyone with them after you deliver that will be in charge of their medical care? Besides Robert your husband of course. Andy: Lucas Ripley, he'll be in the waiting room. They allowed him back here for a bit but they needed him to leave. Maggie: Okay. (Andy's doctor comes in.) Madeline: Hello, Andy. We're going to take you back now. Andy: Okay. Is Robert here? Madeline: I don't know. Andy: I hope he gets here soon. Madeline: If he is here or when he arrives, I'll make sure you see him. Andy: Thanks for that. I can't do this without him. Madeline: Understandable. I couldn't do it without my husband either.

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