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Christmas to Remember
Christmas Baking, Chapter One:
(Blair) I loved Christmas, but mostly the baking. Well till this year everything is different now. I don't even think my mom knows if it is Christmas time. Ever since dad died last summer mom has kind of lost in her own little world.
So I'm alone baking dad's favorite cookies, wondering what he would do to make me smile if he were here. It's just not the same without him trying to help or sing and dance. Now it's just a cup of that, pinch of this, don't forget the oven...
Christmas Traditions, Chapter Two:
(Blair) Christmas used to always be so much fun! It was dads favorite holiday, he always had so many traditions. I used think they were so silly but now, what I wouldn't give to do them again.
He always started the holidays off by getting up on Black Friday, Running around singing totally out of tune to his favorite songs. He would already have the tree up before ten. I tried to turn on some music but mom couldn't stop crying. But for dad he would always fly the family in. I don't think mom could ever handle seeing them again. I was trying to set up the tree, but when mom got home after she disappeared. Her eyes got all watery and run out of the house and drove off. WAS SHE EVEN TRYING TO GET BETTER FOR ME? WHY DOES SHE KEEP LEAVING ME??Does she want to leave me completely alone?
.This Christmas has been the hardest and it hasn't even happened yet.

Christmas Decorating, Chapter Three:
(Blair) I was out in the garage trying to find the old decorations, then out of the corner of my eye, I see moving van, how did I not notice the house across the street sold?? Wait please tell me that isn't Alex Cassidy, The school Bad-boy, heart breaker. The guy who made middle school hell for me, he is staring at me! Of course he is staring I'm a mess, I haven't brushed my hair, and I've been crying!
(Alex) God, I hate moving, and why so close to the holidays? My Mom swears this is the last for a while. I had to get away from the love birds, sitting on the porch when I hear the neighbors across the street open there garage door open. Being new to the neighborhood and everything, I look over and it's the one and only Blair Heart, the girl who hated me for some unknown reason. But she looked off, not like the tough girl she acts like in school. We all know her dad's death hit her hard, but seeing her like this just so broken, hurts me.
For some reason I shouldn't care but I do, so much! Crap, she caught me staring, but I can't seem to care. But by the panic in her eyes, she thinks I'm going to do something rude, like make fun of her. So I smile and give her a little wave and head back inside. Maybe this move won't be so bad, since there is a sweet broken girl next door. I feel the need to help.
Christmas Miracle, Chapter Four:
(Blair) ALEX CASSIDY just smiled and waved at me! Even though I look like crap, the weird thing was he didn't look so evil. Maybe even like he cared, that can't be, He can't care! Not after Middle School I mean it's not like he meant to. It all started when I had, HAD a crush on him and to fit in more, I told this girl, Grace. Then she went on to tell everyone, I don't know if he even found out about my crush. But how could he not everyone else did. I realize just thinking about that memory. Has me crying with my head in my hands, so when I hear someone coming, not feeling strong enough to find my voice. I just sit here crying and waiting, for who I don't know. I just think dad was always there for me then and i wish he was here now...
(Alex) I shouldn't care, I shouldn't have watched her cry, I shouldn't be heading for her porch right now. But I am!
After I went back inside, right into the love fest of my mom and Dan (he newest boy toy) But this time I didn't find it gross. It was sweet; they love each other that thought alone scared me, why would I think that now? All I could think about is Blair...Sweet little broken pixie. She is short, skinny, and had black hair, so yea I'm calling her Pixie! Suddenly I find myself looking out my bedroom window, watching her break down. I know I shouldn't be watching but I couldn't look away. Then it hit me, no one is really there for her, my little pixie is all alone, Wait My? When did that start? She needs someone; I might not be her favorite person but someone is better than no one right now. Trust me, after my dad left us, she started always being to busy for me. None of my friends could help me, Wait! I know exactly how she is feeling, I really could help her. With that thought I fly out of my room, down the stairs and out the front door in record time. I'm going to help my broken little Pixie, one way or another...
Christmas Thank You, Chapter Five:
(Blair) *The Next day...*
I don't know who I had been expecting last night. I never would have guessed it would have been Alex. He didn't say much just held me and let me cry and letting me release my feelings from the last year. Losing my dad, missing mom, being alone... It was like as if he read my mind because that that moment he whispered in my ear "I'm here Pixie. You are not alone anymore."
My mother choose that moment to get finally get home, the shock on her face was profound. Her 'perfect' daughter crying in the arms of the town Bad-boy, oh the thoughts she must be having right now! I had about five seconds to wonder before she was violently yanking me away from him and shoved me inside. Before the door even slam shut, she was screaming at me about me being with him was making the same mistake as she made. I didn't even have a chance to respond before she stormed back outside. I couldn't make out what she was screaming but I think I may have even heard her slap him! I have no idea what happened, but I finally hear her car start and take off down the street and when I peeked out Alex had left and gone back inside.
By noon today, I haven't seen either of them; I'm starting to worry, at least about mom. But I couldn't help but wonder what Alex meant when he said, I'm here Pixie ( He Gave me a Nickname!!), you are not alone. I got it! Why didn't I think of this earlier, his dad left him and his mom and I know he was close to his dad. Now all I have to do is think of a way I could say thank you for help me...
Christmas Goodies, Chapter Six:
(Alex)I've been hiding inside all morning, stopping myself from going over to Blair's house to see if she is okay. So when there is a soft knock on the front door, of course I wish it was my Pixie but I didn't believe it was really her. Holding a plate of cookies?
"Hi?" I say not really knowing what else to say. "Ummm... Hey I made these for you. For you know helping me yesterday, also I'm sorry about my mom." She mumbles quietly, I'm too stunned to talk, her eyes were so sad. The deepness of them was what made me freeze. That was until my mom asked who was at the door. I didn't know what to say... "It's... One of the neighbors..." what happened to my cool? Mom must have picked up on it too, so she came to check out who had me shaken. It was understandable, but seeing Blair at the door shocked her. Everyone knew about her dad and what happened, But my mom had to go and ask her "Are you okay Honey?"
Flash Backs, Chapter Seven:
(Blair) When was the last time I was really?
[Last Summer] I was in the pool, talking to my dad. We were making our normal plans for our summer camping trip. As usual mom didn't want us to go... No surprise there. Dad as normal wasn't happy she was trying to pick a fight in front of me. So he helped me out of the pool and gave me money to go get ice cream down the street. I know I sound like I'm five but I love ice cream and hate hearing them fight! But 20 minutes later when I get home, I am surprised to see his car isn't home; mom is hysterical on the porch, what happened??
It's never been this bad, finally get mom calmed down and making dinner; little did I know it may be the last one she ever made me. Dad still isn't home, and then he misses dinner and doesn't answer his phone. I'm really starting to worry when there is a knock on the door; mom was busy cleaning up so I answered it. Only to get the worst news ever...Car crash...drunk driver...heart attack...gone. Were all I really heard, those few words had just ended my world.
(Alex)She went into her own little world, my little Pixie, well not mine yet but soon will be. For me it's not an if, it's a when and how! But she seemed to lose herself when my mom asked if she was okay.
So on reflex to help Blair out of her funk, I move my mom down the hall with the plate of cookies. Grab my Pixie and hug her hoping to get her though whatever is going on in her pretty little head. After a few minutes of holding her, she seems to finally wake up, but stayed still. As if moving would ruin the moment.
"I know you're not okay, but you will be. I'm here for you." I say, hoping she really gets it.
(Blair)Maybe Alex isn't a bad guy. I mean he is holding me making sure I don't break down again. But I can't help but think he has some weird evil twisted plan to make fun of me! I've heard the rumors and I hate that I believe them!!!! I know I should ask him about them but not today. I know my mom should be home soon and I don't want her to freak and leave again.
"Ummmm...Thanks for that. But I should be getting home. Maybe, I could get your number?? You know in case I need help... I mean only if u want to" I babbled. Where did my calm and cool go? Right out the window, I sound like a complete Fool!
(Alex)Holy Crap! I want to say yes, but should i? I don't give about what I should do! Shizz I need to say something!
"Yeah, I'd be okay with that. Hand me your phone I can put my number in and text myself, so I can get your number." I do, and she is on her way home. My mom has million and one questions for me the second is get inside. To avoid her I go upstairs and lock myself in my room. Thinking about my Pixie, this is going to be a long break if this is all I do. Unable to stop thinking about her I head down stairs and eat her delicious cookies.
Christmas Healings, Chapter Eight:
(Blair) After I get home from Alex's, I start to clean up the mess I made baking those cookies; I'm dancing around the house and singing to all my favorite songs. I'm feeling pretty good!
With that sort of talk between me and Alex, I feel a little better, maybe even freer. Like when you first see the light at the end of a dark tunnel?
I felt so good, I even called my best friend, and I've really missed her! We made plans to go see the mall shop maybe see a movie. I felt like such a bad friend when I heard the shock in her voice'
As I'm finishing up cleaning, mom finally gets home, still wearing her clothes from yesterday. 'Hey Mom, Are you okay?" I ask not really knowing what to say or how to act around her anymore. Mom doesn't even respond, just acts like I'm not even here. She went upstairs, packed a bag for a few days and left. I wouldn't have been surprised she left a note thinking I wasn't even home.
She has been such a mess, dream state lately, I know she doesn't notice me or Remember tomorrow is Christmas Eve, at least for me. It feels like I've lost both of the, mom doesn't even notice me. Now leaving for days at a time, I wonder what dad would say about that if he was here. But he isn't and he wouldn't be back. Mom isn't going to come to me either, we never been good and this is our breaking point. Nothing I ever did was good enough for her, same for dad. I always thought she didn't truly love dad and that there were often others. Maybe that's where she has been?
(Alex) I was in my yard talking on the phone with my mo, trying to talk her out of grounding me for pranking her boy toy. When I see Blair's mom get home, it's kind of hard to miss. She flew down the street; she gets out the car, goes inside for about five minutes. Came back out holding a bag that looks like it would be for a few days, still no see of Pixi, till I looked in the living room window. To see her standing there staring out at her checked out mother, tearing streaming down her face, in short, it just about killed me.
But then it hit me, her mom just left for the week. The Week of Christmas! I know she is alone, her dad passed away, mom is only god knows where, and grandparents are nowhere to be seen. This is worse than I thought, realizing I was still on the phone with my mom. I quickly ask her if I could spend time at the neighbors, I swear I could hear her smirk though the phone, but with that smirk was a yes. Then I got to work talking to mom setting up the perfect Christmas Save.
Later, as I'm leaving to catch a quick dinner with my buddies, when Pixi open her front door and sit on the porch. Not trying to be creepy or anything, but I text her,
Me 'Any big Plans?' I really hope it's not another guy.
Pixi 'Mall, Movies with Jess, Hbu?'
Me 'dudes, dinner maybe. Not up for much' Of course she was to be her sassy, snappy self,
Pixi 'Gash! U don't wanna go out?!?!?'
Me 'Guess I feel like family a little more' Crap I didn't mean it like that!
Pixi 'Yeah u should, I miss that... Sorry didn't mean to bring u down'
Me 'Hey its okay, really not be to be noisy but what happened with ur mom?'
(Blair)What should I tell him? I look up for a second to collect my thoughts, only to see him leaning on the hood of his car staring down at this phone.
Me 'wanna know? Come over and wait with me and maybe I'll tell you'
A 'Sure ' What does that mean? That he doesn't want to come but can't be rude... Crap he is here, "Hey" hopefully that sounds happy.
Christmas Plan, Chapter Nine:
(Alex)Why was I over here? Because you can't say no or even fake wanting to, the voice of Blair in the back of head yelled, again! Just the way she is drives me crazy. When I'm not around her, I'm thinking about her or a way to see her, that beautiful smile she has. In school, I always could find her first in a crowd. I would always try and act like I Didn't know her because she hated me. Why did she act like she hated me then?
I remember in like the beginning of middle school we were starting to be friends. Then I caught wind of a rumor that she liked me. Let's just say I was pretty happy, till she started avoiding me all together. I just couldn't take not knowing any longer.
(Blair) "Why did you start advoiding me in middle school after?
We started becoming friends?" Alex blurts, I'm shocked, and first off, he noticed! "Because of that dumb rumor..." I bowed my head in shame. Hopefully he didn't make me say it, and then he quietly mumbles. "I heard it; I just thought you didn't care about kind of crap." As my ride pulled up, great timing...
On the way to the movies with Jess, it was quiet and I got to thinking. About my dad, friends, school, all of it. Before my dad's death I was just a girl no one really noticed me. But after, everyone felt like they knew me and had to make me feel better. The more people at me with that the more I shut everyone out. It wasn't hard, no one really knew what to say to help me or act normal. After I shut everyone out, I felt more alone because no one fought for me, like it was just easier if I was gone to them. Do I really know my so called 'best friend' that is sitting next to me?
On the way home from the mall, I was still thinking, I shut everyone out because I couldn't open up. But I feel like I can with Alex in a matter of seconds... "Why is Alex Cassidy waiting for me on your porch?" Jess finally asks.
First real thing she has said all night and that really pissed me off. "None of your damn business Jess." Storming out of the car, right up the porch and into Alex's open arms, and I lose it. I cry for what I've learned, lost, and slowly gaining. The best part was he didn't ask a single question, just hugs me and helps me inside'
(Alex)I don't know I just sat here, thinking on her porch for two hours. So when she finally gets home looking upset that was before they started snapping at each other. I couldn't hear what they said but I bet it was about me. What Jess said must have really hurt my pixie. She jumps out of the car and run straight into my arm. Which open happily for her, I hold her on her porch till Jess leave to make she doesn't make more of a scene. Finally I am able to help Pixi inside and onto the couch. She stops crying so we curl up and I turn on some old Christmas movie.
The perfect ending to my pre-Christmas Eve, plus this may give me a head start on my Christmas plans for the next two days. I wake up feeling someone on me; I'm confused for all of ten seconds. We fell asleep! Well noting its five am I'm going back to sleep, this is the best I've ever had.
(Blair) I wake up suddenly to the being slammed shut. Omg Alex is sleeping with his arm around me! With the TV still on there is no way we could hide. But still bets sleep ever had since last summer or even before. Sitting up to turn off TV, mom stormed into the living room! She looked about frozen in spot when she saw us. I know she was about to blow up, so I quickly wake up Alex... I whisper to him that she is watching us and that he needed to go but to wait for me on his porch to talk. After mom showed him out, the back door, why? She came back and just stared at me looking disappointed in me. But then some guy walked through the door. "Babe, what's taking so long?" Mom quickly hides me in the closest. "Sorry honey, I got distracted, let's go we don't want to be late for your parents' house." With that they left, knowing Alex is waiting for me. I brushed my hair and teeth, and cross the street.
(Alex) Holy crap! Her mom can be scary. But why did she make me leave out the back door? So I'm on my porch waiting for Pixi, her mom leave with this young guy. A few minutes later she comes out looking really upset, but still super cute. I'm feeling like cute isn't even good enough to say what she is!
Christmas Eve, Chapter Ten:
(Alex) The second she gets close enough she start ranting about her mother, and ends blurting that her mom is hiding that she is alive to her newest boy toy. I can't believe it, I know Pixi and her mom weren't close but what kind of parent hides there kid? "Hey Pixi, it is okay why don't you maybe spend Christmas with me and my family?" I ask hoping it with help her. "Omg I would love that but is it okay with your mom?" Pixi thinking of others before herself again, my mom does really like her already so. "Pixi its good, my mom really wants to get to know you better. Why don't you go get ready and I'll go get food ready?" She smiles, and then runs home to get ready. Now let's hope mom is already cooking. Thankfully she is already making eggs and bacon, plus she can't wait to really meet Blair.
"Mom be nice, and don't be embarrassing! I say this now she is not my girlfriend." Warning my mom of bad topics, "Don't ask about her family to please." She just laughs at me being so nervous about a girl, but she isn't just some girl, she is my Pixie. Before I can get down stairs my mom has already answered the door, so I give a quick "Hey Pixi," and half hug, even though I don't want to ever let her go. We finally all sit down to eat and its easy, the conversation is or I think so can't really pay attention to my mom when my pixie is right next to me. My mom kinds of both really funny because we both keep staring at each other when the others not looking, when I look this time her face is really blushed. I love it, I can't wait to make that face blush more, it is the cutest and sweetest thing I've ever seen! This time my mom can't stop herself and really does laugh at us, this make Pixi blush even more. So when she quietly asks to go to the bathroom I take the chance to talk to my mom, "Mom," I say in my strongest tone, "your Making Pixi uncomfortable." I don't know what's up with her because she starts laughing again. "Pixi, our in deeper than I thought, you are just like me. I always knew you would fall, and fall hard but I didn't think it would be with such a sweet girl!" mom giggled. I think that is a good thing but I'm not sure but I don't have much time to think be Pixi comes back into the room looking a lot less flushed, to say the least. Mom's boyfriend finally comes home; he is a fire fighter and was on call all night at the house. There is a good minute of uncomfortable kissing then everything continued like a normal family would have eaten together; I hope it was a nice change for Pixi.
(Blair) This has been one of the best and most confusing mornings I've ever had. I don't think I have ever blushed so had at just a look from his mom. It was just so knowing like she could read my thoughts about how sweet and cute his is, I wish it was always like this! I'm having such a good time I don't wanna go home and be alone anymore but I know I don't have any real friends at school, would Alex be my friend at school? I want to ask him but if he said no it would probably kill me. I'm scared because this the friend time in over a year I'm opening myself up to someone I trust and I have feel, very strong feelings that anything but just friends. But I'm nowhere near ready for that kind of relationship, doesn't matter Alex is a heart breaker and doesn't date ever, I mean beside random girls hanging all over him. I could never be that girl, I secretly wear my heart on my sleeve I couldn't handle it breaking again! I'm shaken out of my thoughts by Alex dragging me up stairs, I thought I was going to help with the dishes, I open my month but he cuts me off, "you don't wanna be in the kitchen when they start they start the dishes after him being out all night, it's not fun, trust me." He says like I don't completely do already. "I wish I could remember my parents being that way, just once. It was pretty, they were always fighting no one was happy. She was having another affair; he found out because she had taken his phone and left hers not knowing she did. He she all her texts months of them, not deleting them was like begging someone to find them." I mumble, totally losing my flitter.
(Alex) I don't think I've ever been so shocked at what came out of her pretty little mouth, I love that she feels so safe with me, and that she can openly talk about her parents. I still can't believe what she just said though; I thought her parents were madly in love that they put on in crowds and party.
"Dad loved her so much; all she ever wanted was more. I'm not good enough for ever and I am okay with that, I never want to keep wanting everything out of reach, it doesn't make sense. The guy today, I've seen him before about three months before dad died. I was home, I was meant to be at a party but I didn't want to so I stayed home, dad was out of town, mom thought no one was home. They were all over the house, she never knew I was there; it was the worst thing ever. But now I'm worried mom doesn't work but spends a ton, I don't know how much money we have left." She rants jut so openly I don't dare talk. "I'm sure you will be fine and you can always check it online Pixi." Did I ever say I really do love calling her that; it's the only real thing I own about her. I wish she was mine but I'm just her friend we could ever be more, yeah the great heart breaker got friend zoned, it sucks. I guess I believe my mom I'm falling hard, and it will hurt when she wakes and she'll see I'm not even good enough to be her friend. "Hey how about we watch a movie," I pat the spot next to me on the bed next to me, "come sit what to watch..."
(Blair) That was that, he just makes me feel so calm, that it how I spend the day curled up to his side, on his bed! Plus that is how his mom finds us when its dinner time, she just flat out laughs at us since we jump apart when she opens the door. Dinner is great; I don't mean the food just the chatting. I'm so used to being alone it's a great change but dinner is over and I don't want to leave. "Sweetheart, why don't you run home get a bag and spend the rest of break with us. We would love to have you here; we are completely okay with that whatever is going on between you and my son." His mom openly asks me, I see the shock and the worry cross his face as if I would say no. "Of course, I would to stay here. You have such a lovely house and family." I say being super polite. The look of happiness on Alex's face when I said yes was priceless!
(Alex) Did I ever say my mom is the best? First off she let Blair stay here on Christmas Eve, second she thought it was so cute that we were watching TV curled up on my bed. Then third she invited Pixi to stay here all break, openly saying she wanted us together! I want to jump up now and ask Pixi to home now and get a bag, but I don't do too much self-control! I let her settle in with my mom, they seem to get another really well. That makes me super happy, for one means she has a reason to come around more, plus she needs a mother even if it's not her own. I'm broken out of my thought when I see Pixi waving me over, maybe I should have been listening to them talk. "I'm having a great time with your mom but I'm ready to head over and pack a bag, want to walk me over? I hate being alone in that house." She whispers to me. Happy to finally have a few minutes just to us, we walk across the street hand in hand. She goes to unlock the door, but it is already. That's weird since Pixi went to unlock, showing she did lock it this morning. We open the door and are high alert when we that young guy from this morning starring at us in the hallway. What the hell is going on? Is all that keeps playing in my head, by the grip on my hand Blair she is thinking the same thing. That's when her mom comes high pitched scream when she sees us here, standing hand in hand in her hallway. "What are you doing here??" She screams at us, I swear I hear that guy offers to call the cops. This threw Blair of all of five seconds, "Why would you want to do that, Mom?" Blair spit out at her mom, like she was nothing but the dirt like the girls from school. "Well I just came to pick up some of my stuff because I found a place to stay for break, but now I never want to see you again, mother." She yelled then bragged us both up the stairs to her room. The second we got to her room she went into full on freak out.
(Blair) I can't believe what I just walked into, then stood up then stood up to her like! WHERE AM I GOING TO STAY? I didn't think that though, I can stay at Alex's for break but what after? I can't come back, of course I start pacing like normal when I freak out. "Hey calm down, it's okay! Why don't call my mom tell her what happened, I'm sure she will love to let you stay with us." That's exactly what happens when her call his mom, by the end of the call I swear she is basicity crying for me. "Pixi, she is fine, scratch that she won't let you stay anywhere else. I had to talk her out of coming over here and giving your mom a piece of her mind." With that I start laughing and jumping up to start packing. We finish packing just as my mom starts banging at the door tilling us we have five minutes before she really has her boyfriend call the cops. That's fair for even her right now! But I load Alex up with a bunch if bags I've packed for the move to his house.
Christmas Surprises, Chapter Eleven:
(Alex) When we came over here to get her stuff, I had no idea this would happen. As much as I hated, it would good for Pixi to let it out. Plus it means she is living in the same house as for the foreseeing future. When we get over to my house with her stuff my mom is running out of the house to give Blair a huge motherly hug! We get inside me and Dan bring Blair's stuff down to her new room in the basement much to my dislike. When I get to the girls they are curled up on the couch with hot chocolate, Pixi is explaining what has been happening for the past year between her and her mom, Beth. She confesses that she has seen this guy with Beth before her dad died. To just think how that hurt her seeing him again is killing me, so I'm crossing the room with Dan we each grab one of the two crying girls we care so much about. I'm so glad this is working out, my mom and Dan gives us a water smile before they head up for bed. We do the same but I take Pixi down stairs to her room, the only thing she does before she curls on her new bed. Is pull out one picture of her and her dad, puts it on her side table. Then pulls out a poster I didn't see and sits its up over her bed, it says:
At age five, she wanted to be a ballerina
At age eight, she wanted to be an astronaut
At age ten, she wanted to be a teacher
At age thirteen, she wanted to be a doctor
At age sixteen, she wanted to be dead
At age eighteen, she graduates high school
At age twenty two, she gets her college diploma
At age twenty four, she finds her career
At age twenty six, she whispers 'I do'
At age twenty eight, she holds her new born child
At age thirty, she wipes her tears and whispers ' I made it'
I can its hand painted, by the way she is staring at it I think its safe to say her dad made it for her. "This is the last art project he helped me with, it's my favorite. Mom hates it, I just get that moment." She whispers then she kisses my check goodnight and curls into bed. I'm left speechless again, I head up to my room only to be stopped my mom. "She has been though too much just to be another one of those girls you just let hang all over you. I know I said you were falling for her, I think you are but don't hurt her, she has already fallen for you. Don't take her out well your still falling, her heart is weak but you can be right there helping her, giving her strength." Mom says then just goes into her room for the night, not even giving me a chance to respond. So I whisper to no one really, "I would never hurt her; she is slowly becoming my world. I want nothing more than to let her take all of my strength just to take her pain." With that I'm finally able to go to bed, not that I get much sleep think about Pixi all night.
(Blair) I was thirsty, so I had gone back upstairs, only to hear Alex declare his feelings about me so clearly. It took all my will power not to going running straight into his arms.
[Next Morning] I wake up and I'm way hot, but when I open my eyes I'm not in my new basement room but. With realization I know im in Alex's room, I have no idea how. Last time I remember I was in my room having a really bad nightmare again, and then it was just gone. I must of slept walk to the nearest thing I knew that would calm me down or save me. With what I heard him say last night why wouldn't I want to run straight to him? HE isn't awake yet maybe I could sneak but down to my room. But then his grip on my waist tightens, of course I can leave him right now. But when the door comes bursting open with his mom looking completely worried. We both bolt up, this feels oddly similar. "Of course I should have checked here first for you, Blair there are some people are here to talk to you." Alex's mom says half laughing at us.
(Alex)I'm having the best dream, till mom burst through the door. Only to tell me that my dream wasn't fake, Blair did come into my room last night and curl up next to me. I'm really confessed about what my mom is talking about, no one knows she is staying her yet. So I get dressed, she cleans herself up and we head down stairs only to me meant by Police offers in my living room, why in the world are they here? "Don't be scared guys we just need to chat with you about what happened at you moms house last night dear," they say to Blair to in clinging to my side as if her life depended on it. To her it may have, her mom called the cops on us no one could ever get over that. "What do you need to know?" I ask knowing Blair doesn't want to respond quiet yet. "We got a call last, that two teens broke into the Heart's house and stole Blair's things, but we now know that isn't the case. Sweetie you need to tell us what really happened?" the nice lady asks Blair. "I went home last night with Alex, to get some of my stuff. We and my mom haven't been getting along so I was going to stay here for break. But when we got into the house, she was home with her boyfriend that didn't know about me, we got into a fight, and I told I never wanted to see here again, we went upstairs packed. About half way though she started banging on the door telling us we had five minutes before she would call you guys. We left the next minute and came straight over here. The Cassidy's have offered me the guest bedroom till I leave for school this summer." Blair finishes quietly. I think the police officer is stunned silent, to everyone else the Heart's always looked so perfect. "Thank you so much for telling us what really happened. If you want we can easily look into cutting off any legal ties you might have to your mother. When get got the call we looked into everything, your dad has tons of money that is just for you that Beth can't ever touch. As long as the Cassidy's Sign off on you living here. You can be free of her." The officer finally finishes, that's the best thing I've heard today. "I would love that, thank you so much! As long that is okay you guys." Pixi stops and looks at my mom who is smile is so wide, nodding yes so fast! I don't think my mom would let Pixi stay anywhere else. Still no matter how you look at it having cops your house on Christmas isn't fun. Me and Blair finally get a chance to really wake up and get ready for the day at noon. Of course it's already all over town about them being here about me and Pixi. I just hope everyone thinks I did something not Blair.
Christmas Love, Chapter twelve:
(Blair) This is a Christmas, I will probably never forget, first off it is the first Christmas since dad died. Then my first one with Alex and his lovely family, I can't wait to see what happens for dinner. I can't help but be a little worried about staying here; there is this whole unspoken thing with me and Alex. I'm really falling for him but I want to be able to hold myself up, before I let someone help. But I can't help but to think about what he said last night, I swear its running on repeat in my head. The way he said, I'm just like swoon! When I'm done with my shower and dressing in a nice dress, since we didn't have time to cook. Dan got us a table at the nicest place in town, it was dad's favorite place to eat, and mom hates it there. Why were they even together? She hated everything he did, from how he worked, to what he did with me. I miss going here, I can't wait to see it, and I heard they made some changes to the décor.
(Alex) Something has Blair excited when we all get into the truck; I really want to know what it is. "What has you so happy? We are just going to dinner." I whisper to her as I put my arm the back of her seat." We are going to my dad's favorite restaurant, I haven't been there in forever, and I heard they changed the décor." She giggles happily, did I ever say I love that sound, I wish I could bottle it. I can't keep having these thoughts now that she is legally living with us. I don't even know if she feels the same way I do, hell she could only see me as like a step brother now, that's worse then friend zoned. What if things didn't work if we did try to be together? Mom would kill me, Pixi would be killed, and have nowhere else to go. That thought alone scared me enough to keep my feelings hidden for a while. When we finally get to the restaurant, I see her jaw drop, I follow what she is looking at and I guess so do mom and Dan. We all gasp in shock; there is a corner of the dining area in honor of Blair's dad. "Blair!" the hostess says, "I'm so glad you're here; let me show you to your table." She leads us right to her dad's corner. "He loved this table, it was his favorite. We would wait an hour sometimes just for this table." She whispers to me as she holds my hand for dear life. I have never been here before, but when I see her eyes start to water when looking at the menu. When I see something called the Heart Special, it's just a classic burger; Blair's last name is heart. It must have been her dad favorite dish. "He always asked them to make him a classic burger, but they refused to add it to menu." She says quietly. "Well sweetheart, I think it is so great what they have done to remember you dad." My mom says being so supportive of Pixi. "You okay Pixi?" I whisper for only her to hear. She slowly nods but then excuses herself to go to the bathroom, I know this is probably over welled right now; I just don't like her being alone and upset. "Alex stay, just give her a few minutes to get herself together. We need to talk, last night if I stayed and gave you a chance to respond, what would you have said?" well crap I was hoping she wouldn't ask me. "Last night I would have said, I wouldn't do anything to hurt her. Now I will leave my feelings alone, because if things didn't work out she would have no one."
(Blair) No that's not what I wanted from him! Maybe he can keep his feelings in check, but I don't think I can. I want him to help me with every step I take. I know I said I should wait till I'm back on my feet, but why so I can leave myself open to be knocked back down without him helping to keep my up. Maybe living in the same house might be a little weird, but I can feel it in my soul, its calling for him. Plus with all the sweet touches he keeps making I don't know how I will last. I think it's time to try and test him, and his patience. So I finally stop ear dropping on them and return to the table. The rest of dinner was great but again I couldn't get what Alex said out of my head. Later that night, I'm laying in bed trying to sleep but having no luck. I can't get him out of my head, since I'm now living with him. What will people say, what if see a girl he brings home, would I be able to control my jealously?
I decided right there I wasn't going to lose him; I was going to make him have to have me the closest way possible as soon as possible!
Reality Sinks in, Chapter Thirteen:
(Alex) Winter break was great but a week locked in the house with Blair. Was really starting to test me, she loves to only walk around in shorts and tank all the time. We have been back to school for about a month now, it's been good. I wish Pixi was okay hanging out with me during school; she always just disappears at lunch. I start to worry maybe there is another guy; I have to quickly kill that thought because I couldn't handle it. Five minutes before class ends for lunch, I ask to go to the bathroom so I can wait outside of her classroom. "Hey Pixi," I say as she comes out of her class, with her head held high, I swear she does a double take to check that it's me. Like I would be here for anyone else, I already nicely told three to get lost today. "What are you doing, Alex?" She whispers like maybe I wouldn't want to be seen with her, but what if she doesn't want to be seen with me. "I was going to see if you wanted to get some lunch together, but if you don't want to that's fine." I mumble feeling really dumb. "Hey, of course I would love to get some lunch; I just thought you wouldn't want to be seen with me. I'm not really the type of girl you hang out with." She says looking down like she hates to say it. "But Guess what? You're the only girl I want to hang out with, all the time. So where for lunch? I was thinking maybe ditching the last to periods?" I ask hoping she says yes. She burst out laughing, saying of course she is tired of being stared at too.

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