Chapter 9

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~Harry's P.O.V~

"HARRY WAKE UP!" I hear someone yell and shove me until I'm fully awake. I jump up and look at Louis desperately. "She was here last night but she's gone and she said that she's never coming back! Did she call you saying where she was or maybe-...". "Harry!" Louis cut-me off, "She's still in a coma, she never came over. It was just a dream" Louis looked at me sadly. "No but she told me so many things and she kissed me and everything was just so real!" I said frantically. "Okay but do not tell Erica about this because she will freak out" Louis said then he turned away and went to the kitchen. Am I going crazy? I am positive that I saw her.

**3 Weeks later**

"So what movie do we watch?" Amanda asked as we were getting prepared for our movie night. "Toy Story!" Liam yelled. "No! We watched it last week!" I laughed. "There are three of them" Erica quoted. "Oh god!" Zayn sighed. Since the incident, Zayn and I started talking again. Maybe less than before but it will come back eventually. We are all still shocked about Alexia being in the hospital but there is nothing we can do. She is still in a coma and we don't know how long it's going to last. I hope that she will come back before we go on tour. Shit! Tour is in a month. I'm excited but worried about leaving Alexia here. "Harry! What do you think?" Louis said and snapped his fingers in my face. "Oh yeah sorry. What?" I asked. "You have been zoning out a lot. Is everything okay?" Liam asked. "Yeah I'm fine" I lied straight through my teeth. I noticed that Louis saw that I lied but he didn't say anything. "We are watching The Ugly Truth, is that okay with you?" Louis changed the topic. That was Alexia's favorite movie. We had watched it together in my room once. It was about 2 days before the accident. She was all cuddled up with me and our hands were perfectly entwined. I loved hearing her laugh. It made me so happy when she laughed because it showed me that she was happy. "Yeah that's fine" I answered blankly. I sit beside Zayn on the couch. He leans towards me and whispers "That was her favorite movie". "I know" by that time I was silently crying. Tears were running down my eyes constantly. In the corner of my eye, I see Erica notice me. She quietly gasps and comes in front of me. She goes on her knees and puts her hand on my shoulder. I slowly slip to the ground and Erica gives me a hug. I cry on her shoulder not caring about if anyone saw me cry. Everyone had noticed what was going on but they weren't saying anything. "Maybe you should just go to sleep and tomorrow I'll drive you to the hospital" Erica pulled me back and smiled at me. I got up and went to my bed. Maybe I should just forget about the fact that she's in the hospital. With that thought, I drifted off into a deep sleep.

*4:32 am*

I wake up to my phone ringing and vibrating. I grab it off the charger and answer without looking at how it was. "Hello?" I answered. "Yes hi, this is Dr.Clarke, I am Mrs.Styles' doctor. Is this Mr.Styles?" he asked. I jumped from my bed fully-awake. "Yes it is. Is there a problem with Alexia?" I asked worriedly. "No, it is just to inform you that Mrs.Styles has woken up from her coma. The only problem is that she only remembers some parts from the last month to now. Her memory will slowly come back to what it was before" he informed me. I was so happy that not only had she woken up but she remembers me! "Thank you so much Mr.Clarke and is there a way that I can speak to her right now?" I asked. "Sure thing Mr.Styles". About a minute later, I heard sounds of machines in the background. "Harry?" I heard Alexia ask. "Hello love, how are you feeling?". "I'm good I guess" she answered. "So, um, the doctor says that I only remember some parts from the past month...are we, um, you" she asked shyly. "No we are not but it was very close though" I laughed. "Oh okay" she giggled. I could just imagine her blushing right now. "Can you bring me some real food tomorrow? Cause the food they tried to give me is horrible!" she laughed trying to change topic. "Of course!". We talked and laughed for about 15 minutes. I told her that she should rest and that we would see each other the next day.


I had informed everyone about the call that had happened last night. Louis isn't convinced that it had actually happened. He thinks that it was just one of those dreams I've been having. When we got to the hospital we all went to Alexia's room. She was casually playing Angry Birds on her phone. When she saw us, she smiled as if nothing had ever happened. She was so happy to see us. We all sat around her bed and started talking to her. "So what was it like being in a coma?" Niall asked curiously. "Niall!" Amanda slapped him across the head. "It's okay..." Alexia laughed, "Well it felt like you were just sleeping but you were dead and alive at the same time. Part of me thought that I was going to die. Though I do remember a dream that I had. I came into Harry and Louis' flat and Harry was sleeping on the couch. When I closed the front door, Harry saw me and was really happy and confused. Then I just remember telling him to be happy and to forget about me and yeah, its was really scary!".

I froze as she finished telling her dream. She noticed my reaction and looked at me quizzically. Everyone turned around and looked at me. I looked at Louis to see his reaction. He was also shocked by her dream. "Oh my god it was real!" I exclaimed. Louis looked at me wide-eyed. "What was real?" Erica asked with a hint of disappointement. "I had the same dream and I told Louis but he didn't believe me" I answered. "And you didn't tell me?" Erica said pissed. "Erica don't worry about it! It's not a big deal anyways!" Alexia chirped in. Erica shrugged and changed topic. "So what else did you dream about?" she asked. Alexia looked very uncomfortable. "I don't know there was this random guy but I wasn't sure who it was" she said confused. Erica's face went blank. I could tell that by the look on her face, she knew who this mystery guy was. Her face became really pale. "It's okay. I'm sure it's no one" she reassured Alexia. But I could see that she clearly lied and that something wasn't right.

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