You had a boring life, was such a lonely person, and wanted...NEEDED love.You worked at a shitty diner and well each day you got home you felt like someone was staring at you watching you closely and wisely.
Key:Thoughts have this Font Sounds look like this *
It was morning 7:28a.m you felt sick really.You calle someone on your phone.
YN:Hello?"You'd ay on the phone". TK:Hey YN what's up"He says ". YN:Hey nothing just I don't think I'll make it for work today so can you not stall me on the paper"You say". TK:Oh okay then rest okay"He say worried". YN:Of course"You say knowing you never do".
You hand up and just lay down.You then felt someone stare.You didn't think it much so you just stayed still and fell right back to sleep.
Peters pov~
Oh my dear YN I wanna fuck the life out of you.We look to perfect together...I wanna eat you out like there's no tomorrow.You mine.
YN pov
You wake up and just got dressed into a hoodie and some black jeans you felt so insecure about the way you looked. You felt like going to the park would be something good to do.
You walk around and then see a bench with no one around no one sitting on it and gosh you felt nice feeling the air on your face.
You say on the bench and just closed your eyes.You then hear footsteps.You open your eyes and see a hot tall gray male in front of you.Yoy were scared and jump from seeing him just appear in your view.
??:Woah your a jumpy one aren't you"He says". YN:Sorry you scared me"You say". YN:Hey I remember you"You'd ay as you try to think". ??:Yo do?"He says looking scared". YN: Aren't you that goth boy from highschool"You'd ay looking at him". ??:That's me...can't believe you remember me"He says with a shy smile". YN:I might have forgotten your name...was it p-peter..sorry if I'm wrong-"You get cut off by him sitting". Peter:You got it don't worry love"He says scooting closer to you". YN:Oh phew"You say".
You guys talked for what seemed to be an hour.Peter siad he needed to go somewhere that he was late.You just walked back to your apartment sadly.You couldn't believe that you remember Peter after so many years.
Peters pov
I walk away from the park.I didn't think she would remember me and seeing her made me hard.I needed to please my self.I was so close to damn close on making her mine.Why did I leave her behind gosh.I get in my van and with my tinted windows I knew no one can hear nor see me.I unzip my pants and start touching my dick.
Peter: How bad I wish she could do this for me.
I get a picture from my pocket it was of YN my sweet YN.
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|The picture of you|
Ahh my darling my sweet sweet YN I wanna eat you up already don't worry I'm already so close.
After a while I remember I never asked to see YN again.Fuck me!That's okay I still see them.
At night~
YN pov
You changed into a nice liquor kinda dress it was silky and soft on your skin.Best part was that it showed half of your ass(Underwear).You lay on your bed.Before you fell asleep you heard your window open.You knew someone was in your room.Just the thing was you been noticing your window open and also the weirdest thing was that they thought you were asleep once an you heard everything.You decided to close your eyes and pretend to be asleep.You then noticed as the voice was...PETER!?
You lay there and you feel him lay down with you as he speaks you felt shivers on your spine.You felt...horny?YN YOU HAVING A GOD DAMN STALKER IN YOUR ROOM AND YOU WANT HIM TO DO SHIT TO YOU WHAT THE FUCK!!!
He then flips you over.
Peter: Someone awake"He says in a slutty tone". You open your eyes. Peter:Hi darling "He says staring at your eyes". YN:So you have been in my room this whole time"You say not in shock". Peter:Wow no scared reaction?"He says in a shock reaction". YN:Well should I call the cops...I can if ya like..if thats what your asking for"Yous ay jokingly". Peter:No no no I you"He says going down to your leg and hugging them". YN:You could have said that"You say". YN:If we met in high school I wouldn't mind you touching me Peter you know right"You say as he looks at you in shock". Peter:Really!?"He says". YN:Really"You say". He then lays on you were your boobs get squished by his hot warmed body on you. Peter:So what your saying if I were to do anything to you right now you wouldn't mind my darling "He says as he lifts up your pj dress and traces a line on your stomach". YN:I wouldn't mind "You say". Peter then licks your stomach and you feel something hard on your legs.Was he being serious.
Peter:You always had soft skin my love"He says as you just lay there". Peter then gets up and locks your door and goes to your window and closed it.He gets back on you and then lift up you dress more. Peter: Doesn't that hurt darling"He says looking at your bra". YN:Kinda"You say sitting up". Peter pulls you closer to his chest and lifts your pj dress up and unclips your bra.You felt relieved of the feeling of not being in traped air.He then takes off your dress and stares down to your breasts.He goes to your left boob and licks it. YN:*moan* Peter: Already moaning for me darling "He says making you feel wet". He takes his pants off as you take your underwear off.He takes off his shirt and hoodie.He makes out with you and pushes you slightly down the bed.You feel him push his dick on you.You felt like moaning but he put his tongue in your mouth.It was a battle between who's tongue wins.He won of course. Peter:Want me to fuck you"He says". YN:Please do"You say in a whiney way". Peter: since you said please dear"He says as he adjust his dick in you.You then Remember he doesn't have a condom so you were risking a huge life choice you might regret.
YN:*Moan* f-fast"You say". Peter wanted to tease you.He got slower, and it hurt when you thought of his dick being so deep but going slowly in and out. Peter:What was that dear"He says going even slower". YN:F-FUCK ME DADDY~"You say out as you felt like telling him to just eat you out already ". Peter:Daddy okay love the nickname love"He says in shock but then going fast". YN:*Moaning* You were a moaning mess and gosh Peter wouldn't stop even if you told him.You felt tired but he pleased you so good. Peter then gets up and holds you back so you guys are still together.You guy are faced to the light of your window.And gosh he layer you down and with your right hand he is holding it tightly as with your left your holding your leg.He then fingers your pussy. YN:Mmmm~ Peter:Cum for me darling"He says adding 2 fingers". YN:P-Peter your going to fast s-s-slow do we p-please"you say out of breath". Peter:That's not my name"He says teasingly". YN: P-peter plea-please"You say whining as he end up go faster". Peter:Nope not my name"He says teasingly". YN:D-Daddy"You say". Peter then stops and then looks at your drooling face. Peter flips you to your stomach on the bed and your but towards him.He lifts your ass up and then puts his dick in. Peter:YN will you be mine"He says as he ducks the life out of you". YN:I-I mean it d-doesnt sound r-right to just fuck m-me then ignore me"Yous ay trying to speak". Peter: True...I love you"He says going deeper". YN:M-me *moan* Peter chuckles.
You wake up and feel weak from the knees.You felt arms on your waist.You sit up and see it's Peter he wakes up also. Peter:Good morning love"He says bringing you back". YN: Morning"You say". Peter squishes your boobs under the cover. *You both hear the door nob busy open* Peter hides under the covers and and still squishes your boobs.You tried not to moan by Peter doing that but you couldn't handle it. Lucy:Hey oh I could have sworn I heard moaning last night"She says looking around". YN:S-So you would still come in if I was having sex"You say trying to not moan". Peter whisper:Want it harder"He says licking your breasts". You couldn't hold it in anymore you moaned as you covered your mouth. Lucy:OHHHH HE I STILL HERE"She says in a embarrassed way". She gets out the room. Peter: Finally that bitch left"He says getting out of the covers". YN:Yea I think you scared her then peace"You say". Peter:Do you have work"He says in a sad tone". YN:Sadly yes"You say getting up". You change in front of him.