Chapter 1: Introduction

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On the set of a toon production company, a Roger Rabbit and Baby Herman cartoon was being filmed, and Roger had just had a refrigerator dropped on his head when someone yelled 'cut!'

"What the hell was wrong with that take?" Baby Herman snapped. He had gone from sounding like a cute little baby to a grouchy 40 year old man.

"Nothing was wrong with you Baby Herman." The man reassured. "You were great. You were perfect. You were more than perfect. Just Roger. He keeps blowing his lines!"

The fridge door was open, and Roger's head was poking out of a hole in the fridge and he had birds flying around his head.

"Roger, what's this?" The man asked, grabbing one of the birds.

"A tweeting bird." He answered.

"Roger read the script. Look what it says, it's says, 'Rabbit gets clunked. Rabbit sees stars.' Not birds, stars! Can we lose the playback please! Roger, you're killing me, killing me!"

Once he was down yelling at Roger, Baby Herman also turned to yell at him too. "For crying out loud Roger! How the hell many times do we have to do this damn scene? Raoul, I'll be in my trailer!"

"My stomach can't take this. This set is a mess. Clean this set up. And get him outta there or seal him up in it! Lose the lights. And say lunch!" Raoul barked.

"Please Raoul, I can give you stars. Just drop the refrigerator on my head one more time!" Roger begged, after getting out of the refrigerator.

"Roger, I dropped it on your head 23 times already."

"I can take it, don't worry about me." Roger promised.

"I'm not worried about you. I'm worried about the refrigerator." Raoul snapped, heading to his trailer.

Roger ran after him hitting his head with a frying pan trying to see stars. As he was doing this, a burly looking man wearing a fedora and a pinstripe suit, watched him and let out a scoff.

"Toons." Then lifted a small bottle of alcohol to his lips.

"Really Uncle Eddie? I'm standing right here." A voice complained.

Eddie turned and looked behind him to see his 22 year old, adopted, Toon niece, (Y/n) standing there with her hands on her hips and narrowed eyes. She was a pretty, human looking Toon with (h/l) (h/c) hair, (s/c) skin, and (e/c) eyes, and she was wearing black shoes and pants, a white button up shirt, and a (f/c) overcoat.

Eddie sighed. "You know that that doesn't include you, (Y/n). Now come on, we gotta go see maroon."

Eddie walked off, and (Y/n) rolled her eyes, but followed him.


A woman opened double office doors and Eddie and (Y/n) stood behind her.

"Mr. Maroon, Mr. Valiant and Miss Valiant are here to—."

Mr. R.K. Maroon was busy going through scenes of a cartoon, and held up a hand to pause her.

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