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It was dark outside by the time they boys were done hanging out. They ordered food and played games lightening Felix's mood completely.

Chan still hasn't comeback meaning was still working in the studio. Changbin had convinced Felix that to build up the confidence and go see Chan. The male was probably so consumed into the music he hasn't even looked at a clock or eaten.

"Bring him this left over pho to make him happy." Changbin laughed as he saw Felix out.

"The rest of you better leave to." He jokingly said to the members not belonging to the dorm.

Felix put his hood up as he walked to the studio. It was only a few blocks away and made for an excellent night walk. He loved how it wasn't crowded. Nobody would stop and recognize him, no cameras following him, he felt normal. It was nice to feel the cool night wind graze his face instead of being blocked by a stuffy mask.

Once Felix got to the studio he started to feel nervous, that built up confidence slowly dwindling. He went up the elevator and arrived at the floor the small recording room was located in. He knocked on the door before opening it.

He opened the door to find a passed out Chan, his hands still on his mini key board and head tilted up. The sight was funny to say the least.

Felix inched in carefully, placing the pho next to his laptop and admiring Chans sleeping situation. Felix soft poked the males nose making Chans eyes squint but not open. Felix laughed silently and took a photo for himself of course before trying to wake him.

"Wakey wakey Channie. I brought you food." Felix said im a low voice as he gently shook the olders shoulder. Chan slowly blinked awake, his eyes meeting with Felix's.

"Oh hey Felix...wait why are you here!" Chan said jolting up and fixing his posture feeling embarrassed being caught sleep in such a position.

"You've been here all day so I came to see if you were still alive. Also I brought you food you probably haven't eaten." Felix said pointing at the bowl of pho that's probably on the cooler side by now.

Chan smiled, happy that his favorite food was brought to him. After feeling down all day he really needed this.

"Thanks a lot Lix." Chan smiled, his dimples on full display and he started to dig in.

Felix watched as he ate, playing with the rings on his hand feeling a bit nervous about bringing up the subject.

"So. We have that interview with Eric tomorrow...you ready?" Felix asked peaking through his bangs.

Chan paused on eating and turned his chair to face Felix completely.

"I'll do whatever as long as you're okay with it. If you want we don't even have to announce this fake relationship until you're ready, I'll take the blame." Chan said placing a hand on his chest.

Felix shook his head at the males words and smiled, "You sound like the one that isn't comfortable. Don't worry about me okay I'm totally fine with this! It's only three months right? Let's just try and sell it the best we can okay?" Felix said as he reach over to grab Chans hand in which the older happily held back.

Chan pulled Felix in for a hug, the younger falling into Chans lap in the process. His face turned bright red and he didn't want Chan to see it. He buried his face into Chans hoodie as he hugged the male back. It always felt like home when he being embraced by Chan. After a bit they pulled away and looked at each other from a safe distance, Felix still sitting on Chans lap.

Chan looked down and laughed at the position they were in. "Maybe we should just act naturally and it'll look like we're in a relationship." Chan joked as he held Felix's waist.

"Want me to sit on your lap the whole interview?" Felix retorted with a smirk on his face.

"Maybe I do! But in all seriousness we should do subtle skin ship. Like I can hold your hand, fix your hair, hold your thigh." Chan listed stuff off quickly demonstrating each thing. To Chan this might have been nothing but to Felix, his heart was doing cartwheels.

"Okay okay! I get it stop teasing me." Felix said getting up from Chans lap.

"Are you gonna stay here or do you want to head back together? You need to rest you know."

"I'll stay for awhile more, don't worry about me okay." Chan said reassuringly making Felix nod.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." Felix smiled and waved before leaving for his dorm room. The whole walk back he couldn't get that warm feeling of sitting in Chans lap out of his mind. Now that they were fake dating he could get away with doing that, get away with hugging him whenever he wanted, maybe they would even get to kiss...

"Get your head out of the gutters!" Felix said to himself smacking both his cheeks together. Tomorrows interview would be the start of something of a fake relationship, but the beginning of Felix's attempt to win over Chans heart.

A/n: Do you guys see part 5 and 6?

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