11 | The Guili Assembly

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4,099 years ago

With four gods overseeing its expansion, the Guili Assembly doesn't take long to build upon. In the end, we named the plains after the assembly as well. Marchosias was beyond excited to have more people to share his recipes with, red eyes bright with the possibilities. The people were confused by all that was happening but were happy to have more fertile land to farm. Marchosias and I worked together to aid in the building of houses.

"This should gooo, right about...here!" The ginger god hefted the wood that would make the back wall of this house into place. I stepped back and inspected his work as he grinned up at me. I nodded and gave him the okay. It was endearing to see so many of the mortals staring at us in wonder, their children, too shy to come out, hid behind their legs.

Marchosias stayed behind to greet the children, his appearance much less intimidating than mine. I carefully weaved through the groups of people. Guizhong had said she'd be announcing something to the people of the Guili Assembly later today. Morax had disappeared off somewhere claiming that he was getting polearms made for the two of us to spar with. To be honest, I wasn't completely excited to fight him because I just knew he was going to beat my ass for the times I'd teased him.

"Guizhong, there you are," I said upon catching sight of her standing at the entrance to the assembly. She jumped, surprised by my quiet approach. Lei-Li's fast asleep in her arms, snoring gently. I laughed at her expression and smiled at her. "I was going to ask what it was that you'd be announcing today, but it looks like you're occupied." She waved my concern off.

"I can tell you now, she's completely knocked out," Guizhong said as she walked over to the makeshift bed she had for Lei-li. "I've written down four commandments on jade tablets that I'm going to place down for the people to live by. I think it's the surest way to get them to live peacefully."

"Oh?" I said, curious. "Can I read them? You've piqued my interest." She smirked at me and I knew immediately that she wouldn't be telling me anything until the time was right. I huffed and gave her puppy dog eyes in an attempt to persuade. She simply threw her hands up, not offering me an ultimatum. I rolled my eyes at her and relented.

I always lost to her when it came to things like, not that I minded. I could accept loss when it came. Unlike a certain someone. Guizhong and I settled down beside Lei-Li's cradle. She handed me a chili-minced cornbread bun. Seemed like Marchosias had gotten ahold of a stove somewhere. The two of us ate in silence, watching as Marchosias entertained the children. Doing this gave me the feeling that we were like some sort of weird family. I enjoyed this a little too much than I probably should've.

Once we finished eating, Guizhong decided to move Lei-Li further into the settlement. There was a tent that we'd set up to oversee construction that also doubled as a home when we were down here. "Where'd Morax run off to, now?" questioned Marchosius. He was covered head to toe in flowers gifted to him and he didn't seem to mind one bit. "I haven't seen him since midday."

Guizhong smirked at me. "He and Aphelion are supposed to be sparring today, he's gone off to get their weapons."

I groaned and covered my face with my hands. I'd been trying to avoid thinking about it again. I threw her the stink eye but nodded to confirm her words. "I told him I didn't have a weapon and the blockhead went off and got me a polearm made." I was admittedly bitter about it too. I wasn't avoiding fighting him, I swear. I totally didn't lie about not having a weapon either. Yeah, let's hope he never finds out about that.

"Hopefully he's back before I show the people my command-"


The three of us whipped around to see Morax had landed on the ground behind us. Two polearms were strapped to his back and covered in black fabric. The one that was sitting on his back awkwardly was obviously mine since someone his height could not wield it efficiently. Someone kindly end my suffering right here and now. Couldn't this wait, say, a thousand years longer? He gave me a dirty look. "Oh, so I'm a blockhead?"

𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐞Where stories live. Discover now