Project Sliders Part 2

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"Well, Hua you can only blame, yourself for this having happened. It is because of humans like you that Honkai will prevail, precisely because people like you are influenced by emotions that only condemn humanity to repeat the same mistakes."

"More through the stigma project I will be able to create from scratch new humanity that will not inherit the same flaws that existed in the humans of the previous era and I being the leader of this new humanity, I will pave the way that will allow the humanity of this era to destroy Honkai of once for all!"

"But as long as there are people like you, there will always be obstacles that prevent humanity from reaching its ascension."

But Kevin's speech is interrupted by someone clapping, when he turns around, Kevin is surprised when he sees to see that the person that was clapping, was nothing more nothing less than Su.

"Good speech Kevin. Darwin would be proud to see someone like you promote Darwinism."

Kevin confused turns to see where was the Su he had stabbed before, to be surprised by the fact that Su had disappeared, but this wasn't his only surprise, Kevin had realized that the person he had stabbed was himself.

"But how is this possible? When did this happen? This would only be possible if I had fallen on Feng..." but his thoughts were interrupted by Su's next line.

"If I were you, I would look to the heavens."

When Kevin does as Su says, he realizes it was too late to escape the Edge Of Taixuan, he is hit hard by the attack that devastates a huge area equivalent to several football fields.

When Kevin does as Su says, he realizes it was too late to escape the Edge Of Taixuan, he is hit hard by the attack that devastates a huge area equivalent to several football fields

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Su and Hua, who had departed from the epicenter of the destruction, get together to discuss what to do, now they have eliminated Kevin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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