-Chapter One-

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Dear lady Crowe,

It has come to my attention that you know a great deal about reforms. I would like to invite you to my home at 28 bell place Whitechapel to have a word with you about a future idea. Please be there as soon as possible.

-William Lyon

I was currently in tewkesbury and my apartment when I received this letter. I was not scheduled to be in the house of Lords until later today like tewkesbury was so it was the perfect time to visit this William Lyon. I put my switchblade in my corset and made my way to the door before I remembered it was raining today. I grabbed a Parisol that would hopefully help a bit and walked out the door.

I made my way down the stairs and out of the real doors this time beginning my short journey to Whitechapel. As I walked I observed the town around me. Industries had come a long way in the last year and factories we're becoming more efficient as inventors all across Europe and the rest of the world were developing new innovations to make the world go around just a little faster than before.

When I arrived the door was already open so I stepped inside and called out Williams name. Almost instantly I heard shuffling and a young man with a thin mustache turned the corner leading me into a room.

"You must be lady Crowe. Im William Lyon and this is Sarah Chapman and may." He said as he held out his hand for me to shake. I took it graciously and shook each of their hands briefly before Sarah jumped straight into her story.

"About two years ago the match formula was changed from red to white. It was cheeper for them to do this but it's causing sickness and Williams father is trying to cover it up as typhus. Girls have been getting sick all over the past two years and it's killing them all. It will kill them all if we don't do something about." She finished.

"How can I help and what other information do you have. Have you stolen anything?" I asked quickly.

"Just some papers." William answered for her.

"We were wondering if you could work with your husband on a reform or maybe just bring it to their attention somehow." The girl named may answered. I slightly smiled when she called tewkesbury my husband then remembered we werent married yet.

"Um may they aren't married quite yet." William said for me.

"I'm going there later this morning actually and I will be happy to work on this project with you. You must keep in contact though." I said as I held my hand out to shake each of theirs.

"Are we paying you?" Sarah asked.

"No no I'm merely helping friends save friends. payment would simply be preposterous." I replied.

"I think your spending to much time in the house of Lords y/n your starting to sound just like them." William joked.

"I think your right. There just keeping me busy trying to prove me wrong but I'm to smart. I think I might be stressing them out more than the later." I said replying to his joke.

After a little more friendly conversation the three of them began showing me everything they knew. They pulled out different experiments and even let me help with one so that I could understand there method of testing. All of this was valid evidence I could use along with my power from the house of Lords to reveal these truths.

Once they finished showing me everything and explaining the system I started writing in a notebook everything I could remember that they had said.

I had become a quick scholar as I was often writing letters to many places and taking notes as I listened to the lords. I was writing rapidly as the three adults watched me closely.

I was clearly the youngest in the room but I often felt older than many of my peers in there early twenties. I was only seventeen which was quite young for all my titles but I wasn't far behind tewkesbury who also happened to be seventeen as well. Even enola was busy with her detective business and she too was of the common age of seventeen.

At my age I would normally be exiting finishing school but you heard that story in my last adventure. I could even have been bearing children at my age but that wasn't something I liked to bring up even if I'm the only one thinking about it.

Once I was done writing my notes I helped them clean up all the experiments before we all sat down for a cup of tea. The four of us made small talk but I was clearly the bore of the group until they asked about my own death. I don't think I ever mentioned that my death spread like wildfire in the paper as soon as I made myself known in London last year. There were articles all about my secret twin that they had spotted in the London streets but I paid no mind to anyone so they ignored it.

A clock ticked ten and I decided that I should probably return home to organize my things before tewkesbury and I left for the house of Lords. On days like these where we weren't needed till the afternoon we liked to stroll in the park. I was advancing greatly in my botany skills. Tewkesbury had been teaching me all about the different plants and had filled our apartment with plants to the point where I could no longer see the walls.

Speaking of our apartment, ever since last year where tewkesbury and I had multiple attempts made on our lives we decided to move out and rent an apartment in town so that we were closer to work and away from family drama. It was cozy but it worked for us since we spent most of our time out and about.

Once I turned a corner down my street a saw a small flower vendor walking and I imedeately rushed to them to get some flowers.

"Hi can I get a bouquet of anything?" I asked realizing I was totally unprepared with the flower I wanted

"Of course. One bouquet for the lovely lady crowe." The florist said which surprised me.

"How do you know who I am?" I questioned as I pulled out I small pouch of coins.

"I read about your work in the house of Lords and I must say your doing good work for us all." The man said as he handed me the flowers then shook my hand.

"Well it was lovely meeting you." I said as I walked to my apartment which was only a few doors down.

"You as well." He called out to me.

Moments later I was opening the door to my apartment to see tewkesbury there with papers strewn everywhere while he was casually watering the plants that were slowly taking over our apartment.

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