He shuts the bedchamber door, and I'm not sure if I'm ready to open the next. I hate change, and this single moment is changing every aspect of my future. But I don't have a choice. So I move forward - while the guard shadows me, giving me enough space to hide the goodbyes that cannot be said tracing down my cheekbone.
The candles only illuminate certain sections of the brown floor. I pace slowly in the poorly lit hallway, afraid that I might trip and make a fool of myself while going down the twirled stairway to the end of the tower.
At the bottom, I meet my official Guard – (decently dressed with a black armour from head to toe) - and he opens the first of five doors keeping me from harms way. I smile, ogling at his hidden features, trying to guess what he must look like underneath the mask. He isn't allowed to say anything. So I don't attempt to converse, and recall my mother's words: "the heart is sinful."
"The flesh is weak," she'd continue. "Temptation is the ruin of most princesses." She badgered me with her non-required advice. However, I feel like she'd made a good point - since I'm constantly looking over my shoulder to check if the handsome guard is watching me.
And I recite Prince Riedas name in my head, for good measure, as if it could help me feel less guilty for already betraying him.
As I meet with a third masked-guard, I nod once, to assert my gratefulness, hoping that he understands me. Then I walk to the next of five empty hallways following a lengthened brown carpet. Leading me onward, as I mimic the same appreciative gesture of bobbing my head to anyone who crosses my path.
But none of the shadowed men respond, with the exception of the last guard who unlocks the fifth door of my confinement and whispers: 'we wish you every joy.'
I'm proud for his bravery and stop to bow as low as I can - in my mother's atrocious dress. I say - 'thank you', and hurry to leave, to avoid getting him into any trouble in case my father's guard has a big mouth.
Inside the first antechamber, I start to feel a little less nervous, and rather relieved. Yes, this is goodbye. But, I'm glad that my loneliness has ended. 'Please, follow me.' The guard guides me onward, turning into a lobby - with paintings of my ancestors hanging on every wall. The biggest is of a giant wolf howling ahead of a half-built Sumixamham Palace. Misses Famiglia (my tutor) instructed that all Kings added a new level of sophistication into the castle's build to elucidate their knowledge in Architecture. But none has excelled like my father. He spent a fortune in the exterior Gardens. Kitchens. Bathrooms.
Sumixamham Palace is a masterpiece of a newly discovered material called: glass. I've only seen it in my small window up in my Tower. My main domains have always been behind five doors, and a hidden garden on the rooftop. So it'll be nice to find out how else glass can be used, as the remainder of the Palace is a mystery to me. I haven't had the chance to explore anywhere else. And I'm in awe of how high the ceilings can reach. But aggrieved that I won't have the opportunity to acquaint myself with a property that by law will belong to me.
'Where are we going?' I ask.
The guard steps backward, to stand side-by-side, while fixing a chunk of hair behind both ears. He draws a breath, stares at me. I look down embarrassed.
And he says - 'to the Crystal Court of Judgement.'
'Oh,' I say, and I turn around to hide my excitement.
Misses Famiglia, also taught me about each hidden and non-hidden domain in the castle. In fact, I should know where I'm going right now – since I've memorized every nook and space in the drawn mappings she'd shown me . I've wasted numerous hours – imagining how I would furnish each bedroom, the dining area. The nursery. And mostly, I've longed to visit The Crystal Court of Judgement, where my father evaluates his subjects and casts judgement.
Today I will bow before my King in his highest supremacy. Then, according to Misses Famiglia - I'm meant to walk out the Golden Gate – to meet and greet the population of Sumixam. 'Wonderful,' I say as I take a step forward and notice that the guard is still gawking me. I smile shyly, somewhat reciprocating the gaze. Awestruck by his stunning face. He has a freckle on his bottom lip, a dimple in the centre of his chin. He seems nervous. 'Shall we?' I ask, hardening my face while gesturing that he should to go ahead of me, as it is required. I cannot carry on behaving this way every time I see a handsome man. Prince Rieda, Prince Rieda - I'm determined to focus elsewhere and fix my eyes on the guards' boots, without noticing where I am going, as I follow the sound of his heavy footsteps. We walk past a lot of doors, a tunnel and rush through several dull hallways, without much decoration to cheer up the spaces.
Then suddenly he halts his feet, and I smash my body against his. 'My apologies,' I say, jumping aback, away from him.
He turns around reaching out his arms, but withdrawals himself the moment he realizes who I am. 'Are you alright?' he asks.
'Yes, quite alright; I apologise...'
'Princess, you don't need to apologise,' he interrupts me with a sudden concern in his eyes. 'Or to anyone.'
I nod in agreement and look around, noticing that this antechamber is fancier than the others. With light stone floorings, high walls, a side table with a bunch of red flowers dropping downward from a vase. I take a step further to observe my Father's lifesize statue. Standing in the centre of the room; while holding a sword in an outright position, with an authoritarian expression suitable for a man with no scruples and too many enemies. If I were a criminal, I'd be terrified of seeing the real King.
Behind the statue, there are guards lurking in every dark corner. None of which are wearing masks, and sports my escorts brighter armour. I feel vulnerable. Nervous. And I wish I had a solitary moment to exhale some anguish. 'The King awaits behind these doors,' my primary guard announces.
I turn around, as a knot crawls up my throat, and I glance behind him, scrutinizing a gigantic translucent door. I can somewhat see undefined shapes, colours, and I wonder who else could be in there. Perhaps my nine siblings are here to say goodbye? Maybe our mother is standing by their side, a nervous wreck, as I am, waiting to kiss her eldest daughter. 'Can I assist you with anything else Princess?'
'I...I'm...' I blink to reconnect with the guard.
'Princess?' he asks.
'Don't worry, it's only the King,' he says as if mentioning father's title could comfort me.
'Yes, yes, of course,' I say with a smile. 'Thank you for your services.'
'It has been a pleasure.' We gawp at each other's eyes for a quick instant. And I feel attractive. Heavens, is this what people do when they flirt? I cough to break the connection. I shouldn't let any indulgent thoughts enter my head. I belong to Prince Rieda.
'Brace yourself, it's bright in there,' he advises, curtsies, and steps to the side. He doesn't wish me luck, nor tells me that I'm fortunate. He doesn't mention my blessed fiancé. He only smirks beneath the bearded wig.
I bow my head, pressing my hands against the dress to rid a few wrinkles, as he opens the doors without a screeching sound, perfectly uniform. And I wait for the announcement of my name and titles, twisting the chunky ring with my thumb. 'Princess Ariella Of Sumixam, and heir to our beloved King Thomasine of Sumixam.'
'Go on,' the guard whispers, and I give him a side-glance while mentally saying goodbye to the first young man that I have ever seen. I hope I get to meet him again.