You had a boring life, was such a lonely person, and wanted...NEEDED love.You worked at a shitty diner and well each day you got home you felt like someone was staring at you watching you closely and wisely.
You went and got your keys as Peter changed in your room.He get out as he was to mad to look at Lucy dumbfuck face.He comes over and hugs you form the back. YN:I'll be out now I have work"You say to Lucy". Lucy:Okay and by the way I have a interview at a grocery store near by"She says as she gets up exited". YN: CONGRATS"You say". YN:Anyways gotta go celebrate later"You say as Peter lifts you up". YN:Peter I can walk"You say lying". Peter:Okay then try"He says putting you down". Last night Peter went hard on you so your legs were in bad condition. You try to walk but then half ways fall.Peter grabbed you by the shirt. Peter:See love"He says chuckling and carrying you". YN:Okay you caught me"You say hugging him by the neck as he carries you to your car". YN:You coming or you got plans"You say". Peter: I'll come by later don't worry"He says". YN:Okay love you"I say blowing him a kiss".
Peter pov
She blows me a kiss making me wanna just fuck her again right there and then.I get hard thinking about it.Gosh YN just let me do it already.She is already mine just these stupid people pressure her too much.I see as drives off to the diner.I got in my van and drive off to the parks parking lot the closest thing towards her.I watch her walk around to get ready for work.
Every step...Every move...The way her hips sway and how she moves is just some pleasure to see.
You go to the employee bathroom and get changed into a janitors outfit.You were to tired to talk to useless hurtful people so you let some girl employee take that in her hands.I get changed and walk out and see TK.He has this crush on me but I never felt the same for him sadly.He keeps trying but more and more it just makes me disgusted by it.
TK:Hey YN "He says already cooking". YN:Hey TK"You say getting to the trashcan full of thrown food and cups". You get the trash and walk outside to the dumpster.You throw the trash and walk back inside.
Peters pov
I see YN talking to a guy TK...gosh he's annoying.He is also one of the people who pressure YN.I see YN walk out the restaurant and holding two trash bags she goes to the dumpster and throws them in.I watch closely as her hips move with her ass.I feel hard I wish YN was here to help me please myself but she was working.Gosh how can I go with me looking like this.
YN pov
I clean a bit when a couple of highschool kids come in the diner. Boy:Hey look I never seen those big boobs around here"He says jokingly but in a serious way looking at your chest". You felt completely embarrassed for how they talked to you.You walk away and go to the employee bathroom.You felt stressed really stressed you wanted to murder yourself at that point.You got pills out of your pocket and swallow them.You felt dizzy but who gave a fuck about your life.You get out and keep cleaning.When you got the table where the guys were sitting one of them throws a napkin on the floor. Boy 2:Oops can you get that"He says". YN:S-sure"you say as you know your skirt would go up if you bended down". You just go for it and make it quick and grab it and give to them.You felt worse you felt like crying.
YN:Who do they think they are to treat me like this assholes
Peters pov
I watch as YN comes of of a door he looks pale and sick.She goes and cleans.I see a guy throw a napkin on the floor, YN looks embarrassed...pressured.She quickly goes down to pick it up then walks off embarrassed and looking like there about to cry.
Peter:THOSE DAMN BLASTERS"I say slamming my van door and walking up to the diner, I sit normally and wait"
YN pov
I go clean my face and go straight back out I see that the girl who took notes left with her 'Boyfriend'.I didn't change and go to see who was next to take the was Peter he sat there starring at the guys who made me bend down.I walk up to him. YN:Hi Peter"I say kissing him and trying to sound fine".
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(A.K.A pretend your ina skirt sorry)
Peter:Darling Hi I missed you"He says getting up to hug you". He looks at the guys staring at him and TK who is trying to hold back tears.He grabs your shirt from the top and licks it. YN:*whisper moan". YN:Stop it I'm at work Peter"I say whispering ". Peter:When do you get off"He says looking up at you". YN:In about 3 hours"You say". Peter:Oh okay I just wanted to see you I'll be on my way now darling"He says kissing you on the lips". YN:O-Okay"You say trying to speak during the kiss".
Peter leave and the highschool boys did to.Ut was only you and TK.He looked at TK and saw him slightly crying.You walk towards him. YN: TK are you okay!?"You say". TK doesn't say anything and before you can say anything he yell at you. TK:YOUR A BITCH YN YOU GET THAT"He says grabbing your wrist tightly". YN:W-what did I do oww"Yous ay in pain". TK:YOU COULD HAVE SAID SOMETHING...YOUR A BITCH IF HE EVER FUCKS WITH YOU HE MADE A MISTAKE.HE USED YOU OKAY YN.I BEEN HERE SINCE WE STARTED HIGHSCHOOL AND YOU GO FOR A GUY YOU JUST MET WHAT THE FUCK"He says fastly and angrily". He pushes you on the floor and grabs tape and tapes your mouth. TK:SEE...THIS IS HOW BADLY I WANTED YOU"He says dragging me to outside". When I hit the rough ground I knew I was gonna have cuts and bruises around my thighs.I felt...light.TK then looks at me and let's go. Peter:Get away from her"He says in growling tone". TK:What the fuck"He says as he runs off". Your in tears from the pin in your legs.You felt like just dying there.You wished TK murdered you.You felt hands on your mouth. Peter:Are you okay my love"He says removing the tape gently". You nod He looks at your legs. Peter:That asshole hurt you"He says as you see him look down in shame". Peter:I'm sorry I didn't help "He says as he picks you up".
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(Pretend again your in a skirt)
Peter took you to your place and thank God Lucy wasn't there.Peter takes you to the bathroom and he ask for the bandage kit.You pointed it out.He grabs it wounds and wraps it around your thighs.You feel him get up and grip on your waist.He hears keys unlock the front door.Peter walk with you to your room.You change into a not so long hoodie and no pants jut underwear but with some nice long socks.Peter gets into some blue hoodie and black baggy pants.
Peters pov
I see YN walk up to me and hugs me.I smile by the fact she is on my chest.I cuddle her and pin her on the wall.I lift her head and kiss her.Are kiss became a make out session.
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