Chapter 7

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I stir when I hear the bell ringing. Groaning, I get into a sitting position. I feel more sick. My headache is somehow worse than earlier. Plus I have a runny nose as well. The bell rings again. It must be Chloe.

She must be here to take me out again. She always does this. Showing unannounced and then dragging me to explore new places with her. But today, I can't. My whole body aches and I feel terribly sick.

I trudge towards the door and without looking at the person behind the door, I start speaking, well more like mumble.

"I can't go out today. I feel really sick."

"Is the headache still bad?", a deep manly voice demands suddenly.

All at once, the fog in my brain disappears and I remember that I had to go to dinner with Christian. I open my eyes to look at him. And there he is, well dressed impeccably in a black suit.

God, he looks handsome.

Shock, I close the door on his face and lean against it. How could I forget?! I catch my reflection in the mirror and cringe. I look like a homeless person. My hair is in a really messy bun and hair is all around my face. My nose is red like a clown. My clothes are too large for me and my face still looks sleepy and like a mess.

At this point, it's whatever. If he wants to marry me, he might as well start getting acquianted with this look of mine. It's a signature of mine.

Straightening my posture, I open the door again and he looks at me with amusement.

"Did you thought it was someone else?", he asks, his lips twitching into a small smile.

"Yes", I open the door wider. "Come in."

Christian bends slightly so that he can enters properly. The doorframe is small for him. He walks in and he looks tall and huge in my small living room.

"Can't believe I'm letting a stranger in my house", I murmur to myself while blowing my nose but apparently he hears me.

"Not for long."

"You didn't take your medication", he states further while looking at the couch.

I had thrown the package there earlier when I came home and it's still unopen.

"I fell asleep", I tell him. "Give me a few minutes, I'll get ready quickly."

"You don't have to go if you don't feel well", his gaze roams on my face. "We can have dinner here."

I almost sigh with relief infront of him. Thank God, he is so understanding. I was dreading to leave the house in this state. I feel and look like crap.

Christian starts removing his jacket. I stare at him. "What are you doing?"

"Making dinner", he says a bit too casually. "Where's the kitchen?"

"There's actually no need for that", I add quickly because there are no groceries at home. "I can order if you want."

"Sure", he gives me a weird look and removes his phone. "I'll order it."

"Great", I blurt and stand like a fool.

My phone starts ringing and I dash in my room quickly. It's Chloe. She's inquiring how I am feeling because I recall telling her that I am sick when she had called in the morning. We speak for a while before I end the call. I return in the living room and find Christian still standing near the window with his hands in his pockets.

"Will you drink something?", I ask.

"No thank you", he looks at me.

He is still so handsome. Just like I remember.

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