Chapter 7: I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Drawn That Way

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The weasels used their guns to blast open the door. All five of them slithered inside.

"Looks like they gave us the slip, huh boss?" Greasy asked.

"Nah. Valiant's got him stashed somewhere." Smarty replied.

He turned a corner and pointed his gun. "Hold it right there."

Eddie was standing at the sink, and (Y/n) was sitting on the counter next to him.

"Hello boys. Didn't hear you come in." Eddie casually replied.

Smarty took a chair, and dragged it over to Eddie and (Y/n) and stood on it. "Okay, wise guys. Where's the rabbit?"

"Haven't seen him." Eddie replied.

Smarty looked down at the sink and sniffed. "What's in there?"

Eddie pulled out a black sock. "My lingerie."

Smarty recoiled and hopped off the chair to walk away. Just as he did, Roger's head popped out of the sink, and he spit water out. Eddie pushed him back down as soon as Smarty turned his head.

"Search the place, boys. And leave no stone 'interned'. Look Valiant, we got a reliable tip off the rabbit was here. And it was 'corrugated' by several others. So cut the bull schtick."

Smarty glanced at (Y/n). "What about you, toots, you seen the rabbit anywhere?"

(Y/n) shrugged. "Can't say I have."

"Listen here, chickie. If you're lying, you're as good as Dipped. And we wouldn't want that to happen to a pretty thing like you, now would we?" Smarty smirked, and (Y/n) glared at him.

"So better talk now, especially before the boys discover your room. I have a feeling they'll be more interested in the kind of lingerie you have rather than Valiant's."

Eddie furiously looked at Smarty. There was no way he was gonna let those perverted weasels go through her stuff. "You keep talking like that, and I'm gonna have to wash your mouth out."

Eddie shoved a bar of soap in Smarty's mouth, knocking him off the chair, and sending him back into the office, just as Roger came up for air.

All the other weasels turned and saw Smarty with the soap in his mouth and they all started cracking up.

"Stop that laughing!" Smarty mumbled, and spit the soap out hitting Wheezy in the head.

The other two laughed louder. "Stop that laughing. You know what happens when you can't stop laughing." Smarty picked up a plunger and hit Greasy, Stupid and Psycho with it, to get 'em to stop laughing. "One of these days, you're gonna die laughing."

Smarty went back over to Eddie and hopped on the chair. "As for you Valiant, step outta line, we'll hang you and your laundry out to dry, and Dip the girl." He chuckled. "Come on boys, let's am-scray."

The weasels left, and Eddie pulled Roger out of the sink.

"Jeepers Eddie, that was swell. You saved my life. How can I ever repay ya?" Roger exclaimed, and placed a big kiss on Eddie's lips.

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