One hell of a night.

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In the morning, when we wake up, we may have existential questions that come to our mind. They change, and differ from person to person, and may resemble these kinds of sentences:

"What could I possibly bring to the world?" "Do I mean anything to anyone?" "Is dying really more painful than living?"

At times, too, they don't really make much sense... "In an alternate universe, do rabbits cook up foxes for breakfast?" "Why are humans so interested in the life of the chicken that crossed the road?" "Am I allowed to give my cousin some coal for Christmas?"

Or even... "What have I done to the fucking universe, to deserve to have to share my life with somebody like Kim Joon Goo?"

That was the thought that kept coming into the poor man's mind, as he was slumped over the kitchen table, his hands rubbing his eyes. He opened his eyes and gave a dismayed look to the blond man who was peacefully counting his bills on the couch. What a fucking bastard.

His rival, looking perfectly awake, turned out to be the worst housemate Gun could have ever imagined... If he were asked to choose between living with him or the devil, he would answer without any hesitation that it wasn't a choice if the options were the same. Because even the devil could not match the other man in this matter.

At midnight, he had started by setting up a karaoke in his room. After an hour and a half of noise, where he shouted every couple of minutes to make sure that the black-haired boy didn't fall asleep, he started to sing. And it was so horrible that it could have drilled a deaf person's eardrums a second time. He was singing the worst songs ever... old Christmas songs, 90's shonen songs, the most awful music about sex... And he didn't end there.

After an hour of fun, he began his parade of prostitutes. Yes, yes, you have read that correctly... He had engaged about fifteen girls, with whom he slept one after another without the slightest shame. And then he went for a second round. The walls of the house being not soundproof at all, despite its price, his rival was able to enjoy their noisy debates until five in the morning. He was almost praying to the gods he knew to take away this man's stamina...

And then, just when Gun thought that he could finally relax and enjoy the few hours he still had left, the coup de grace came... It was simply Yoon Goo who had barged into his room, wearing a Hawaiian shirt and carrying an assault rifle on his shoulder.

You might just as well say that the beautiful night of sleep the man dreamed of had been nothing but a pure utopia.

"Hey, Gun! I need your help!"

This sentence, suddenly said by the second man, brought the so-called Gun out of his thoughts. Stoping to count his savings so he could look at him, Goo stared at him with an uneasy look, waiting for his answer.

"What do you expect from me that I could possibly grant you, despite your behavior last night?" he replied, irritated, and hoping to be able to belittle Goo to make him pay for his cheap little jokes.

"How much money do I have, if I take 15 billion won off my 500,000?"

Gun lifted his head, before locking eyes with the other, straightening in his chair. If he had to choose one word to describe the way he was feeling, at that very moment, it was certainly... Astounded.

He just couldn't believe that someone who was going to be his work partner and his new companion could be so limited intellectually. It just wasn't acceptable.

"Oh, I can't really tell...A negative number of 14.97 billion won, perhaps? But then again, I'm not as good at math as you are..."

"Ah, shit... How many cocktails do you think I can afford with that?"

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