11- Stormy night

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Here's a short and wholesome oneshot :)

This one won't take place through a traveller-point-of-view.

You're just you in this one.

And, you can imagine him to be Wanderer, or Scaramouche. Doesn't really matter in this oneshot.


Thunder was roaring outside. It was a dark, cold and windy night.

Nights like these often scared you. Mostly because you feared your house blowing away, due to the strong wind. You weren't the richest person in teyvat after all; Your house didn't have a strong foundation, it was nothing but sticks and stones. You couldn't afford to buy a nice, comforting home.

But tonight, was different.

That fear no longer engulfed you.

Perhaps it was because he was with you.

Right next to you.

His embrace washed away all your fears. You felt like you had nothing to worry about, now that he was here, holding you, assuring your safety. His right arm held your body close to his, and his left snuggled your head into his shoulder.

It felt like, a protective shield. It felt as though, even if your roof fell on you, you'd still be safe.

He whispered into your ear;

"One day, we'll move out of here; We can buy a new home, one that's stronger than this. We can live peacefully there. As long as you don't betray me."

"We can live, in peace."

His voice was calming.

You hugged his waist tighter, as though you were trying to assure him that you wouldn't betray him, and that you and him would one day move out, and live in a new, peaceful home.

He understood this, and smiled.

Although you couldn't see it, you could feel it.

That unseen smile brought you so much comfort, that it wasn't long before you were completely unaffected by the incessant roaring of lightning, slowly drifting to sleep, in your lover's embrace.


very short chapter but i hope it was to your liking!


[WANDERER x fem!reader] Oneshots+HeadcannonsWhere stories live. Discover now