CHAPTER 3 : The Truth

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Elvis: Girls you better tell me why you won't tell me about my future? 

Diana & Caroline: we don't know how you would feel on how your life would turn out.

Elvis: just tell me girls i really want to know now.

D&C: ok before we tell you you better sit down  

narrators POV : so the girls  tell Elvis all  about his future.(not all of it you will find out in a later chapter why they didn't !)

Elvis:wow girls that's one crazy life of mine. 

Diana:so Elvis have you have a plan how to get back to past yet? 

Elvis:no i haven't honey but i'm sure you are will me won't you? 

D&C: sure we will Elvis! 

Elvis: thank you girls how sure start? 

Diana:did you notice any thing that you did see before you left today? 

Elvis: no honey but i thing we should all go back to my room look and try to find away to time travel back. 

both girls: sounds like a plan Elvis!!!

author note: hi guys!!! it been awhile since the last chapter also i would like to thank you as of the time i publish this chapter i'm number 95 in the rankings for #Elvis. ps: sorry for the short chapter the next chapter will be one to look for i just wanted to get a chapter out for you guys!!. i hope you Enjoy the chapter!!!

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