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It's been days and that stupid blonde boy from the library won't leave my mind.

Why do I keep thinking about him?? I doubt we'll even interact much after what already happened. I need to focus on getting ready for school.

Today I had an afternoon class, so I was able to sleep in, thankfully. I decided I would just show up in my pajamas, why not? It's not like anyone would care, it's college. People show up in pajamas all the time.

After getting "ready," I left my dorm, walking through campus to get to my class. I wasn't wearing anything fancy, just fluffy pj pants with an oversized zip-up hoodie that was coming slightly off my shoulder. I wasn't really wearing a shirt under that, so my shoulder was bare and very visible. Not that I cared.

When I arrived on campus and had made it to my class, I found out that I was actually quite early today, and I ended up being one of the first ones in the room. Not even the professor was here yet.

I noticed maybe 3 other people there throughout the giant lecture hall, two I didn't really recognize. Then, I noticed a head of blonde.

It couldn't be him... Could it?

I wasn't really sure until he must've felt my eyes burning through the back of his head, and he turned to look at me. I smiled at him a bit and waved, turning to look away since I was embarrassed that I was caught staring.

The floor was Very interesting to me until I felt someone sit beside me and place their things on the shared desk/table thing. Whipping my head up to see who was sitting beside me, I smiled as I saw that it was my best friend, Joshua.

"Hey, you're here early." He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, for some reason I was actually prepared today." I shrugged, pulling my legs up onto my seat so I was more comfortable. I then proceeded to stare at the blonde across the room as I was doing before.

Joshua caught this, and followed my eyes to also look at the guy. He seemed confused. "What's wrong?" He turned to look at me and I blushed when I realized he caught me staring. This must've made something click in his head, as he gasped and hit my arm playfully.

"Y/n~! Do you have a thing for him??"

"A thing for who!?"

"A thing for Seonghwa!!"

I shushed Joshua quickly since he was being Way too loud and I was not trying to risk anyone catching us talking. He laughed at how embarrassed and panicky I seemed.

"Oh my god, you totally do. When did this happen?" He rested his chin on his hand, looking at me intently. He wanted to know All the details.

I took a sip of my drink I had brought into class before responding to my best friend.
"Yesterday... At the library..."

The little Fruit Joshua smirked at me when I responded, which confused me. "What??"

"You wanna know more about him, don't you?" He asked this as if he was bribing me. I sighed heavily and rested my own head on my knees that were pulled up to my chest.


Shua looked back over at Seonghwa to see if he was looking before looking back towards me. "Okay, so, his name is Park Seonghwa, he's a member of this really underground group called Ateez."

I raised an eyebrow at this, intrigued.

"Ateez? What's that?"

Joshua rolled his eyes when I asked this. "It started off as a dance group, but now they sing too. They're competing against my group in this upcoming event."

This intrigued me even more.

"He's an idol?? Really??" I asked, lowkey shocked that a guy I just casually met at the library is famous. Shua raised an eyebrow.

"You act like your best friend isn't?"

I laughed at his reply.


We then continued to chat about random things until another person came to sit beside Joshua.

"What're you guys talking about?"

I looked past my best friend to see who the person was, but rolled my eyes when I found out it was his boyfriend, Seungcheol.

"Nothing... Just Y/n's Massive crush on Seonghwa." Joshua smiled at his boyfriend when he saw him, giving him a little kiss on the cheek. This made me fake-gag.

Seungcheol looked across the room and noticed Seonghwa, who was now apparently talking to someone else. "Him?" I nodded, trying not to look, but the temptation gave in, and I looked anyways. I raised an eyebrow at the other guy who was there.

"Who's that with him?" I asked, looking at Seungcheol.

The taller of the two narrowed his eyes as he responded. "That's Kim Hongjoong, the leader of Ateez."

I looked "Hongjoong" up and down, trying to analyze him. He looked pretty nice? But then again, Seungcheol seemed like he didn't like him very much.

I was curious, so I asked. "Do you not like him or something?"

Seungcheol seemed to get fired up by that question, so Joshua placed a hand on his thigh to ground him. He replied instead.

"Ever since last year's MAMA awards, Seungcheol's had beef with Hongjoong because Seventeen came in second with Ateez in first even though they cheated."

This made me narrow my eyes as well and turn back to look at the two members of Seventeen's rival group. I couldn't help but feel a little cold towards them because of what they did to my close friends.

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