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(y/n)'s pov

i wasn't just any girl that was interested in the famous actor, cole brookestone. i am a fan of him, but i'm no ordinary fan, in fact i want to be him. i look up to him, ever since i was a kid i constantly watched him, i watched him grow.

i've dreamed of speaking to him ever since we were both kids. now i know this story seem a little cliche, the girl meets the famous actor in a bar, ends up falling for him and loving the true him, but that's not how this story is.

the truth is my entire life my dreams have been shut down, it just my mom and i. my dad left when he found out my mom was pregnant with me. 

"(y/n), these tables are going to serve themselves!" my boss shouts at me and i sigh. i walk to counter, and my best friend kassie puts food on the counter.

"these go to table eight." kassie says as i take the plates of food and head over to table eight. 

"here you go," i carefully set down the customers food, and get a thank out all of them, i nod as a response before walking away. it is currently rush hour, so things have to go by a lot faster.

i walk back over to the counter, "hey table twelve is yours, you've got a famous actor there. so make sure you are doing a five-star job." my boss says and i nod quickly grabbing a menu and walking over to table twelve.

i notice it's the famous cole brookestone, i didn't want to seem like a fangirl, "hello sir, here is your menu, i will be back in a few minutes to take your order for your drink." i say nonchalantly with a sincere smile, he gives me a glaring look before opening his menu.

i walk back over to counter to go to kassie, "he's a lot meaner in person. he doesn't talk." i say as she puts up some plates to go to my other tables.

"damn, did you act like you didn't know who he is was?" kassie asks and i nod, "well that's why you dummy, acknowledge him." she replies as i walk away with the trays of food. i set the trays down at an empty table and serve the customers their food before walking away with the tray in between my arm and the side of my upper body.

i walk up to the table of cole brookestone, "so, i'll start you off with a drink."

he looks up from his menu and looks at me, "coke is fine." he answers simply and i nod.

"okay, coming right up." i walk away and head back to the counter, "hey can you get cole brookestone a coke?" i ask whoever was behind the counter at the time.

i see them fill up the cup with soda and another chef sets down some food for me to bring to another table. i take both the soda and the food and walk over to table twelve, "i'll be back in just a minute to order your food." i quickly walk away and bring other customers their food.

there was a lot of talk going around the restaurant about cole brookestone being here, a lot of people thought i was lucky to be waiting his table.

i walk over to mr. brookestone's table, "what can i get for you today?" i ask him and he looks up from his phone and sighs quietly.  "im sorry-"

"get me another waitress." he mumbles quietly, but loud enough for me to hear. i walk away over to my boss.

"table twelve is yours," i hand the notepad for table twelve over to her and she rolls her eyes.

"what did you fuck up this time." my boss sighs and walks over to cole's table. i wish i could've talked to him outside of work, but i had to stay professional.

~ ~ ~ ~

"yeah! and then he was just like get me a new waitress. like at least i wasn't fangirling over him." i sigh with sadness.

"it's okay girl, shake it off. you'll have plenty of opportunity's to see him, i mean shit- he lives in ninjago city!" kassie exclaims, she always comforted me when needed. "this is my stop, bye gurlyyy." kassie smiles and goes into her house.

now kassie might be a little annoying, but kassie was also the only one who was ever there for me when something went wrong. honestly we both just assumed we were best friends, but i mean were both okay with that, so what's the harm.

i finally got home and was able to relax after a long stressful day, hopefully tomorrows better, but who knows. i've got work tomorrow, so it'll probably just be shit, no fun for me.

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