Chapter 21: Part 2

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~Louis P.O.V~

Since we were in L.A. they were so many things we could do but the one I chose is probably the best for me and Amanda's relationship status right now. "I still can't believe that you're my fiance!" I said as we were driving to the surprise location. "Is that a good thing?" she asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Of course! Wow! You actually thought that I was hesitant about this? No way! I asked you to marry me before I asked you to be my girlfriend!" I said as we both started to laugh. "You're crazy Lou!" she giggled.We stopped at a light so I took her hand and smiled widely. "Yeah, I'm crazy about you" I said as I winked and gave her a kiss. She blushed and gave my hand a little squeeze.

"I love you" she giggled."Me too" I said as I squeezed her hand back. " where are we going again?" she asked. "To th- I don't know!" I said as I was about to reveal my surprise. She giggled and rolled her eyes. About a half hour later, we arrived at our destination. Amanda had somehow fell asleep so that gave me a better chance of hiding our location.

As I stopped the car, Amanda woke up. She looked at me and blushed "Sorry for falling asleep. I had to deal with Ariana last night...not that it's a bad thing. She was just so mad and everything. And the fact that she is pregnant is not helping her mood!" she laughed. "Whoa! I didn't know she was pregnant!" I said shocked. "Surprise!" she said sarcastically. "It's Zayn's right?" I asked.

She looked at me shocked "Of course! Ariana is not a slut!". "No I didn't mean it that way!" I say feeling stupid. Way to ruin the date Louis! Good job, I should give myself a pat on the back for that. Amanda just stayed silent and looked around. "So where are we?" she asked awkwardly. "I have a surprise for you!" I say excitingly. I get out of the car and go around to open Amanda's door.

"Okay so you have to close your eyes!" I say and she does so.I put a bandanna so she can't peek and we started walking up a mountain. "You didn't tell me we where going to exercise!" she laughed. "No, just wait!" I laugh. About 15 minutes later, we finally made it up the mountain. I had put a blanket on the ground and a basket with Amanda and I's favorite foods.

"Okay open your eyes!" I say as I take the bandanna off. She gasps and squeals at the view "Oh my god I've always wanted to come here!". We were on the mountain where the 'HOLLYWOOD' sign was. The sun was coming down so the sky was a perfect shade of orange, pink, and purple.

"Thank you Louis! You are so cute!" she says as she comes towards me and kisses me. Then I took my phone and put "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol. I put my phone on the ground and looked at her. "Let's have our first dance" I smiled and put my arms around her waist as she puts her arms around my neck. We just swayed back and forth to the lovely music and that's when everything hit me.

I just love it when she kisses me; because now that we are engaged, the kisses feel so much more grown up, showing actual love and compassion for one and another. I honestly couldn't of asked anyone better than her. I love the fact that we didn't rush our relationship. We got to know each other properly then became best friends, and everything just seemed perfect with her.

She understood me and supported me through everything. It's like we were meant to be for each other. Every time she laughed or smiled towards me, I felt happy or relieved. I don't know how to explain it. She showed me parts of myself that I never saw before. She showed me what is was to feel loved, needed, and appreciated. That's why I fell in love with my best friend.


~Zayn's P.O.V~

"What the fuck have I done?! I'm such a screw up! My pregnant girlfriend tried to help me and instead of being thankful, I just fuck shit up!" I told myself and I walked around the hotel room. I just had to see her and make everything go right. I got in my car and drove to the beach house. Once I arrived, I jumped out of the car and sprinted inside the house.

Ariana was just there on the couch with a tub of ice cream in her hands as she was watching a movie. She jumped as she saw me in the room. "What the fuck are you doing here?!" she says pissed.

"Ariana, please forgive me! I was really stupid! I've thought about everything you've said and I should've accepted the help. It was really selfish of me to refuse without thinking of not just my future but yours and the baby. I know I fucked shit up and I will do anything! I swear, I will do anything for you. I don't want to lose you and I want that child to have the best life any parents can possibly give. Please! I want to change not only for me but for everyone around me! I love you and I can't lose you like this!" I say desperately as tears are threatening to spill Ariana's and I's eyes. 

Ariana sighs and just looks at the ground. "I don't know Zayn! Part of me wants you so badly and the other is uncertain. What makes me believe that you will actually stop the drugs? What makes me believe that...ugh!" she says and sighs. She walks up to me and just looks at me with sadness and guilt written on her face. We both shot up to each other and started kissing.The kiss was full of sadness and regret.

Tears were coming down her cheeks as we kissed. She pulled back and I took her hand. "Please come back to me. I need you!" I said as one tear came down. She wiped it away and gave me a sad smile. "I'm not leaving you. You need help and I'm gonna be here for you but only as long as you promise me that you will change for the better" she said. I nodded and kissed her once again. 

After a while of talking on the couch, Ariana looked at me with a big smile. "So!...we have to pick a name for the little baby in here!" she giggles as she points to her stomach. "What were you thinking about?" I asked. "Well for a boy I would name him Xavier...and for the girl, I would name her Hope" she says happily. "That's cute. So for a girl I would name her Ziana, it's our names put together, I think it's cute. And for a boy I like that name Xavier" I chuckle.

Ariana gaps and coo's at the name "Ziana is so cute! Ziana Hope Malik!" she squeals excitingly. "I want a girl just for that now!" she giggles. She stops when she sees the huge smile on my face. "What?" she asks confused. "You're considering to put Malik as the last name?" I say with a huge grin. She rolls her eyes and chuckles "Yeah I guess so!". "Thank you" I randomly say and then she continues babbling about baby names. "Xavier Javadd Malik?" she asks.

"Yeah that's good but maybe you should put your brothers name as the child's middle name" I say as she looked at me stunned. "Um okay so Xavier J. Malik? His name starts with a J anyways so let's just put J for my brothers name and your middle name! Okay? Okay!" she says quickly as I can feel she is uncomfortable talking about her brother. "Whatever you want" I laugh. 

I look at her to see tears coming down her cheeks. "You miss him don't you?" I say sadly. She looks at me with a sad smile and nods. "He would be so happy about all of this..." she says as tears start coming down faster. I take her hand and say "Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near...please don't cry Ariana I'm sure he's looking down on you happy that you are living happily now" I say and hold her in my arms as she quietly sobs.

I start singing Moments softly. Once I finished, soft snores came from her mouth. I chuckled and layed my eyes. Soon enough, we were both asleep in each others arms.

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