𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿.

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▬▬"Cousin Day!"▬▬

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"Cousin Day!"

Being in karate class and the All Valley tournament is in a couple of months. You had to train every day meaning the Cobra Kai Dojo had to train harder.

[ 𝗰𝗼𝗯𝗿𝗮 𝗸𝗮𝗶 𝗱𝗼𝗷𝗼 ]

The students from Cobra Kai are stretching and warming up for the lesson today that Kreese has them do.

"Yo, guys." Kyler walks over to Tory and Robby. "My boy, he got some free tickets to the drive-in tonight. They're going old school, something called Bloodsport." Kyler says to Robby and Tory.

"I know that movie. My dad left an old VHS at our place." Robby stated at Kyler after finishing his last stretches. "It was the only evidence I had that he existed." He said with a sarcastic tone.

"I heard it's dope. So, if you guys are in, let's do this." Kyler said to his friends. Tory looks down at the mat.

"Depends on how late I have to work tonight. My new boss put me on the schedule for today. Guy's a total creep." Tory says to the boys playing with her fingers.

"You got a new job? Where?" Robby asked Tory kindly. She looks at her used to be enemy. "It's none of your business." Tory harshly said to Robby. He was slightly offended but said okay.

"I know that this is off a topic but I have to admit what I saw yesterday." Kyler said to Tory and Robby making them look at one another.

"Yesterday I went on a dinner with my family and I saw Miguel's family with—" Kyler said when Tory rolled her eyes and spoke up. "Ok, can you not talk about him and sa—" Tory gets interrupted by Kyler.

"But it wasn't Sam. It was a some other girl." Kyler pointed out to Tory. Making Robby look at him all confused.

"A different girl?" Robby repeats. Kyler nods at Robby before saying more. Robby was about to see when he saw Kenny come into the dojo with a sad look on his face. Quickly forgetting what Kyler told him and Tory.


"What is this place?" Baby asked Miguel as they entered the arcade and Baby saw all the games and colors inside.

"This is an arcade. Where me and my friends go whenever we have time. A lot of fun games you can try." Miguel explains to his cousin. She could all the teens, kids, and even adults with smiles on their faces.

Miguel pulls Baby to a machine and gets his wallet out. Take out some money and put it in the machine who took it inside. The machine started to make weird noises and Baby grabbed her cousin's arm. Then two cards came out and Miguel grabbed them and handed Baby one.

"Oh okay...what's that supposed to do?" Baby asked Miguel. He rolls her eyes and drags her again.

Baby and Miguel went on one of the games. Miguel swiped the card on and a lot of balls came out. Miguel grabs two balls and gives one to his cousin. Baby grabs it and Miguel throws the ball and hits the clown. Baby does the same thing but misses the clown making her whine.

After they were done playing the games they had 3 bags full of tickets. Baby and Miguel headed over to the prizes area. They were waiting in line when a boy went up to them.

"Hey, Miguel." Chris greeted Miguel and then looked at Baby. "Who's this?" Chris asked Miguel.

"Chris meet Baby, my cousin." Miguel said to Chris. Baby waved awkwardly to Chris who waved back.

"It's nice to meet you." Chris said to Baby. As he grabs the ticket and puts it in the machine, he counts the ticket and comes back.

"2,890 tickets. So what would you like to get?" Chris asked the Diaz's cousin. Baby looked around the prizes and spotted a stuffed brown medium bear animal.

"Quiero ese ahí." Baby said to Chris and pointed at the bear that had 1,050 tickets. Chris obviously didn't know Spanish but he did see what she was pointing.

Chris grabbed the stool and walked up to reach the bear. He comes back with the medium and hands it over to Baby. The bear was almost bigger than her and she fell in love with her new stuffed animal.

"Gracias!" Baby thanked Chris and he nodded. He goes on the calculator and sums up how many more tickets they have left.

"You have 1,840 left." Chris said to them. Miguel looks at his cousin. "Anything else?" He asked Baby. She looked up at him and shook his head no.

"Chris just give it to anyone." Miguel said to Chris and nodded to him.

"Please don't tell the others, I'm going to tell them tonight at the drive-in." Miguel said to Chris. He completely understands him and nods again.

"Don't worry my lips are sealed." Chris told Miguel. Chris pretended to close his mouth and threw the non-existent key making Baby smile.

"What do you want to eat?" Miguel asked Baby as they walked out of the arcade.

"Quiero comer tacos!" Baby rants to Miguel and jumps up and down. The cousin had a feeling that she was going to say that.

"Okay, vamos." Miguel said to Baby. They went inside Carmen's fixed car and drove to the nearest taco place.

 They went inside Carmen's fixed car and drove to the nearest taco place

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