Part 1

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At the Throne Room...

Belos sighed as he looked at the photo of his daughter when she was born.

Such a sweet, sweet little thing. Such a tiny little thing to be born from a man such as himself, if he can even call himself a man anymore. His little Luzura was more than enough proof that is still something of himself left in him... whoever he was before becoming Belos. His daughter reminds her so much of her brother as she grew up. Despite wanting his little princess to learn about the second world she was born into; his ex-wife was heavily against it. In fact, the only time he can see her would be the visitation time on Earth.

"You okay, Uncle? You seem down." A boy with a golden Ogygoptynx mask asked in a gentle tone.

"Oh, I'm fine, William. I simply miss your cousin." He admitted to his nephew as a younger boy with a golden Burrowing owl mask perked up.

"Luz? Doesn't she live at that place where the rain never boils? How come you can't see her right now?" He asked as the middle boy, the Golden Guard nudged him.

"Hey, don't ask questions like that, Spade. It's insensitive!" He scolded, causing the younger boy to shove him back.

This leads to a fight between the two as the emperor sighed and waved his hand.

"On it." Something tweeted as a woman with white feathery hair in a gold, blue, and white Victorian dress with ribbons and a matching bonnet, and a bell wand appeared.

In a blink of an eye, she separated the boys with her wand.

"Hunter, Spade, enough of this! This is unbecoming of members of the royal family. Especially, when your uncle is not feeling all that well." She scolded the boys in an emotionless and British tone, who hung their heads.

"We're sorry, Parfait." The boy bowed.

"Do not apologize to me. Have one for the emperor. After all, it was your dispute that brought more woe to his day."

"It is fine, Blue. My own sorrows are elsewhere. You three are dismissed for the day. I wish to be alone." Emperor Belos interrupted as the three boys bowed.

"If you need us, we'll be here." William smiled through his mask as the three left the throne room with his uncle and the strange woman alone.

"Sweet boys, very rambunctious, they do grow up fast. I still remember a time as if it were yesterday when Atticus was still living here and was the Golden Guard. Ah, well, birds have to leave the nest at some point."


"Ah yes, the brooding. You have done much of that since becoming the new leader of the Isle. It is not an easy responsibility, but a responsibility nonetheless."

"I know what you are trying to do, Blue and I do not have the energy for one of your 'be happy' games." Belos sighed as he tried to change the subject, "Have the Flock reported in?"

"Indeed, their reports should reach you within the hour. Now, on the subject of your daughter... have you tried discussing it with Camila? I mean really discussing it, not you two bickering like two old biddies." She wondered as his eyes glowed a bit, "You can be angry all you wish but you know I speak the truth."


"You know my former wife would never allow Luzura to enter our world, no matter how many times I assure her she would be safe." He admitted.

"Many fear the unknown as you did once yourself. Give it time, maybe one of these days, she will hear you out. Yes, this world can be frightening but it is also beautiful."

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