Chapter 13

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NICU Day 32: Amanda and Diana are Thirty-Two Days Old... Today, Andy and Robert painted the girl's rooms with the help of Lucas and Vic. Maggie kept an eye on the babies, and Andy called to check on them often.

Andy visited the girls in the morning for checks, to feed them, and to see Dr. Lori. While she was there, the guys got the room ready to paint. They started painting as soon as Andy got back. While they were painting, they all got in a paint fight, and couldn't stop laughing. They had a ton of fun.

That evening, after they finished painting, they all went and saw the babies. When they got there, they had paint on their hair. When Maggie saw that, she laughed. They hung out for an hour, and then headed home. They were all exhausted.

NICU Day 33: Amanda and Diana are Thirty-Three Days Old... This morning is another shift, and that means Andy's going to sleep at the NICU this evening. Then, Amanda has another heart ultrasound today. Plus, Maggie and Hannah are taking care of the girls.

This morning they both got up around six-thirty. Andy pumped while Robert showered, they then had breakfast together, and Robert left around seven-thirty in the morning. When he left, Andy packed her overnight bag plus normal stuff, showered, and left around eight in the morning.

When she got to the NICU, she fed the girls, and Maggie came in and did their checks. Around nine-thirty, Dr. Lori came in. Conversation... Dr. Lori: Morning everyone. How are you doing Andy? Andy: Good. It's his second shift back, and today I'm a mom for twenty-four hours. Dr. Lori: How are the girls? Maggie: Good. We can do down on Diana's oxygen, and I want to try and start weaning them off the feeding tube. Otherwise, we're doing good. Dr. Lori: How's feeding going? Maggie: Diana is doing amazing, and Amanda is still preferring the bottle. However, we're being persistent with the breast. Dr. Lori: Let's decrease Diana's feeding tube intake, and do the bottle and breast only. Let's see if she holds her weight. Then we'll try Amanda in a couple of days. Maggie: Okay. Dr. Lori: As you know Amanda has her heart ultrasound today. Dr. Pardo will be in with the results shortly after. Andy: I know. Dr. Lori: If you need anything, let us know. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Andy: Thank you, Lori.

Dr. Lori leaves. About fifteen minutes after she leaves, the ultrasound tech comes in and does the ultrasound. It's now noon, and Dr. Pardo has come into the room. When Dr. Pardo came in, she hated not having Robert by her side, but she tried to stay calm.

Dr. Pardo: Where's your husband? Andy: He's back at work. What are the results? Dr. Pardo: The PDA didn't close as much as we wanted it to. Our goal every week is for it to close 0.5cm, but it only closed 0.2cm. So, we're going to go up on her meds and do another ultrasound in three days. Andy: Okay. What difference are you looking for then? Dr. Pardo: Around 0.2 centimeters. Andy: Okay. Should we be worried? Dr. Pardo: Not at the moment. She's not showing any complications, and she's catching up on her growth. The PDA is just being tricky and they can be that way. It's nothing to worry about. Andy: Thank you. Dr. Pardo: You're welcome. Have a good day. (Dr. Pardo leaves, and then Maggie comes in.) Maggie: How was it? Andy: Her PDA is being tricky. I'm going to pump and feed and go somewhere. Maggie: Okay.

Andy pumps and feeds Diana. She then leaves. She feels so overflemed and needs her friends, so, she decides to go do some punching. So, she goes to her house, gets her workout gear, and heads to the station. When she gets to the station, it's empty except for Vic.

Vic: Andy, what are you doing here? Andy: I'm punching to get my frustration out. Vic: Okay. (They go upstairs and Andy starts punching.) Vic: What's wrong? Andy: My baby girl's heart, and having them nine weeks early. Plus, me not being able to get pregnant and give my husband a family. Plus, they aren't home with me their mother. They should be with me at home, in their room. Also, Amanda's PDA stopped shrinking. (Andy punches harder and harder. After a minute, she falls and starts crying.) Andy: I don't know how much more I can handle. Vic: Andy, you've got this. You know that right? Andy: It's just so hard. I just wish they could come home, and I could be their mom full-time. Or I could have kept them in me longer. This just sucks. Vic: Yes, it does. You kept them in till thirty-one weeks. You did well. What are you always telling me about God? Andy: That he has a plan. No matter how hard it is, you will get through it. Vic: Yes, you will. Andy: Thank you, Vic. My only dream when I was little, was to become a mom to two little girls, and I felt like it was never going to come true. Vic: You've done that dream. Andy: It's just so hard and I feel like I can't cope, I have so much built up on the inside, but I'm trying to be their mother. (They hear the doors open. So, Vic helps Andy up and hugs her. They go and get some water.) Vic: I know it's a secret. Andy: Thank you. (The team comes upstairs, and heads to the showers. Maya is the first one to come out and see Andy.)

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